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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Barolo Don't the British just love something to panic about!! I won a free holiday to Mexico too - pig sick I can't go now! [ more ]
Liverpoollass At work, we have been sent emails on how to deal with it i.e health warning. [ more ]
StGeorgina I have been worried about swine flu, like many who have immune systems that are dysfunctional. I can suffer with a normal cold for a month, so this is a bit of a worry. I'm not getting hysterical about it, but have been using hand sanitisers like they are going out of fashion, just incase. It's amazing how many things we touch when out and about, I didn't give it much thought until this last week or so. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karma Stars
Moomin I used to like geting my stars [ more ]
Neil3841 shouldn't have got banned lol could have been the winner Is it just me or does there seem to be more people with twirlly stars than there was on C4 I think some people just nicked one rather than use there own [ more ]
Essie Hyperstar, if I'm not mistaken, you will need a forum of your own soon to fit in your sig. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
swearing parrot...I want one !
lucifer ..oh I dunno. Can I buy one pre-trained on E-Bay..? [ more ]
Neil3841 ok a swearing parrot but you really don't want him swaering at your mother or other inoproprate person. [ more ]
*BB* Hello Drum. As much as I laugh at the antics of the bird on You Tube, it's rather unfair to teach them to swear. They have the lifespan of a human and most will outlife their human family. It's almost impossible to find a loving forever home for a swearing parrot unfortunately. Understandibly, most people don't want them around their children or grandchildren. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sarum I remember that feeling. I had acute lobar pneumonia a few years ago; You wind up being afraid to take a breath... [ more ]
ANNOCA That is appalling in this day and age for them to treat you like that. I would find myself another more sympathetic doctor Ann.[/QUOTE] Hi Paace. I think that all the "hype" over Swine Flu has impacted on even the medical profession!! In a way, I suppose I should be grateful that they took precautions and did tests. But they could have done it in such a way as to not make me feel I was "in the wrong" for consulting them. [ more ]
Scotty How awful for you Annoca. I wish you a speedy recovery. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Prune Juice
scatterby Hi Queen - I'm only 17 weeks today - due on 9th October - I understand you are quite a bit further along - when are you due?[/QUOTE] Not much further ahead than you, 23 weeks on Sunday. Due 30th August. Is this your first?[/QUOTE] Oh sorry - that's right - you had the scan and your bump played you up didn't it? oooo we'll have to compare notes then! It is my first.[/QUOTE] Bump Buddies! It's my first too. Are you going to find out the sex at your 20 week scan?[/QUOTE] Aaah well - I want to... [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I do know what you mean, although I don't know if my bladder could cope with too many more! That's my lot now, you only get your 20 week I think, unless there's a problem. I had three attempts at the 20 week one but that's only because junior was lying in such an awkward position they couldn't finish the anomaly. They managed to get it all now so at least we know it's looking healthy. [ more ]
scatterby lol, will you get any more scans or was that your lot - I think it's the only other one I'll get - I wish I could go every week - I'm sure you know what I mean [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A Serious Thread!
darloboy (Play The Game!) Good luck Kelly . [ more ]
MrsB Good Luck Kelly The hubby and me used to drink way too much, then we had the mini-bods and now I just can't be and hangovers don't they need me to be able to drive them places, look after them if they are ill etc. They made me evaluate my life....I still have the odd night on the beer (this Saturday and kids will be at my parents'!) but most of the time I volunteer to drive anyway! Besides...the older you get the longer the recovery!!!!!!!! So, GOOD LUCK again... [ more ]
Baz Good luck Kelly [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
C4 Poll for Essex Angel
Former Member Where's the option for "I can't cos I was zapped in the last week"? Quite frankly, my dear........ [ more ]
Blizz'ard If they did start up a forum, which I doubt they will, then they will still probably shut at midnight and wipe all our wisdom away everyday, and the only 'live' BB we get to see is late at night, so I'd probably stay here anyway! [ more ]
jujubedoo not a chance [ more ]
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