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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

She's been moved to London now for treatment   Is Scotland not equipped for this sort of thing? If not, why not? 

A specialist unit has been set up in London. I think all cases in the UK are to be sent there.

I would have thought regional centres would make more sense rather than transporting patients across the country - I know there's probably a minimal risk but still 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

She's been moved to London now for treatment   Is Scotland not equipped for this sort of thing? If not, why not? 

A specialist unit has been set up in London. I think all cases in the UK are to be sent there.

I would have thought regional centres would make more sense rather than transporting patients across the country - I know there's probably a minimal risk but still 

 I agree with you.

Originally Posted by Pengy:

She's been moved to London now for treatment   Is Scotland not equipped for this sort of thing? If not, why not? 

There are lots of isolation units here in Scotland , It has been decided by the UK Government , there should be one isolation unit, for Ebola, and it happens to be in England. As Ebola, is not a threat here, makes sense to have one unit. I do admire the nurses and health care workers going out to help, but systems have to be in place for those coming back. It seems to be working , the nurse in question, dealt with it, reported her symptoms , and the health boards took over, very well in my opinion  


Dr Martin Deahl, a consultant psychiatrist who travelled back from Sierra Leone with Ms Cafferkey, criticised the screening process at Heathrow as "a bit chaotic".


He said there were too few staff to deal with the returning health workers, the rooms in which they were processed were too small, and the processing team ran out of home-testing temperature kits to hand out.

Dr Deahl described the quarantine advice as "topsy turvy", adding he found it "bizarre" that passengers were free to make their own way home from Heathrow but thereafter advised to minimise use of public transport.

When questioned about his remarks, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon insisted the procedures in place "are right in terms of the risk we're facing".


Ms Cafferkey, an associate public health nurse at Blantyre Health Centre, South Lanarkshire, left Gartnavel Hospital in Glasgow just after 03:00 GMT on Tuesday.

She was flown from Glasgow Airport to RAF Northolt in north-west London in an air force Hercules transport aircraft before being conveyed to the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead, north London.


A second health worker who returned from West Africa recently is being tested in Aberdeen for Ebola, it has emerged.

But Ms Sturgeon said there was only a "low probability" the woman also had the disease as she had not been in direct contact with anyone infected with Ebola.


This latest incident will raise questions about the screening process in place for passengers leaving West Africa and arriving at Heathrow.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:

I've just listened to them talking about it on the radio and Jeremy Vine said 'after all.. it's extremely difficult to catch...'  yeah, so that's why trained medics in hazmat suits are picking it up then, Jez?

Dont worry Kaffs, its like 3 fire engines, police and ambulances come for a wheelie bin fire. Its standard procedure to wear protective clothing for all emergencies. Or not, as maybe. They havnt time to work out which is which . Dont panic !  Its not much different with working with HIV, or Aids patients , who come into hospital, one has to wear protective clothing 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:

I've just listened to them talking about it on the radio and Jeremy Vine said 'after all.. it's extremely difficult to catch...'  yeah, so that's why trained medics in hazmat suits are picking it up then, Jez?

Dont worry Kaffs, its like 3 fire engines, police and ambulances come for a wheelie bin fire. Its standard procedure to wear protective clothing for all emergencies. Or not, as maybe. They havnt time to work out which is which . Dont panic !  Its not much different with working with HIV, or Aids patients , who come into hospital, one has to wear protective clothing 

I'm not really panicking.... but I think when people have been nursing patients with Ebola in West Africa, it would make sense for those people to be transported back by military aircraft and quarantined for the incubation period.   All very well to say it's hard to catch... in this case, timing seemed to be on her side.. what if she'd flown a few hours later and thrown up on the plane? 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

She's been moved to London now for treatment   Is Scotland not equipped for this sort of thing? If not, why not? 

A specialist unit has been set up in London. I think all cases in the UK are to be sent there.

I would have thought regional centres would make more sense rather than transporting patients across the country - I know there's probably a minimal risk but still 

 I agree with you.

Me too, I would have thought there would be a nearer isolation unit which could have been used.  After all she would be isolated in that section without having to travel so far.  Would be far easier for her family to keep in touch too.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:

I'm not really panicking.... but I think when people have been nursing patients with Ebola in West Africa, it would make sense for those people to be transported back by military aircraft and quarantined for the incubation period.   All very well to say it's hard to catch... in this case, timing seemed to be on her side.. what if she'd flown a few hours later and thrown up on the plane? 


I agree .... unfortunately it seems it will take an epidemic before they take serious measures

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:

I'm not really panicking.... but I think when people have been nursing patients with Ebola in West Africa, it would make sense for those people to be transported back by military aircraft and quarantined for the incubation period.   All very well to say it's hard to catch... in this case, timing seemed to be on her side.. what if she'd flown a few hours later and thrown up on the plane? 


I agree .... unfortunately it seems it will take an epidemic before they take serious measures

I agree ....on both counts  

Originally Posted by MrsH:


 what a vile and utter biatch  


I wondered what twitter was responding to earlier now I know 


Little sweaty jocks, sending us Ebola bombs in the form of sweaty Glaswegians just isn't cricket. Scottish NHS sucks.

I ignore anything this harridan says.  I've said before, she has no discernible talent so has to keep herself in the news by making controversial comments.  People should just ignore her and eventually she'll crawl back under the rock she came from 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by MrsH:


 what a vile and utter biatch  


I wondered what twitter was responding to earlier now I know 


Little sweaty jocks, sending us Ebola bombs in the form of sweaty Glaswegians just isn't cricket. Scottish NHS sucks.

Someone should tell Mouth Almighty to come up here and say it!

you should see the amount of likes she's got for saying that comment  212 what are these people like!!!

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by MrsH:


 what a vile and utter biatch  


I wondered what twitter was responding to earlier now I know 


Little sweaty jocks, sending us Ebola bombs in the form of sweaty Glaswegians just isn't cricket. Scottish NHS sucks.

Someone should tell Mouth Almighty to come up here and say it!

you should see the amount of likes she's got for saying that comment  212 what are these people like!!!

Its a bloody good job not everyone's the same! 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by MrsH:


 what a vile and utter biatch  


I wondered what twitter was responding to earlier now I know 


Little sweaty jocks, sending us Ebola bombs in the form of sweaty Glaswegians just isn't cricket. Scottish NHS sucks.

Someone should tell Mouth Almighty to come up here and say it!

you should see the amount of likes she's got for saying that comment  212 what are these people like!!!

If they are anything like her, they'll be a bunch of nasty muppets.


Patient is tested for ebola in Cornwall

A patient has been admitted to Royal Cornwall Hospital and is currently undergoing a series of tests - one of which is for Ebola.

We do not expect the results to be known for at least 24 hours and in the meantime the patient is being looked after in isolation, following nationally agreed guidelines and protocols to protect the health of our staff and other patients.

Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust has been following national guidance around Ebola and made plans in line with advice from Public Health England and NHS England.

<cite class="quote__cite-text">– RCHT SPOKESPERSON</cite>
Last updated Tue 30 Dec 2014
Originally Posted by MrsH:



well rumour has it she will be locked away next week in a house in Elstree 


if true I hope they put someone with her who will stand up to her and bring her back down to size   biatch of the highest order 

She can still spew the same bile, but like you say, she could meet her match 

Originally Posted by MrsH:

Patient is tested for ebola in Cornwall

A patient has been admitted to Royal Cornwall Hospital and is currently undergoing a series of tests - one of which is for Ebola.

We do not expect the results to be known for at least 24 hours and in the meantime the patient is being looked after in isolation, following nationally agreed guidelines and protocols to protect the health of our staff and other patients.

Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust has been following national guidance around Ebola and made plans in line with advice from Public Health England and NHS England.

<cite class="quote__cite-text">– RCHT SPOKESPERSON</cite>
Last updated Tue 30 Dec 2014

Oh crikey! 


Katie Hopkins' tweets on 'Ebola bombs' examined by police

Katie Hopkins Complaints were made to police about Katie Hopkins' tweets on Ebola

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Police are examining complaints about Ebola comments tweeted by controversial TV personality Katie Hopkins.

After news that a Scots nurse was being treated for the virus, Hopkins wrote: "Sending us Ebola bombs in the form of sweaty Glaswegians just isn't cricket."

Another tweet said: "Glaswegian ebola patient moved to London's Royal Free Hospital. Not so independent when it matters most are we jocksville?"

Police confirmed they were looking into an unspecified number of complaints.

Det Insp Glyn Roberts, of Police Scotland, said: "We have received a number of complaints regarding remarks made on Twitter.

"Inquiries are ongoing into the nature of these tweets and to establish any potential criminality.

"Police Scotland will thoroughly investigate any reports of offensive or criminal behaviour online and anyone found to be responsible will be robustly dealt with."

Hopkins' comments came after it emerged that the nurse, who volunteered to help Save the Children in the fight against Ebola, was diagnosed on her return from Sierra Leone.

Pauline Cafferkey, a public health nurse at Blantyre Health Centre in South Lanarkshire, has been receiving specialist treatment at the Royal Free Hospital in north London.

A message posted on Police Scotland's Twitter feed on Tuesday stated: "Please be aware that we will continue to monitor comments on social media and any offensive comments will be investigated."

More than 11,000 people have signed an online petition on the website for Hopkins to be charged over the "racist tweets" regarding Scotland.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:



But we need Jack Regan on her arse.



preferably stamping on her untalented head...I hate that woman 

I've only seen her once - fairly recently. I detest her too. She made my stomach churn!

She makes most people's stomachs turn 


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