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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Guest Tbh I've not seen or heard of Chanelle much since she left the house.....I'm not a magazine reader so don't hear much of any of the HM's after they leave. She drove me potty when watching her live on BB though. I found Nikki funny...but must admit I don't think she should've have gone back in after being evicted. [ more ]
boldjohn I never saw her in BB. What I've seen and heard of her, I like very much. Nikki was the most arrogant housemate for me. She seemed to think the whole show revolved around her. Unfortunately the producers liked her and put her back in after she had been fairly evicted. [ more ]
Cigarettes & Alcohol There have been so many horrible arrogant housemates throughout the shows, but the worst most arrogant for me has to be that horrid little man, slimey sibley, he loved himself so much, I am suprised he didn't selfcopulate. [ more ]
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TV ShowsDesperate Housewives
Just had to have the first post somewhere
subeeloo ....he will probably get away with it, or he will be found out at the very last second Hiya queenie , nice ter see yer, ter see yer, nice [ more ]
Kaffs I've just watched it - I knew she was being killed off, so not a surprise, but I still found it sad. [ more ]
jessejay not sure Edie was the only one who knew his secret so he might still want to kill Mike or Katherine [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where is Lil???
apricot What?? in this section, tupps? Sounds any idea where she's now? If I knew for sure where she'd be next time, we could all pile in. I do miss her, and we ALL miss her. If you could keep an ear to the ground tupps, much obliged. [ more ]
tupps Hiya apricot... she has been on but I haven't seen her recently.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did you all hear about that woman feeding her babies mcdonalds and junk food?
Ducky It must be difficult BB. It wasn't till you asked that I thought anything of it. As a teacher we've had training on recognising students who could possibly be on the autistic spectrum so have always had a feeling that he had slight tendencies, but as I say it's very mild and although it makes socialising difficult it's managable. I'd never thought to associate his eating problems with it though, so thanks for the information. I'll look into it. He would never agree to seeing someone face to... [ more ]
*BB* Hello Ducky, yes I was asking you. Your post rang a loud bell with me as my daughter is textbook autistic and what you described regarding your son brought back memories of the problems we had with her from birth as regards eating and drinking. She not only had problems with the texture of food but also the colour of food and drinks. We were left to muddle through the best way we could, but I would expect that in this day and age there may be good advice out there for anyone with eating... [ more ]
Ducky I'm not sure if you're asking PJ or me BB.... but as far as my son goes, maybe? Only mildly though.... he's very introverted and has a tendancey to be obsessional about topics he is interested in. He's gone through a Titanic stage, a volcano stage and for the past four or five years it's been 9/11. It's not enough to effect his life too much though, and a lot of good has come from it. Through his fascination of 9/11 came a love for architecture and he taught himself to do 3d-computer... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baby P Killer convicted of raping a two year old girl
Moonbeams I had that same thought Blizzie. [ more ]
Former Member Yes it was, despite the very strict court order. Luckily, the trial went ahead anyway despite the defence arguing that the defendents wouldn't get a fair trial because of it. Those armchair vigilantes could have stopped this prosecution with their reckless actions. [ more ]
Former Member He'll get a life sentence under the current law. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So they do bop threads then..........
Terry Stamp are you surprised, with all the hate filled rants made by people inside the thread..nice play on words there like...but unfortunatly it wasn't the thread topic that it was banned for but rather what went on inside the boohooo, your smear campaign is full off holes. [ more ]
Terry Stamp you might hope. [ more ]
squiggle Exactly, just what I was thinking last night. We don't want to rock this boat, we've only just scrambled aboard [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Barolo Don't the British just love something to panic about!! I won a free holiday to Mexico too - pig sick I can't go now! [ more ]
Liverpoollass At work, we have been sent emails on how to deal with it i.e health warning. [ more ]
StGeorgina I have been worried about swine flu, like many who have immune systems that are dysfunctional. I can suffer with a normal cold for a month, so this is a bit of a worry. I'm not getting hysterical about it, but have been using hand sanitisers like they are going out of fashion, just incase. It's amazing how many things we touch when out and about, I didn't give it much thought until this last week or so. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karma Stars
Moomin I used to like geting my stars [ more ]
Neil3841 shouldn't have got banned lol could have been the winner Is it just me or does there seem to be more people with twirlly stars than there was on C4 I think some people just nicked one rather than use there own [ more ]
Essie Hyperstar, if I'm not mistaken, you will need a forum of your own soon to fit in your sig. [ more ]
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