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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How hard will it be for you.........
Liverpoollass Quite sad reading some of the goodbye threads over there Not long to go now. [ more ]
superslug Yeah I'm doing ok thanks... just have SO much to get done in the next 5 weeks! Yeah thought I'd camp here for a while... won't be around too much until uni work is finished, though [ more ]
Former Member I'm doing good thanks, sluggy. Hope you are gonna move in here with us for a while? [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How come you're up so late then?
Liverpoollass What Windswept said [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I'm sorry to hear that Science... wanna give you a bigger hug... but is the only smilie I could lay my hands on, as I dash out of the house on the school run. You know the drill, day by day... eventually its stops hurting xxxx [ more ]
kattymieoww Oh QT's bump and it's host has gone to bed.. just joking,sleep well. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What's happened to....
Yellow Rose They should ask you to be a Mod Rafe [ more ]
Rafe What we have to remember is that this place was not going to be open until July. They opened this up early especially for us so there will probably be lots of changes over the coming months. These are the teething problems the general public never get to see. I'm glad half of the issues I have to solve when launching a new site are not publicly viewable [ more ]
Yellow Rose I've noticed this a lot since joining [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help! How do I get a cool picture next to my name?
Rafe Are you still trying to design one or can you not get it to work? [ more ]
HyacinthB I got mine from Photobucket Senora but I must have changed it four times already as the avatar size is quite small on here. I'm useless at advising how to do things I'm afraid and I'm still trying to organise a signature but I guess we'll both get there in the end. [ more ]
mirage your welcome [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Garage Joe Moin I finally made it through with all the others who got rained on too. [ more ]
Jenny I hope all these fms that have crawled out of the woodwork, hang around now? Go on. You know you want to. [ more ]
Guest OMG, it's a lesser spotted Wodgypoo [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A Close Shave!
LGS tis funny when they start Bozzi, got austin an electric one for xmas, cos he has to shave all his face now bless, it strange seein them with bum fluff as we call it in these parts, but it better with the electric one as with a razor, he kept getting spots, so just a suggestion if little Bozz has the same problem [ more ]
Heatseek Re: A Close Shave! [ more ]
bozzimacoo hi bb, the bathroom was a bit wet, only three bucket loads to mop up [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Old forum is closed already!!
apricot Well you're lucky then LL, and I don't really have time to hang around waiting for the main page to open, as I have an appointment, but was hoping to see the forum before I logged off, not to be though. Maybe it will be faster later on. xxxxxxxx [ more ]
Liverpoollass Works ok for me [ more ]
apricot Morning and I can't get into the Old Forum, and did try twice and it got stuck, went to the bog came back and the page was still stuck! Tried again, slower than a snail, got in, clicked on a Thread and that was it, got fed up and came in here. Bet they're shredding Threads over there, letter by letter! Actually do feel sad about that forum, as not everyone will be over here will they. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...

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