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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
ok im now watching PS I OVE YOU
squiggle I thought the book would be touching but just found it plain irritating. Then they mucked about with the 'new romantic interest' in the film! Why couldn't they let her get together with the club owner like they did in the film and have to get her together with that great Oirish stereotype? [ more ]
Liverpoollass Me too, although I still have it on tape. [ more ]
Tayto. No I didn't see it. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone watching Compulsion
Garage Joe Like your avatar. One of my fave artists. Otherwise I watched the improved Ashes to Ashes. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I taped it last night. Hopefully, will watch it tonight [ more ]
Xochi Sorry to catch up with this thread so late.. just watched it on catch-up... hot, huh? Thought the slow burn worked really well... and that actually they were both to blame... very visceral stuff and well acted and directed as such.. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG 20 days to go....
mummymaz please tell me we'll get an hour highlights every night - at least?!! Is BBLB coming back? I know BBBM will be hosted once a week by Davina but thats all i've heard so far.... god can you imagine just one hour a week?? Noooo that can't happen - there would be no point in the show at all, they may as well can it before it starts ! [ more ]
Gabriel Pennywise I want dwarves! DWARVES!!!!!11111111111 [ more ]
Grindle Thanks for that I love it when we get the date now just waiting for the ads on the telly [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
First (Crappy) House Pics
Rosemary O'Neill How to post pictures: click New>>Photo Album>>you will see a space to browse to the photos on your computer. Upload as many as you want, and add captions/titles, then click submit. Other members will then be able to comment just like a normal thread, and the photos will be viewable either as a slideshow or singly. Hope that helps! [ more ]
hyperstar Very true [ more ]
Former Member excellent ***said in a Mr Burns from the Simpsons voice *** [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dog Lovers thread........
Dirtyprettygirlthing I wondered if that was her.... She is lovely. Keep trying to post pic if you want... we don't mind... it takes a while to get the hang of it. [ more ]
ANNOCA [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Angi\My Documents\My Pictures\REMY.jpg[/IMG] Trying again!! If not successful, Remy is my Avatar. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Annoca... do try and post your pic again... would love to see her x [ more ]
See all 110 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are we all from the BB forum?
darloboy (Play The Game!) I was an Hollyoaks forumer originally , but I was already a BB fanatic took me a year to have the guts to post in there which was in 08 as I joined in 07 and here I am now. [ more ]
Barolo Same here. Hadn't been there since last year's BB - went there by chance 2 weeks ago and saw that the place was closing down. This place is much, much better! [ more ]
fookat I am. I was Boppee and before that Angle Shades and various other incarnations [ more ]
See all 152 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB5 and BB6
Marguerita BB3 was my favourite except for the winner [ more ]
Pink Plastik BB5 was outstanding. BB6 was probably the weakest series for me. Best for me is BB1, love it. The first 3 have this kind of magic (which changed a little bit year to year) that we never got again. BB5 was also fantastic but had a different kind of magic, like the dawn of a new era. There will never be a series that measures up to one of those four IMO. [ more ]
jessejay Re: BB5 and BB6 [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB10: What is the best way to direct new posters here?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Well I know 'Dolly' did, 'cos she said that was how she found us all and I believe Gruffyd did as well. And DS know about it too because they helped j0anne find us too. Though I think that was at the temporary place and reading between the lines I think they sent Temps there too, but someone saw her and helped her over here. [ more ]
paace Don't think so. The BB website is there but I could not find it listed. [ more ]
Ducky Only the persistant ones that never concede defeat. God are we in for some stonking rows this summer. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Cat Lovers Thread
Hypermnesia I hope not either, Ditty. Gosh, can you imagine if people found a way to keep them, maybe even breed them as domestic pets. Puddy, I love Oriental breeds, especially Siamese. Do you have a pic of yours to post? Mike, I just read your earlier post, 26 is an amazing age to reach, you must have been a wonderful servant to Lucy! My Leo, another RIP [ more ]
Mike Strutter HyacinthB Yes she was a lovely lil girl was Lucy ...Bless her [ more ]
Puddychops I have had 5 Siamese cats but only one left now This ine is 17 half years old and diabetic Untouchable really until she was diagnosed two years ago and diabetes is a nightmare to deal with but she is now my best friend in spite of blood tests and injections One hint for giving tablets Crush the tablet on a piece of paper with the side of a knife until powder, put it in an egg cup and use a syringe to add a little luke warm water mix well and syringe up the mixture Squirt into the puddys... [ more ]
See all 102 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the final ch 4 forum page, get it here
hyperstar *bump for temps* [ more ]
Former Member I would agree with you, BBBS. IF I had even the remotest clue what you're talking about It's not you, it's me. I need idiot-proof press this button/press that button step-by-step instructions But please don't worry about it........x [ more ]
BBBS but thats the problem i'm only muddeling through on how to do this so its just as likely something i've got wrong and i realy want to make sure its right befor i loose access like everyone else seems to have done [ more ]
See all 16 replies...

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