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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy Birthday to ME!!
superslug Thanks hun! What's your daughter studying? [ more ]
Masher Happy Birthday [ more ]
Ms Golightly Thanks everyone for the gifts and balloons, but mostly for the thoughts and good wishes Much appreciated. I've had a rubbish day which was all my own doing coz I'm dead lazy, but have just got in from my counselling course and feel all inspired and motivated! Hey Sluggy, best o' luck for your finals - you'll be bluddy great! My daughter has exams this week and then it's all over for her, so we're mired in stress! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
kattymieoww Ahh just caught up with first page.Robinsons natural juice....Oh Lol it's on now on my Sky+ law and Order show, [ more ]
mary_bee It's amaaazing isn't it I love the bird so much. [ more ]
kattymieoww That one with the little bird that comes home to the nest box and it's like a house inside.So taken with the bird I've no idea what the ad is about.Rather misses it's target then. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CheekyPixie Bit on the fence here. Cheryl is OK, and I must admit that it's a bit unfair that people keep dragging up one altercation from way back in the past when she was dead young, a bit of a gobshite and very drunk. Many people have shouted their mouth off in a nightclub - or outside of it, and even got into catfights and fisticuffs, but not everyone has it dragged up at every opportunity, because they are not in the public eye. And after all, Cheryl was CLEARED of racial assault. Yes, she was out... [ more ]
Shizzlex this thread is bloody hilarious and i love the Kenneth Williams piccie [ more ]
Aimee can't understand why people love cheryl [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A quick joke.
Poolshark A man walked into a doctor's office with a lettuce leaf sticking out of his ear. The doctor said: "Hmmm, that's strange." The man replied: "That's just the tip of the iceberg." [ more ]
Poolshark Wife: "The two things I cook best are meatloaf and apple pie" Husband: "And which is this?" [ more ]
Saint Cow 1 : Do you not worry about Mad Cow disease? Cow 2 : Mee-ow [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's over there.
Guest Bump. I don't post in or read The Apprentice thread but know there are lots that like to take part. I'm glad you are willing to give it ago Mrs takes all of us to make a forum work and here the Mods seem to be trying their hardest to accomodate everyone. Good Luck with it. [ more ]
Syd I watch the Apprentice, but type to slow to participate...but really glad that you are staying xxxxx [ more ]
captain marbles Well done you. I like to catch up on it the next day. It makes for a very entertaining read. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where is the troll tank I keep reading about?
Rosemary O'Neill ...and let's just move along now... [ more ]
Heather I just saw that Rosemary has asked in another thread, for people not to keep dredging this up. I don't think it helps, although I appreciate that is not what queenshaks had in mind. [ more ]
Guest From where im sat people keep starting threads going on about it is draggin it out alot more than it need be. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
To All Of My FB Friends
Queen of the High Teas Just to clarify, I haven't had any trouble on FB whatsoever, nor have I ever seen anyone who is an FM here being discussed over there. I just realised that I'm happier on a wider, more inclusve forum. I only joined FB as Queenie Hi-Teas because at the time the BB forum was closing, we didn't have a home to go to and I didn't want to lose touch with a lot of the wonderful people I've chatted to on here. I've had a private FB for a couple of years and I'm quite happy with that. But I know all... [ more ]
kattymieoww No problem. [ more ]
PeterCat Re: To All Of My FB Friends [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will somebody please update me?
Rosemary O'Neill I beg you guys not to keep dredging this stuff up. OP, please visit the troll tank if you're interested for some reason. Thanks muchly! [ more ]
captain marbles The Troll Tank is where some of the more controversial threads go. Scroll down the list of forums and it's at the bottom. Not as interesting as it sounds though. [ more ]
Guest Starting threads like this isnt helping anyone...maybe better that you bother to go and find out for yourself rather than try and kick it all off again [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stripey over-the-knee socks
Hollygolightly God I must be old. I don't even think I've seen anyone wearing these. Seriously, are they for very young girls? Surely not on grown women [ more ]
jackles27 I love them and spend all the winter months wearing them, I normally get every new pair we get in work [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing PMSL.... very very loudly... cos I did a funny face and shudder as I read it... then read the line under it! [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
YES!! Finally, cancel the appeal hearings our son has a secondary school place!
Dirtyprettygirlthing Oooh Spongy, Queenie & Science... give us a hug Its all gone a bit giddy and silly round my house at the moment... daughter on her last day at school tomorrow (still has to go in for exams), Hubbies bday tomorrow, and sons got his school place! Thank you, you lot! xx [ more ]
sciencewasrobbed I can imagine the Stress Ditty, but well done!! [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Brilliant news Ditty! Well done you for not giving in to the system. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yo Temps. We are here.
Fanny Fairybush and congrats to temps (((hugs))) xx [ more ]
loislane That is exactly what happened to me you poor thing The head test is to check their oxygen levels scared the bejaysus out of me The rummaging is horrible but I'm so glad it worked out for you. Jessica still cuddles up when she wants a nap sometimes listening for the heartbeat it's lovely feeling. I miss her loads now I'm back at work but she is so happy to see me in the evening it's lovely. Congrats again. [ more ]
brisket Congratulations Temps, and very best wishes to you all. [ more ]
See all 190 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dolly As far as I am aware it is not recognised by law at all - might be worng just going by my daughters experience when she split with her ex partner that is now her partner again - Dont go there!! [ more ]
Sheep in a Jeep 2 years I believe. Also I was told it was, you leave the relationship with your personal belongings and things you entered the relationship with, everything else is meant to be sorted through small claims court. [ more ]
boink this might help common law [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
ID Cards...
Garage Joe I still maintain that it is more to do with Consultancies and card manufacturers though. [ more ]
BBBS Re: ID Cards... [ more ]
old hippy guy never never never FECKIN NEVER!!! not while blood still pumps through these veins, My grandfather didn't fight for my FREEDOM in 2 world wars just to have a bunch of corupt control freaks take it away, As for those who say " if youve nothing to hide then youve nothing to fear " I say try thinking for yourself for once and not letting the thought police do it FOR ya. cause what might not be wrong NOW might well be wrong at sometime in the future. For instance, what if at sometime in the... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help is at hand
Kasper I have not been around often but it seems nothing ever changes We are happy here so why does some one have to go and spoil it It is so unfair I have not joined in your funny lady threads but I read and laughed out loud at them lets just hope they don't bar us all for the sake of the few [ more ]
The Singing Ringing Tree If you are a guy perhaps you could be related.... run before the forum ladys spy you [ more ]
Roberto I thought this thread was related the the "Ladies Relief" thread [ more ]
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