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I've been reading up on these new cut backs about having bedrooms that aren't being used, their was a woman on The Wright Stuff yesterday saying her son was at Uni and she had been told that his room was to be counted as not being used

My daughter is hopefully going to Uni in Sept and I wondered if her room would be counted as 1 too many, i've found all different answers on the net, so does anyone know anything about this, it's not like she's left home for good, she will still be coming home and if she gets into Birmingham Uni then she will probably be home more often


Any info would be great

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It's not been fully sorted out yet - everybody's a bit confused!


Welfare Bill: MPs overturn Lords defeat on spare rooms

Commons chamber and Lords chamber The Bill has been back and forth between the two Houses of Parliament

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MPs have voted to overturn Lords' call for changes to the controversial plans for a so-called "bedroom tax", which is part of the Welfare Reform Bill.

The bill is "ping ponging" between the two Houses of Parliament, after peers inflicted a series of defeats on the plans for England, Scotland and Wales.

Most of the defeats were overturned but one area of disagreement remains.

Peers still want to limit cuts to payments to social housing tenants in homes deemed bigger than their needs.

The government wants its new Universal Credit - which would be introduced by the bill from 2013 - to include an "under-occupancy" penalty for council and housing association tenants, who are considered to have more rooms than they need. Currently they are allowed to have one spare bedroom.

Those judged to have one extra bedroom would lose 14% of housing benefit a week, those with two or more extra rooms would lose 25%, if they do not move to a smaller property. Critics call it the "bedroom tax".

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Oh my goodness, just signing out but cant tell you how furious i am about this, and thanks Aimee for making this thread. 
Personally i think you can keep the room for young Aims, but i dont know to be honest how it all works.
I have a friend who as worked all her life, and has a council house, with 3 bedrooms and now on Housing Benefit, through ill health. Her kids have flown the nest, but come back periodically with the grand children, but she has to pay for the "vacant rooms" Disgraceful in my opinion. There is a shortage of homes, from various reasons, but to punish those who have an extra room is disgraceful. Moreso because the child who goes off to uni etc needs to have a home or room to come back too, as they wont be able to find a home themselves , as they cant afford to rent or get a mortgage.GGGGrrr . I have to get off now but welcome a debate on this x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Oh my goodness, just signing out but cant tell you how furious i am about this, and thanks Aimee for making this thread. 
Personally i think you can keep the room for young Aims, but i dont know to be honest how it all works.
I have a friend who as worked all her life, and has a council house, with 3 bedrooms and now on Housing Benefit, through ill health. Her kids have flown the nest, but come back periodically with the grand children, but she has to pay for the "vacant rooms" Disgraceful in my opinion. There is a shortage of homes, from various reasons, but to punish those who have an extra room is disgraceful. Moreso because the child who goes off to uni etc needs to have a home or room to come back too, as they wont be able to find a home themselves , as they cant afford to rent or get a mortgage.GGGGrrr . I have to get off now but welcome a debate on this x

I am also on housing benefit and if I have to pay ÂĢ28 a fortnight then I will have to leave the only family home lil Aims has ever known If you could see the list of jobs I have applied for and not even got a response back the woman on the Wright Stuff was told well your son is adult if he's at Uni but what I don't get is where are they mean't to live during holidays and when they leave Uni, it's not like they will have a job and a fully furnished house waiting for them when they leave, i live in a 2 bed house btw

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I am also on housing benefit and if I have to pay ÂĢ28 a fortnight then I will have to leave the only family home lil Aims has ever known If you could see the list of jobs I have applied for and not even got a response back the woman on the Wright Stuff was told well your son is adult if he's at Uni but what I don't get is where are they mean't to live during holidays and when they leave Uni, it's not like they will have a job and a fully furnished house waiting for them when they leave, i live in a 2 bed house btw


I'm so sorry Aims, I hope it doesn't apply to you and your daughter 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



its another call me Dave's punish the poor scroungers we're all in it together idea's ..I hope he rots in hell along with his cronies, I detested Thatcher...this bloke I hate with a vengeance.  

I wonder how many spare bedrooms he has


I'm all for everyone pulling together and tighten their belts in, but when you constantly kick the poorest in society, it makes me want to explode with rage. There are very few one bedroomed houses, flats or bungalows in our town,,,so once again the pensioners and poor get an hiding. Most of the highest earners in the UK got an estimated 28% pay rise this year..... and Call me Dave says we're all in it together Not only is the guy a a fool, he's an out and out liar. 


It will affect me,I get about one third of my rent paid through housing benefit( I pay the rest myself) and live  in a two bedroom flat.If you are of working age (pensioners are exempt) and live alone you are deemed to be "Under Occupied" I will lose 14% benefit if you have two rooms not used you will lose 25% will affect couples who have split up and have kids staying over ,say with the father,he will lose benefit too.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I am also on housing benefit and if I have to pay ÂĢ28 a fortnight then I will have to leave the only family home lil Aims has ever known If you could see the list of jobs I have applied for and not even got a response back the woman on the Wright Stuff was told well your son is adult if he's at Uni but what I don't get is where are they mean't to live during holidays and when they leave Uni, it's not like they will have a job and a fully furnished house waiting for them when they leave, i live in a 2 bed house btw


I'm so sorry Aims, I hope it doesn't apply to you and your daughter 

Thank you I don't mind paying the extra to keep our home if I could get a bliddy job

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

It will affect me,I get about one third of my rent paid through housing benefit( I pay the rest myself) and live  in a two bedroom flat.If you are of working age (pensioners are exempt) and live alone you are deemed to be "Under Occupied" I will lose 14% benefit if you have two rooms not used you will lose 25% will affect couples who have split up and have kids staying over ,say with the father,he will lose benefit too.

How much will you have to pay if you don't mind me asking

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



I didn't know pensioners were exempt Katty....he's still an arse and I'm sure loads of people are going to be floundering trying to fine extra money to pay for this 

I did find out today that if they are couples both have to be under working age


I think if you know your benefit Aims you will lose 14% of that if the rule applies to your daughter going to University, so you will be able to work it out from there. 


Agree about a total lack of one bed flats/houses,a hell of a lot of social housing was bought up by landlords etc once the folk that bought them during Thatchers time etc have since died.They charge a fortune in rent for ex council houses knowing that housing benefit will pay the rent.I know some of them are charging ÂĢ600 a month for a ex council flat in poor areas etc.I know now In Scotland folk can longer buy their council houses,i think that was put in place a couple of years ago.

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

It will affect me,I get about one third of my rent paid through housing benefit( I pay the rest myself) and live  in a two bedroom flat.If you are of working age (pensioners are exempt) and live alone you are deemed to be "Under Occupied" I will lose 14% benefit if you have two rooms not used you will lose 25% will affect couples who have split up and have kids staying over ,say with the father,he will lose benefit too.

How much will you have to pay if you don't mind me asking

Err not quite sure,I think I get about ÂĢ140 housing benefit a month,so that will be 14% of that I will have to pay.About ÂĢ20/21 a month maths is not my strongpoint.


I'm sure all the paperwork will be arriving soon as it starts in April.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

It will affect me,I get about one third of my rent paid through housing benefit( I pay the rest myself) and live  in a two bedroom flat.If you are of working age (pensioners are exempt) and live alone you are deemed to be "Under Occupied" I will lose 14% benefit if you have two rooms not used you will lose 25% will affect couples who have split up and have kids staying over ,say with the father,he will lose benefit too.

How much will you have to pay if you don't mind me asking

Err not quite sure,I think I get about ÂĢ140 housing benefit a month,so that will be 14% of that I will have to pay.About ÂĢ20/21 a month maths is not my strongpoint.


I'm sure all the paperwork will be arriving soon as it starts in April.

mines working out at ÂĢ14 a week


What about students studying away from home?

Households where there is a room kept for a student studying away from home will not be deemed to be under-occupying if the student is away for less than 52 weeks (under housing benefit) or 6 months (under Universal Credit).

Under housing benefit rules students are exempt from non-dependant deductions, however full-time students will not be exempt from the Housing Cost Contribution (HCC) which replaces non-dependent deductions under Universal Credit. All young people under 21 are exempt from the HCC, but students over 21 will face a contribution in the region of ÂĢ15 per week.

Looks like you'll be OK, until she's over 21, if she's still a student.

I think.  



Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



its another call me Dave's punish the poor scroungers we're all in it together idea's ..I hope he rots in hell along with his cronies, I detested Thatcher...this bloke I hate with a vengeance.  

I wonder how many spare bedrooms he has

The queen has loads, in several palatial buildings, she should have her tax payers financial support docked.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

What about students studying away from home?

Households where there is a room kept for a student studying away from home will not be deemed to be under-occupying if the student is away for less than 52 weeks (under housing benefit) or 6 months (under Universal Credit).

Under housing benefit rules students are exempt from non-dependant deductions, however full-time students will not be exempt from the Housing Cost Contribution (HCC) which replaces non-dependent deductions under Universal Credit. All young people under 21 are exempt from the HCC, but students over 21 will face a contribution in the region of ÂĢ15 per week.

Looks like you'll be OK, until she's over 21, if she's still a student.

I think.  



seems as if aims daughter won't  losing her room, so aims will get HB  for it all the time  she is a student, but aims daughter will be included in the calculation of Hb claim, expecting a contribution, so therefore less HB will be granted....



My sister is having to move from her 2 bedroom flat to a one bedroom one because of this. However, as she is disabled and wheelchair bound, she will not be just shoved anywhere as she has certain requirements of the property such as having a wet room rather that bath and wide doorways is looking like she will have to move away from the village she has lived in all her life, her friends and family (our parents and my little family have both moved away already). She used to have a live in carer, but he turned out to be an abusive git, so she has a daily carer who lives out now and has no need of the second bedroom. As yet, she has not been given a date to be out by due to her circumstances and she can't go to our parents as their house is not suitable either. However...the council HAVE removed the disabled parking bay that was put in by her door for her, so now she has to park where there is a space and this could be too far from her door for her to walk (she can only walk about 20yds with her crutches before her knees collapse) so she can't go out without her carer anymore. Can't believe they removed the bay before she left...they said they took it away because she wouldn't be living there anymore....surely waiting til she had actually moved out wasn't too much to ask??!!

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

What about students studying away from home?

Households where there is a room kept for a student studying away from home will not be deemed to be under-occupying if the student is away for less than 52 weeks (under housing benefit) or 6 months (under Universal Credit).

Under housing benefit rules students are exempt from non-dependant deductions, however full-time students will not be exempt from the Housing Cost Contribution (HCC) which replaces non-dependent deductions under Universal Credit. All young people under 21 are exempt from the HCC, but students over 21 will face a contribution in the region of ÂĢ15 per week.

Looks like you'll be OK, until she's over 21, if she's still a student.

I think.  



Thank you I think 

Originally Posted by MrsB:

My sister is having to move from her 2 bedroom flat to a one bedroom one because of this. However, as she is disabled and wheelchair bound, she will not be just shoved anywhere as she has certain requirements of the property such as having a wet room rather that bath and wide doorways is looking like she will have to move away from the village she has lived in all her life, her friends and family (our parents and my little family have both moved away already). She used to have a live in carer, but he turned out to be an abusive git, so she has a daily carer who lives out now and has no need of the second bedroom. As yet, she has not been given a date to be out by due to her circumstances and she can't go to our parents as their house is not suitable either. However...the council HAVE removed the disabled parking bay that was put in by her door for her, so now she has to park where there is a space and this could be too far from her door for her to walk (she can only walk about 20yds with her crutches before her knees collapse) so she can't go out without her carer anymore. Can't believe they removed the bay before she left...they said they took it away because she wouldn't be living there anymore....surely waiting til she had actually moved out wasn't too much to ask??!!

That's disgusting, I hope she gets something sorted soon 

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

What about students studying away from home?

Households where there is a room kept for a student studying away from home will not be deemed to be under-occupying if the student is away for less than 52 weeks (under housing benefit) or 6 months (under Universal Credit).

Under housing benefit rules students are exempt from non-dependant deductions, however full-time students will not be exempt from the Housing Cost Contribution (HCC) which replaces non-dependent deductions under Universal Credit. All young people under 21 are exempt from the HCC, but students over 21 will face a contribution in the region of ÂĢ15 per week.

Looks like you'll be OK, until she's over 21, if she's still a student.

I think.  



seems as if aims daughter won't  losing her room, so aims will get HB  for it all the time  she is a student, but aims daughter will be included in the calculation of Hb claim, expecting a contribution, so therefore less HB will be granted....


Thanks for your help 


April is only the start of the trial - it won't go nationwide until October and existing claimants are being moved onto it in a 4 year phased shuffle.


When does Universal Credit start?

April 2013 – launch of Universal Credit pathfinder

Starting in April 2013, DWP, with our delivery partners in HMRC and local authorities, will introduce Universal Credit to claimants within certain areas of the North-West of England. This “pathfinder” stage will help us ensure that Universal Credit is ready to go live across the rest of the country later in 2013.

October 2013 – national launch of Universal Credit

New claimants: They will be able to make claims for Universal Credit from October 2013, while claims for existing benefits and credits will be gradually phased out.  From April 2014, all new claims will be for Universal Credit.

Existing claimants: They will move onto Universal Credit in line with a phased approach that we expect to have completed by the end of 2017

This phased process will be completed in 2017 and we will continue to provide information on this, as it becomes available.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by MrsB:

My sister is having to move from her 2 bedroom flat to a one bedroom one because of this. However, as she is disabled and wheelchair bound, she will not be just shoved anywhere as she has certain requirements of the property such as having a wet room rather that bath and wide doorways is looking like she will have to move away from the village she has lived in all her life, her friends and family (our parents and my little family have both moved away already). She used to have a live in carer, but he turned out to be an abusive git, so she has a daily carer who lives out now and has no need of the second bedroom. As yet, she has not been given a date to be out by due to her circumstances and she can't go to our parents as their house is not suitable either. However...the council HAVE removed the disabled parking bay that was put in by her door for her, so now she has to park where there is a space and this could be too far from her door for her to walk (she can only walk about 20yds with her crutches before her knees collapse) so she can't go out without her carer anymore. Can't believe they removed the bay before she left...they said they took it away because she wouldn't be living there anymore....surely waiting til she had actually moved out wasn't too much to ask??!!

Get a lawyer onto it MrsB. If she was entitled to it while she seemed to be living there permanently, then I'm sure she is entitled to it right up to when she is moved not just 'when it is known she'll be moving.'


What if it were to take a year to find/equip a new place?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Thats a disgrace MrsH 

As above..get a lawyer and fight it 

it was MrsB 


I agree with the above comments though - get your  free  solicitor appointment  with the CAB - I really do think your Sister has a case MrsB 


*searches for glasses* They must be here somewhere 

Apologies to MrsB and MrsH 


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