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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Office
ilovewillyoung Thats ok kelly n sorry u r bored with your job [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly Sorry ILWY muct be very frustrating me complaining about my crappy job and you so desperate for one. In my defence, iv never been in a job that i didn't enjoy before and iv always been used to being very busy. [ more ]
ilovewillyoung oh i do kelly i really do.I so want a job n i was really p off yesterday when i got a no from 2 jobs i sent cv to [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fantastico Friday 8th May SIT
Moonie Morning Bagel.. Hope you found your flask in the usual place.. [ more ]
Bagel Queen lol..I been a work since 5am and am sitting around having an unscheduled break [ more ]
lainy m Hee hee. My OH is on the early shift, 6-2. He made that much noise getting up I could'nt get back to sleep Anyway I already have some washing on and have changed the bedding and it's only 6:40am. i will be nodding off by 4 this afternoon. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who are you?
Rafe It's the 'at the same time' that's impressive [ more ]
*~TeePee~* 1. Where you from? From Cheshire but living in Liverpool currently 2. Wot you do? Am a layzee stoodent innit 3. How old are yoo? 18 4. Man or woo-man? Sheee - male 5. . . . wot's interestin' about you that i might like to know?[/quote] I can put both legs behind my head. [ more ]
Roxanne Now I would have sworn that should be the other way round [ more ]
See all 60 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've got a....
Xochi That new abbreviation looks faintly kinky... and the elastic too? I hope he's supervised! [ more ]
Xochi It's OK... I can only just read ink on papyrus! [ more ]
Xochi Indeed they have a soft warm wetness.. the forests I mean... a feckin' deluge at 10degC isn't what they provide. I haven't aclimatised yet, so cut me some slack! ... And no.. won't put the bowlers to the block.. need the Windies back on top... so to speak... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
E-bay, Good Or Bad?
squiggle Depends on how much you want something of course and it only happens very rarely, but sometimes you got to play rough [ more ]
Green&Pink Re: E-bay, Good Or Bad? [ more ]
squiggle I haven't got sniping software but, having learned the hard way from people doing it to me, I go in at 20 seconds with a huge overbid (eBay of course only bids up slightly on the last highest bid and then increases it) and BLOW 'EM OUT OF THE WATER .php] [/url] [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Reincarnation - wot will you be?
FrankiesChick A Rhino!! Great! LOL [ more ]
Guest I'd like to come back as a cat....lay in the sun, get stuff done for me, be able to lick my own....self clean ... BUT..I'll probably end up as a slug and someone will salt me to death [ more ]
Guest I'd like to come back as a cat....lay in the sun, get stuff done for me, be able to lick my own....self clean ... BUT..I'll probably end up as a slug and someone will salt me to death [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
serignhugrf Yeah, me too, Heartache, one of my friend's always puts a way wrong postcode on mine, I haven't got round to telling her, cos it always gets here anyway. [ more ]
Heartache Well l keep getting someone elses post, that has my address on it, but with an incorrect postcode. So one wonders if they even look at the postcode. [ more ]
CheekyPixie It should get there OK, unless the road name is one that is common in the 'WA4' area. If there is 5 Hill Road's or whatever, in that WA4 area, then it may not get there. Depends on how unusual the road name is in that 'WA4' area. If the road name you sent it to, is the ONLY one with that name in the 'WA4' area, then yes it should get there [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
jujubedoo see never as bad as you imagine is it , best wishes to your mum, hope she gets well soon [ more ]
pretty_p Aww thanks everyone!! Well I am two down now with 3 to go - absolutely shattered now though was revisin at 6am!! Mum's op went well as well - so feeling a bit better now!! [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas If you've done loads of revision you will sail through it. It's natural to feel underprepared, I very much expect that virtually everyone who goes into the exam with you will be feeling the same way. The irony is that the ones who usually feel the most confident will be the least likely to do well. You'll be surprised how much you will remember when you get into the room and just have to get on with it. Try not to worry about your mum too much either, I'm sure that she would rather you got... [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who is the person you miss the most?
Jenny Sorry, I had to rush off then. It sort of hit me like one of those balls that knock down buildings. That is so accurate a description Darlo. to everyone in this thread. [ more ]
Kazden37 to everyone,I miss my Mum she died 9 yrs ago she was only 49 [ more ]
Azure. My son. My husband 4 yrs ago. My mam last November. Life goes on but with the family chain broken you live over the top of it all and often a memory crosses your mind and causes a smile or a laugh maybe even a tear. [ more ]
See all 72 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Technology ruined Romance?
Dirtyprettygirlthing Hi Towno Pretty.... What you were saying to towno about the man wanting to sleep with you on the first "date". I find that interesting, cos for me it was the other way round. When I was a young wild thang, in my twenties... sex was basically what it was all about.. and if they actually took you out (as opposed to meeting up when out) they most def expected to still be there for breakfast. When I was then in my thirties and properly "dating" (via the internet)... I loved it, cos all of a... [ more ]
fookat so many people wouldnt have met their partners without technology - me included! And you can send romantic texts... and saucy ones too.. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Well maybe but sexy girls need courtship too [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should this person be banned?
Scooby doo He does'nt sound any worse than some of the people already here. IMO. [ more ]
Garage Joe Indeed! I'm sure that The Germans were thinking along the same lines when they let that 'itler one remain in their country. Thank Bog they prevented him from achieving power. Who knows what might have happened? etc. etc. [ more ]
Towno :) They were discussing this on Newsnight last night. The guest argued that America could come up with it's own list and said it would be rediculous to include Chris Moyles for example. I'm not sure about the relevance of having this person on the list. Is Chubby Brown for example allowed to travel freely? Most of his material is offensive to someone. Is it okay because it's just his act? Are the comments of the DJ just an act too? Unfortunately I've never even heard of him before yesterday so... [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What day of the week do you hate most and why?
lainy m Re: What day of the week do you hate most and why? [ more ]
Marguerita `I used to love weekends especially a saturday as that was the day my husband was not working and we did lots on that day shopping visiting family etc ,since he has passed away it is the one day of the week I hate ,I always waken up with a heavy heart and sometimes feel very down I usually come on here and it helps me forget what day of the week it is [ more ]
lainy m I wanna shoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oot the whole day down [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you consider yourself sexy?
Gabriel Pennywise It's okay, I am lush and hot enough for the whole forum. [ more ]
Sarum No, I don't. And before anyone jumps in..I know that other people may think I look OK, but I, personally, can't get past the memory of how I used to look, and how much I hated it. It's something I doubt I'll ever fully get over. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Sexiness is in the eye of the beholder, one man's sexy is another man's dog-rough. [ more ]
See all 99 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Embarrassing Bodies
Guest Katty [ more ]
Gabriel Pennywise I have an embarrassingly secsee bum. [ more ]
CheekyPixie That poor lass with the fluid build-up. I hope they cure it OK. And that girl with the severe acne too, I felt sorry for both of them And yes the guy with the ingrowing hair on his bum; oh dear, he was uber-hairy wasn't he? Poor bloke. Yes I saw the verrucca feet the other week on that young girl. But why has it got so servere before her parents got serious medical attenion? And as for the chap with the rank minging teeth.. What the f**k? How can ANYONE of 20 years old have teeth like THAT? [ more ]
See all 27 replies...

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