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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
pmsl ,, my son wont tell me about his gf ,, but ive read his bebo
bozzimacoo and he has $25,000+ in his poker account on fb!!! he's one of those annoying types that goes 'all in' every other game! am i a bad mum? [ more ]
bozzimacoo and he is a dab hand at runescape, used to mob and mug poor unsuspectings in the 'wilderness' and that was about same age as your one ditty. then went on to moparscape and modded a server, but he got bored - so did i, he was online for too long! love the lil scamp [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Dunno how old Boz Jnr is but.... the conditions for our kids having internet access were always that we had their passwords, and should we feel it was needed we could access their accounts. Especially with my 11yr old boy... who is an internet nightmare. He got bopped from the lego forum... is now actively involved in an online football gaming forum (has had mod status at one point), but has had a series of temp boppings there too! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
DO NOT DISTERBUE, Shack under constructions.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) hold on to it untill I open the sanctuary. [ more ]
Scotty Re: DO NOT DISTERBUE, Shack under constructions. [ more ]
Baby Bunny No thanks Pengy - I know a mad cow when I see one Blue D - in the time it's taken you to build this gaff the cows have gone forth and multipled, can you add a shed to the shack? I am NOT a cowgirl... Oh, and I found this in my sock - want it? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How long is this grieving process going to last.
Dirtyprettygirlthing Well now we have him back -----> We can crank up the grieving all over again now.... most of us have been unable to shed a tear over here, without ..... it may be time to just let it all out! better now! [ more ]
Kaffs Hey - OHG! You look JUST like I always imagined you! That's the one with the bike btw...! [ more ]
Lockes Re: How long is this grieving process going to last. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tell me something
lainy m well.....I never knew that. Cheers Leccy [ more ]
Leccy NO He's not a mod or anything, he just started a thread it was the mods that made it a sticky. He's just a regular punter like the rest of us. No powers, nuffink. The mods on Ch4 have stickied members posts means nowt...just that threads don't need constant bumping. [ more ]
angelicarwen Oooh ta Bet she never said bugger [ more ]
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