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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Danielle & her sour grapes
Cinds Originally Posted by Littlemisswifey: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by erinp: BBXtra have a vid and why she still denies what she does via the webcam is hilarious .I was shocked. So if they have the vid why don't they publish the whole video? here is the link ,it may be taken down by the mods ( removed by request ) and Danielle is still denying all this happened lol That took me to nothing but filthy porn, so thank you... [ more ]
Former Member Re: Danielle & her sour grapes [ more ]
Soozy Woo Re: Danielle & her sour grapes [ more ]
See all 117 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
People power .Letters from home vids (spoiler)
Aimee Pavs was very deep [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Aimee: Not much mention of Helens son in her letter mention a few and I was are they all hers still have no clue what one was hers ,was it the child who thought Helen had jumped into the telly? I think that one was her nephew, she said dud has been on a diet and I thought she meant the dog but then she said you'll have to take him for cheeseburgers when your out She fed her kid cheese burgers lol [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Aimee: Not much mention of Helens son in her letter mention a few and I was are they all hers still have no clue what one was hers ,was it the child who thought Helen had jumped into the telly? I think that one was her nephew, she said dud has been on a diet and I thought she meant the dog but then she said you'll have to take him for cheeseburgers when your out [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
People Power :Compare the Hms poll
kimota Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by erinp: I gave Mark's name for most of the negative questions...oops So did I! Me too [ more ]
Bethni Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by erinp: I gave Mark's name for most of the negative questions...oops So did I! Me too I see I am in good company We are all of one mind then [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by erinp: I gave Mark's name for most of the negative questions...oops So did I! Me too I see I am in good company [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yogi19 Originally Posted by pirate1111: gotta go boss is home See you later, Pirate. Hope the neighbours keep the noise down tonight. [ more ]
pirate1111 gotta go boss is home [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by pirate1111: f*cking social workers no wonder kids end up dead if her next door is anything to go by Makes you wonder doesn't it Pirate [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Christopher confession to the kiss vid
Former Member Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: I like how they calculate the timeline of events (between Christopher and Mark) by evictions. Storeroom kiss Jale's eviction and last kiss Stevens eviction . [ more ]
Baz He wants to stay away from Mark ...who is an arrogant , self serving twit !! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: I like how they calculate the timeline of events (between Christopher and Mark) by evictions. Storeroom kiss Jale's eviction and last kiss Stevens eviction . [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noms revealed/reaction/who nommed who(spoiler)
machel I think Mark is very nasty, especially when he undermines christopher [ more ]
Baz Interesting that both newbies nominated Chris ....but no real surprise about the others ....but looks like Chris's ploy to get Helen et al on side worked As for Mark , he's a shyster of the highest order IMO , and a nasty one at that ! [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Interesting (though not surprising) that all of the oldies (i.e. all the HMs except Zoe) nominated Pav. I would like to think this would put an end to the suggestions over on DS and elsewhere that Chris's "problems" with Pav were anything out of the ordinary, but somehow I doubt it... [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mark livid with Christopher vids
machel Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by machel: dryer? microwave? things that make you go ping! you must be psychic too Machel I'm often told that I am a psycho psychic [ more ]
Aimee Who me. Never your eyebrows are uneven by the way "runs before I get hit by a potato"' [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Aimee: I was just going to say Jackson, he's caught Stevens me me me disease, I'd love him out next as I want Christopher to win but I don't want Mark basking in any of the glory Aimee I want you to think of a white appliance - it lives in the kitchen or sometimes a utility room. It has a round door and washes clothes. In your house it will probably have blown... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Immune Hms is/Reaction vid (spoiler)
Baz Originally Posted by Bethni: I've missed the last couple of days and really don't know if it's worth bothering to watch again. It was clear a few weeks ago that Ashleigh is going to win this and I find her only marginally better than Helen. There's no one worth supporting other than Chris and I gather he's b*llsed it up over the last couple of days Yes , he has a bit Bethni And yes, I think Ashleigh is now the chosen one [ more ]
Bethni I've missed the last couple of days and really don't know if it's worth bothering to watch again. It was clear a few weeks ago that Ashleigh is going to win this and I find her only marginally better than Helen. There's no one worth supporting other than Chris and I gather he's b*llsed it up over the last couple of days [ more ]
Baz I'd like to get excited about the fact that we are supposed to have the Power .....but I doubt we will get much out of it ....they will still protect HeLen....and turn our power on to whoever is this weeks target evictee!! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Ash questioning his feelings for Helen vid
Former Member He has to run it past his agent first - is it a career boost or career killer? [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts It's like when you bump into someone you know who has been out on the piss. You're completely sober but they are absolutely rat arsed, and they are trying to explain something to you in great detail but you haven't got a clue what they are going on about. [ more ]
Cold Sweat He sounds sozzled and his hair style is beginning to resemble that of James May. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has chris signed his own eviction?
Crunchy Nuts If he's called someone something behind their back then that's nothing knew and shouldn't see him nominated. If he's done it to his face then that's unusual for him. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by erinp: meant to add Chris/Ashleigh have fans and have been voted Power Hm over the others, BB know this and three weeks away from the final they need to up the anti with the negative edits. Curious after Helen who they will now start to push on us ,I think Mark. I was having similar thoughts when watching hl's and Bots. Editing will be important even more now we're nearing the end. [ more ]
Saint Ok Chris is playing a game to survive nom's .... we presume It's a game - ok then - he's playing it Hmmmm [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
In WWII the average age of the combat soldier was 26
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: In BB15 the average age of the housemates is: Male - 24.7 Female - 28.8 Just putting it out there... Interesting comparison, particularly considering we've seen the usual claims this year of female HMs pretending to be younger than they really are... Even if you take Pauline out of the equation, the "girls" are notably older - on average - than the boys. Six of the girls this year are over... [ more ]
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: In BB15 the average age of the housemates is: Male - 24.7 Female - 28.8 Just putting it out there... Interesting comparison, particularly considering we've seen the usual claims this year of female HMs pretending to be younger than they really are... Even if you take Pauline out of the equation, the "girls" are notably older - on average - than the boys. Six of the girls this year are over 25, whereas only 3 of the boys... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: In BB15 the average age of the housemates is: Male - 24.7 Female - 28.8 Just putting it out there... Interesting comparison, particularly considering we've seen the usual claims this year of female HMs pretending to be younger than they really are... Even if you take Pauline out of the equation, the "girls" are notably older - on average - than the boys. Six of the girls this year are over 25, whereas only 3 of the boys are... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Which HM’s do we think have the biggest fan bases?
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Bit difficult to tell this year Cold Sweat ... DS seems divided, and I don't really know the other forums. What do you reckon yourself? I've never been able to "read"Facebook or Twitter in the way that some are able to so hopefully someone here can shed some light on them. Winner will be Winston probably... he's... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Bit difficult to tell this year Cold Sweat ... DS seems divided, and I don't really know the other forums. What do you reckon yourself? I've never been able to "read"Facebook or Twitter in the way that some are able to so hopefully someone here can shed some light on them. Winner will be Winston probably... he's had no major slip ups? I agree he could... [ more ]
Yellow Rose On FB it's been Chris and Ashleigh so far from what I've seen [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Task :Step up.vids
Former Member Spot Helen the server [ more ]
Former Member Looks like both teams went to the party and the losers don't look like servers to me ,Helen got to the party in the end .FARCE. [ more ]
Former Member Re: Task :Step up.vids [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steven "opens up".
Aimee Re: Steven "opens up". [ more ]
Former Member Big Brother’s Steven Goode has hit out at the ‘haters’ after an hilariously bad Facebook Q&A. Over 1,000 BBUK fans gave Steven their questions via the official Channel 5 BBUK page and it’s fair to say that most weren’t positive. The supposed businessman didn’t bother to reply to most, answering just over 20 questions in all. Some of the most popular questions that Steven didn’t answer included: “Are you aware of how controlling and selfish you are?”, “Why did you get annoyed with... [ more ]
Saint He appears to have no morals She alluded to many Odd how she went all the way without so much as a "how's your father" [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Life without Steven vid
Baz Originally Posted by erinp: I do hope he disappears after his BBOTS stunt . Delighted that this BB is a flop ,he will be gutted that we don't all know his name . What did he do on BBBots please Erinp? I'm just pleased to see the back of him!! [ more ]
Former Member I do hope he disappears after his BBOTS stunt . Delighted that this BB is a flop ,he will be gutted that we don't all know his name . [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Metro BB article .
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing The Metro. The paper was launched in London in 1999, and can now be found in several UK urban centres, plus some smaller railway stations. Localised editions are produced for Birmingham , Brighton , Bristol , Cardiff , Derby , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Leeds , Leicester , Liverpool , London, Manchester , Nottingham , Newcastle , and Sheffield . [ 1 ] It is part of the same media group as are the Daily Mail and The Mail on Sunday , although, in some areas, Metro operates as a franchise with a... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing I think we get The Metro everywhere there are trains, buses and underground systems! [ more ]
Former Member I'd just like to pop in and say I get The Metro here in South Shields too [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Helen can't stop crying vid
Former Member Originally Posted by fremsley: No animals, children or onions were harmed in the making of this video. Good - she's joining the dots. A few crayons and she'll see the picture Oh that made me chuckle Fremsley! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by erinp: Don't be booing Helen when she comes out or she will smash your face in ,that's us told then . I think there is more to just Steven leaving that's making her cry ... I think she is more afraid for herself, her history and her behaviour in the house (And the fact that a strong 18 year old is being cheered and kept in) than any sorrow that Steven has left the BB house. Oh yeah... the cheers for Ashleigh too. She won't have liked that [ more ]
Former Member All bullies are cowards underneath [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eviction vids
Former Member Re: Eviction vids [ more ]
Former Member Helen Wood has been left in tears over last night’s Big Brother 2014 results which saw Steven Goode given the boot. Steven was evicted from the house in tonight’s Big Brother 2014 results after facing the public vote alongside Ashleigh Coyle , Pavandeep Paul and Zoe Birkett. After leaving to boos, Steven told Emma: “I thought my time had come, I would’ve liked to make the final but I’m happy to be out.” Back in the house however and Helen was certainly not happy that Steven had left. Sobbing... [ more ]
Former Member Re: Eviction vids [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Helen is happy for Ashleigh vid
Former Member Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts: These 2 have grown as people so much in the last few weeks. They've changed the most out of all and will go out completely different people to the 2 girls who came in 7 weeks ago. Helen hasn't imo, still a nasty bitch. [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by erinp: But she will nom her next round of nominations lol Helen's teeth look like they spend the night in a glass beside her bed..... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Ashleigh kept her eviction outfit well hidden again tonight. I saw the top ,it pale pink with crystals . I can't wait to see her in full. She is a stunning girl . [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Look who turned up on This Morning
Aimee Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Aimee: Looks like he's finally got what he was after then fame by default and as soon as it's finished, he'll be left with nothing I think Rylan would be left behind as well [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Looks like he's finally got what he was after then fame by default and as soon as it's finished, he'll be left with nothing [ more ]
Aimee Looks like he's finally got what he was after then [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Helen and Ashleigh gossip girls or best friends vid
Former Member Originally Posted by jacksonb: I have noticed that when HM's are being shown in assorted clips, they all seem to get on quite well together, but when we see the highlight's show they are at each other's throats. Yeahh... good point [ more ]
jacksonb I have noticed that when HM's are being shown in assorted clips, they all seem to get on quite well together, but when we see the highlight's show they are at each other's throats. [ more ]
Former Member Weird... so Pav is the whipping boy now? [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ten things you did not know about Denise Van Outen
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Gary Glitter went to my school It was before my time but I believe he used to march around the playground chanting ' Do ya wanna be in my gang?' A good job it was not " Do You Wanna Touch Me " or " Come On, Come In , Get On". [ more ]
Soozy Woo Gary Glitter went to my school It was before my time but I believe he used to march around the playground chanting ' Do ya wanna be in my gang?' [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Garage Joe: I knew all of those things! :smug: There's always one. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What would Steven do with the power ? vid
Baz What a nasty guy he is !!! And what do they mean in future ! There better not be a future for him And it's a bit late to start punishing people gift noms talk !! [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by fremsley: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by fremsley: I am the banana of all salesmen. x 100. I am the plums to your banana You coulda told me earlier Your place or mine? Saints', he needs a good laugh after a 14 hour shift. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by fremsley: I am the banana of all salesmen. x 100. I am the plums to your banana [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Task:Angry Ash
Former Member Confused!!! Day 51: Task - Angry Ash strikes again Today’s task continues, and our resident anti-Hulk tries to start a fight over Helen’s pasta. If only she’d stop laughing [ more ]
Former Member Result Ash Harrison has failed his secret mission in the BBUk house this afternoon. Earlier today, Ash was called to the Diary Room where Big Brother gave him a secret mission where he would become ‘Angry Ash.’ BB instructed Ash to ditch his calm bravado if favour of some Hulk-like anger with his fellow Housemates. Ash was given the following tasks without getting rumbled in order to pass the overall challenge: 1. Ash had to get angry with Winston and accuse him of stealing an item of... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Well that looks like a fail to me but I bet he passes and wins a party tonight for when Steven stays If he passes it's a treat for himself and one other in the DR. God only knows what he will get ,eavesdrop on the others ,something to make it kick off. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pav's eviction panic vid
Former Member Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: If it's true that Matt was advised to choose Pav and Zoe instead of Winston that's blatant manipulation. It was a no brainer that Bianca would choose those 2 and BB are confident Zoe will stay if they're going by the crowd reaction and her fan base. I've not seen Pav doing anything wrong or spiteful. I agree but I also wonder why these former housemates are... [ more ]
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: If it's true that Matt was advised to choose Pav and Zoe instead of Winston that's blatant manipulation. It was a no brainer that Bianca would choose those 2 and BB are confident Zoe will stay if they're going by the crowd reaction and her fan base. I've not seen Pav doing anything wrong or spiteful. I agree but I also wonder why these former housemates are prepared to go along with this... [ more ]
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: If it's true that Matt was advised to choose Pav and Zoe instead of Winston that's blatant manipulation. It was a no brainer that Bianca would choose those 2 and BB are confident Zoe will stay if they're going by the crowd reaction and her fan base. I've not seen Pav doing anything wrong or spiteful. I agree but I also wonder why these former housemates are prepared to go along with this manipulation? Are they so desperate for air... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Matthew told to say Zoe/Pav to the PHMs
Yellow Rose At Matt's twitter link message says that page doesn't exist, has he closed it voluntarily or was he told to I wonder [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Aimee: I wouldn't be surprised if it's the last one as they really don't care what the audience think and are doing everything against the games rules Emma seems to be going off message saying how much she's peeved with things too. Its like she's out the door after this series? It does seem obvious this year, they are even picking and choosing who leaves and who stays, I really hope people aren't wasting... [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Aimee: I wouldn't be surprised if it's the last one as they really don't care what the audience think and are doing everything against the games rules Emma seems to be going off message saying how much she's peeved with things too. Its like she's out the door after this series? It does seem obvious this year, they are even picking and choosing who leaves and who stays, I really hope people aren't wasting their money voting [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steven "If I die tomorrow" vid
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by erinp: 11.16am: Steven is plotting his nominations for next week - if he stays tonight, that is And I'm betting he will stay as well Don't even say it Aimee please I think they are setting it up nicely for pav to go and then either Steven or Helen will get the power and then we will lose Ashleigh or Chris [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by erinp: 11.16am: Steven is plotting his nominations for next week - if he stays tonight, that is And I'm betting he will stay as well Don't even say it Aimee please I think they are setting it up nicely for pav to go and then either Steven or Helen will get the power and then we will lose Ashleigh or Chris [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by erinp: 11.16am: Steven is plotting his nominations for next week - if he stays tonight, that is And I'm betting he will stay as well Don't even say it Aimee please [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has the power ruined Ashleigh's chances of survival vid
Ells Don't think the crowd will cheer her but I don't think she will go. I haven't seen any support for her in town at all Not sure why, maybe I just haven't been in the right places but I hope people are supporting her because they supporting that asshole Conor last year and he didn't deserve it at all. [ more ]
See 1 reply...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Task:The losers
Former Member Yesterday, Housemates took part the second day of this weeks Shopping Task. Firstly, Housemates took part in Keep Calm and Carry On. Housemates had to increase another’s heart rate. This was of course fixed, the heart rates were not really measured and the red teams would win. KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON Chris had to scare Ashleigh. Ash had to scare Steven. Stevens heart rate increased quicker and therefore Ashliegh won the battle. Next, Zoe had to arouse Winston Mark had to arouse Christopher. [ more ]
Baz I hope they failed ....not that it makes any difference ....they hardly live on basic rations !!! [ more ]
Former Member The end game ...result [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm over this weather
Former Member Re: I'm over this weather [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Xochi: Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by squiggle: I symphathise, I once shared an office with a girl who refused to have the window open at all, no matter how hot and airless it was. Just read back on the thread. I would've opened it, if everyone else was suffering too I don't take any 'rubbish' at work Yes! Open it, open it! [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Xochi: Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by squiggle: I symphathise, I once shared an office with a girl who refused to have the window open at all, no matter how hot and airless it was. Just read back on the thread. I would've opened it, if everyone else was suffering too I don't take any 'rubbish' at work Yes! Open it, open it! [ more ]
See all 76 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Christopher has the hump with Mark vid
Aimee Originally Posted by squiggle: I think Christopher should step away from Mark now he's much too good for him. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Xochi: Originally Posted by erinp: Mark has never been interested in Christopher in a romantic way ,he used him for airtime . Yep, as I said ^^^ before I read that erin. Either way, I'm hoping we get a bit more focus on Mark and Winston's 'performances' in the next few weeks. Hope so. Winston looked quietly miffed they rumbled him for not being as fick as he pretends. Also, anyone notice how articulate Mark was the other night, explaining how to "diffuse the situation"... [ more ]
squiggle I think Christopher should step away from Mark now he's much too good for him. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...

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