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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I can't stop, I'm addicted to it. The Trip is really funny, own them myself. [ more ]
Saint Sorry for the late reply I can't find a DVD so I 've been looking for it … and realising I have way too many DVD's - this is has to stop So I bought Train to Busan (well I've wanted it for ages) and The Trip with Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon (well it's ruddy funny) And that's it … I can't take any more, I'm becoming a hoarder [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities The odd cheap purchase would not hurt. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karen Brady gets on my tits.
velvet donkey No doubt Soubry did too. Don't be taken in... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Never really taken to her. I knew a few people who studied in Birmingham when she was managing director of Birmingham City, and they said she pretty-much dominated the local press and TV - admittedly that was essentially part of her job, but still very wearing for anyone not interested in BCFC... Personally, I've always found it very telling that she's happy to talk about managing BCFC for David Sullivan, and the sexism she encountered in the role, but a lot less happy when people mention... [ more ]
Baz Did she [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Greatest Dancer v The Voice
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I stopped watching The Voice when it shifted from the BBC to ITV. This new dance show is a Simon Cowell vehicle, hence Cheryl Coles inclusion. As I will be out Saturday I shall be watching neither and unlikely to watch in the future. As a side note, I was out and missed the final of Big Brother, I was also out when the strictly final was on. Not caught up with either and do not know the winners.! [ more ]
Baz Thanks El I’ve never got into the Voice .....but , as there’s nowt else on I might give the dancing thing a go [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For anyone who has to do tax returns
El Loro Assuming that your income is mainly pension income then that's right and you shouldn't need to have to do a tax return. If your only other income is interest income (ignorings ISAs) then for standard rate tax payers the first £1,000 is taxable at 0% for the 40% higher rate tax payers it's only the first £500 which is taxable at 0% (for those who go into the 45% all their non-ISA interest is taxable at the 45% rate). For those people who have more interest income than those levels, they'll... [ more ]
Baz Thanks El ....I definitely won’t need it for the current tax year .....but next year I will fall into a tax bracket ....but I think , if it’s the same as Mr B , it will be taken off at source paye [ more ]
El Loro Only if you have to do a self assessment tax return. HMRC try to use their own tax calculations (P800s) for taxpayers whose income is mainly employment/pensions and small amounts of interest and dividends rather than taxpayers having to complete a tax return. If you are in doubt, ring them but not yet as they'll think you are asking about 2017/18 rather than 2018/19. The bug was there in the previous year's tax returns but it's affected more of my clients this time than before. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Belated Happy Birthday Bethni
Yogi19 Belated Happy Birthday, Bethni [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Happy Belated Birthday Bethni Hope you had a brillinat day. Apologies for recycling Kaytee's graphics, the sentiment is true. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🍷🍷🍷🍰🍰🍰🍰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [ more ]
Rexi Happy belateds Bethni ... hope it was fun 👍 [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Masterchef: The Professionals 2018
Baz In Pointless Celebrities do you mean ? If so, Michael Fish, Carrie Grant, David Grant , Adam Hart Davis , Mary Ann Ochota, Martin Roberts, Charlie Ross and Catherine Southon [ more ]
Baz Yes, you’re spot on Roxan ....although we don’t actually know why , so it’s just an assumption on our part [ more ]
Baz Yes , I’m guessing they may need a rethink ....but hopefully it won’t delay the start [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
In the deer 2nite
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I live just off Glossop Road. [ more ]
Former Member It's a small world @Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I have done that quiz too! I stayed with my sister in 1996 when I moved to the uk, in Sheffield, she lived just off Glossop Rd and we used to go to that pub regularly! She lives in Handsworth now but I don't know that area at all. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I do. Used to pop in for a drink with mates who work for Sheffield University. They also do a very good pub quiz, questions are a bit University Challenge though.! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Watership Down
El Loro 24 years later in 1996 Richard Adams published Tales from Watership Down, a collection of 10 short stories. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Didn't watch it and doubt I have seen the 1979 version in 30 years or more. Will add them to my list of potential things to watch. Was there a sequel to the book - but many years later? [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I recorded it, and still haven’t seen the second part. I’ve quite liked it so far, but also found it surprisingly ‘cold’. [ more ]
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