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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz My feelings exactly …but she did seem very smitten with him ! [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing What!!!! Sounds somewhat dubious, if you ask me. I could believe they make op, eventually, but I think it would take a bit longer for that degree of closeness to get re-established......unless she had been acting a part too! [ more ]
Baz I think he is supposed to be taking Mollie on holiday ….if you believe that . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Windows 10 January update
slimfern I'm not going to touch it El.... [ more ]
El Loro You would probably find that if you did try to install KB5034441, Slim, that it failed I've paused Windows updates for 7 days otherwise there would be repeated attempts to install that patch. Patches generally done once a month so unlikely to matter pausing for a few days, [ more ]
slimfern It says 'Pending Installment' on my computer El [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
slimfern None of my children have watches, they use their phones .... I feel naked without one ....has to have proper numbers though Mines a Seiko ... [ more ]
Saint Never go wrong with a watch - was thinking about the Casio divers watch for one of the kids - i got too many myself, have a nice Guess Chase in black with (rare) metal strap. [ more ]
slimfern I got a new watch [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well, Labour are on the backfoot now.
Carnelian Heat pumps and electric cars are very flawed technologies. I'd love them to not be because the direction is honest and good for the world, but they are. Maybe the technology might improve but currently, it is not fit for its intended purpose. Neither technologies are an improvement on what they intend to replace in terms of cost and function. There will need to be a shake-up of incomes before the majority of the working class can afford the technology imposed on them without blowing a huge... [ more ]
Baz Re: Well, Labour are on the backfoot now. [ more ]
velvet donkey I joined GB News two weeks ago as a researcher [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So surgeons are at in the operating theatre.
Baz It’s disgusting Velvet It beggars belief ….Mr Bs uncle was in there after his stroke a decade ago….it doesn’t bear thinking about [ more ]
velvet donkey Sentencing date set for nurses accused of drugging stroke unit patients [ more ]
velvet donkey This is another one that pisses me off. Nurses and food banks. If you can drive to a food bank you just don't get it. Stop waving that one around. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've struggled at times.
Baz Seems like we are going backwards , eh Suricat. [ more ]
suricat As a child, I remember my eldest brother presenting me with 'cream of pea soup' (which was the 'juice/water' from a 'can of peas' mixed with 'milk')! When (at the same time) my 'next elder brother (and his friend)' foraged a local farmer's field for 'potatoes' and 'other' produce to improve our dietary intake. 'At that time', 'Governmental Control' had little forcing to outcomes (1950-60s). However, I'd have thought that we've 'moved on' since then? Perhaps not? Best regards, Ray Dart (aka, ... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average All is good here Velvet, I was with Hoochi Thursday until Saturday...I'm in recovery mode She sends her best wishes to you all . I hope things are well with you [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Edwina Currie.
Carnelian Edwina Curry has been spitefully trolling the poorest of the working class for decades. It's her USP. She's a waste of space with opinions that are no different nor more nuanced than any ten-a-penny right-wing troll on Twitter or Facebook. [ more ]
velvet donkey She went to Oxford. Feck they all went to Oxford. Can't count. Not a major offence but revealing. [ more ]
Baz I agree too …and chuck Diane Abbot in for good measure [ more ]
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