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Just For FunGames
The Never Ending Story
Bojangles The hospital released Carla later that day,with a note for her GP.Justin drove her home made her some soup then left promising to call her later. The phone rang as she closed the door behind Justin. "Hello Carla,this is Jeffrey from Jeffrey, Jeffrey and Jeffrey.I am pleased to tell you your offer of £250,000 has been accepted for Marie Antoinettes bed.You certainly are one lucky lady,it's magnificent a real bargain,with only the faintest smell of urine". [ more ]
Bojangles When Carla came round she was in hospital,the doctor was standing over her. "I'm doctor Jones,so sorry but we have had to pump your stomach out as you were obviously given a Mickey Finn,you have probably been halucinating." Justin was sat by her side. "Carla I'm so glad you are alright,I think it must have been Ivor Biggen,he was ogling you from the moment we arrived.How are you feeling now?" "I have a monumental headache and my stomach feels washed out,no pun intended." [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Smiling Simon Cowell - she decided this was her chance!!! She leapt onto a nearby table and launched into a stunning rendition of "My Way" ....the room fell silent .... she was giving it her all.....Simon was gazing intently at her, head on one side.....then the roof caved in [ more ]
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