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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I am having a major stress out
Saint TRIXY - to doubt yourself is to spur yourself on, yeah? if your over confident ... well you'll never learn We're sure your doing your best, keep going hunny [ more ]
Trix-ster Is that what I come across as Renton Because really I'm a little stresshead that drinks relentless even though it makes me feel ill and has to wiki keywords to make sure that I havent made up notes But you can all just keep thinking I'm really clever and if anyone wants to write me a reference go ahead [ more ]
Saint TRIXY - gosh aren't you a clever thing Good luck your doing a grand job [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Trident Gum
serignhugrf It's a Cadbury product and you can only phone or write. Since I am currently trying to make a curry, feed an 18 month old and trying to ensure dog or 6 year old doesn't go under the blades of the lawn mower while OH cuts grass (he's a bit blinkered) I should probably not get anymore envolved Maybe tomorrow I shall write and happen to mention that fruit and nut is my fav choc [ more ]
Demantoid Worth a go [ more ]
serignhugrf I'm gonna google and I'm going to mail them Maybe I'll get a free diet coke [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can anyone offer me a wee bit of advice? About my friend...
Towno :) Ah Pixie, thinking over your problem you really only have one solution: "Hi Jane , is everything okay? Thought you were going to text me with a time to meet up? I'm short on credit so let me know when you want to pop over/meet for coffee. Look forward to seeing you, Pixie x" That way at least the ball is in her court, you don't need to cchase her anymore for a meeting and really, she is kinda taking the mick. I am particularly lousy when it comes to meeting up with folk and replying to... [ more ]
Raggy♥Doll I admit to being a bit crap meself, I don't *do* phone calls, am a bit reclusive but people don't realise as I can be quite outgoing amongst friends. Lots of women especially have tried with me but I just lack confidence when I don't see alot of them. I do do answering emails and texts though, and occasionally do the first contact...God I'm crap innit [ more ]
jonono I've got the same rubbish with a family member who I am expected to practically mother even though she is in her 30's with 3 kids and married. We had a bust up a while back and this came up and she says she never calls me as I am selfish and never know what to say to her problems, fact is I prefer not to have negative conversations. Anyway I have called her every time for the last few years and even though it's family I am giving up. Life's too short to be pandering to folk. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
if you won the lottery would you leave your partner..?
~Lee~ Good luck to your son for his exams bless him...Get him organised for tonight kids are forever being indecisive then expecting us to carry the can when they finally do make their minds up...He'll have a great time I'm sure and probably would have regretted not going at some stage no doubt tonight I'll be back in a few minutes jst going to have a peek at Yankeedoodle doors. [ more ]
RZB They are all fine thanks Lee, middle one is doing his GCSE's at the moment, he's just rang to say the school prom they he didn't want anything to do with, and is tonight, he would now like to go to.... we are all now running round like headl less chickens to please him. but deep down, I'm glad he 's going Every time the loft is mentioned, I scream din't go up there. ... I might place a cheeky order this afternoon, well it's free postage, [ more ]
~Lee~ I can't admit in public how much more I've bought from here in fact I can't even admit inn private I just enjoy the smellies and blank the cost....Eamon is doing fantastic RZB he's running around into everything and doing his best to talk ....Each time I think I couldn't love him any more than I already do I find out differently ...I hope all your family are well and they stay safe in the house like mine where the loft is at risk of falling through [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I Know This Forum Has Had People Critisising It For Different Things But........
Dame_Ann_Average Someone must have, cos I was blocked and emailed the mods. Lori sorted it out in two minutes, she said my IP addy had been bopped by accident when the were dealing with someone else and if anyone else was having bother just to email them and they would sort it straight away. [ more ]
Scrumtum maybe the mods had just found out they were bein made redundant and the forums closin so decided on 'revenge' and bopped anyone they've hated over the years. i can see it now... no repercussions coz the forum was goin n e way. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Just out of interest ............has anyone been bopped yet? In all honesty - the last few months on Ch4 forums - the reasons were pretty pathetic weren't they? [ more ]
See all 84 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The catholic church run schools. abuses.
Guest I really can't see why anyone would want to pee over a thread like this? There are so many other threads...why can't this just be left to those who want to discuss it? [ more ]
~Lee~ Go tell that to the kids and teens abused there or any victim of abuse I'm sure they never have and never will find it amusing ....Nothing sanctimonious about my post whatsoever I don't know what your problem is nor have I saw the comment it seems admin saw fit to have removed being as they saw it as racist I can only imagine...Nice...Not [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! Rosemary!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
THE lumley Joanna lovley
squiggle Gordon Brown would do ANYTHING at the moment that he thought would raise his popular appeal. Its nothing to do with the Gurkhas its El Gordo trying to raise his popularity. [ more ]
~Orchid~ At the risk of standing up for Gordon Brown. I think he did well on this. All sucessive governments have ignored the plight of the Gurkhas including Thatcher and Blair. Yes GB was not interested at first but he was following in the footsteps of all the previous governments. How is it that he creates a backlash of disgust over the Gurkhas when previous governments had ignored them and the public were quite silent? Gordon Brown changed his mind and did the right thing in the end.The Gurkhas... [ more ]
elmos friend agreed [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baby P's mum plea for mercy
Liverpoollass She is obviously hoping for a lesser sentence and has thrown herself at the mercy of the court. [ more ]
ilovewillyoung I cant believe this evil bitch as got the nerve to ask for mercy.omg words fail me [ more ]
Liverpoollass Saw this on the news last night. Too little too late and just before she is due to be sentenced - my what a surprise. I expect she will only get a few years in prison, but she deserves to be locked up and the key thrown away. Oh with a bit of hard labour thrown in for good measure. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I LOVE Maury Povich...
Scrumtum NAH heard of it tho. is he JK'ish?? coz i dont like how he screams @ the folk on his show. [ more ]
Scrumtum LMFAO!!!!!!! [ more ]
Yellow Rose I like Maurice but gave up watching the show when every time I turned on it was a girl/woman trying to find out for the umpteenth time who the father of her child was. Anyone seen the Steve Wilko show? at least he really confronts the low life's that go on his show [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Synopsis Room
Xochi OK... well... the idea of this room is for occasional visitors to the forum to try and catch up with what's going on... threads to look back at or folk to catch up with as the lovely mods here seem happy to keep the topics running. No stalking allowed! [ more ]
Xochi C'mon Dave... show us your synopsis! [ more ]
Xochi I have my best thoughts in the dead of night... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
MoFo OMG NO WONDER YOU ARE SCARED! To have blonde hair and then to have blonde highlights on top of that....bluddy hell ANYTHING could happen - you might go blonde or something. Good luck. [ more ]
Baz I've got short hair and have mine re done every 2 months Aimee. I have a full head done as well... but you can still ask for just a few... especially as you are having it done at home [ more ]
Aimee im mean't to be having a full head how long do they last? i've got quite long hair btw [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I need a wee
Dirtyprettygirlthing LOL... I used to have a Studio catalogue also!! I love a bit of toot me! [ more ]
Cinds Hahahahahaha, well it wasn't bettaware, but Studio cards, I saw nylon arm tights that had tattoos on them........WHY........seriously why? [ more ]
Cinds Oh Gawd what was she called, I can see her face in my mind. Didn't she die, and the Ailsa saw her ghostly form (well head only) coming through her front door? [ more ]
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