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Ladette to Lady
cinnamon girl How ugly were some of those toffs at last night's dinner party?! That bachelor one whose mother was trying to get him married [ more ]
Former Member They don't seem that much different to the girls in the Apprentice. [ more ]
cinnamon girl Who do you want to win? I like Nicole (the stripper) - I think she could really turn her life around. I also think Skye and Sarah are interesting characters who could transform themselves if they put in the effort. I live near where it is filmed. It was funny to see them drinking with the local chavvy lads in the pub this week. Didn't see anyone I recognised though. [ more ]
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General InterestReality Shows
Girls of the Playboy Mansion
Titty I used to love the girls next door until i read a book called the house bunnies. It was written by on of hefs ex g/f It painted holly and bridgette in a diffrent light.. Holly made me sick from that minute onwards [ more ]
Shizzlex Kendra was never interested in Heff i think he really made her cringe I think the other 2 were really in love with him His new girlfriends are meant to be crazy [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ lol i know what you mean, those were kinda annoying!! or when bridget hosted a dog's birthday party, that was cringeworthy! [ more ]
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