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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Favourtite breed of dog?
Demantoid They really are - excellent security, considering they're such little buggers [ more ]
drum Thats it, I knew it was something churchy related. Yes$, my friend has one, he's a total riot, but very protective of her also. [ more ]
Demantoid Parson Jack Russell Terriers (Americans call them JRTs), after the clergy-type bloke who originally bred them. My family have had a couple and they were never ankle-bitey Very funny though. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tony Curtis.
Demantoid Wow, he was a thing of beauty when he was young I read his autobiography years ago and he came from a really dirt-poor background in one of New York's toughest neighbourhoods, so I don't blame him for still being a sweary so-and-so. You'd swear if your real name was Bernie Schwartz [ more ]
Mentalist It was the Manga Comic Media Expo. My kids are very into their Manga. It's a great day out, loads of the kids come dressed as their favourite Manga characters and the atmosphere is really good. Lots of free hugs and stuff, my teenage boys are in their element [ more ]
Former Member You met The Bionic Woman I'm jealous - I wanted to be her when I was young. Then I moved on to Wonder Woman [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Now this is where I stop watching Britains Got Talent.
Liverpoollass Yep. Makes a mockery of the show when daft acts like this go through and the young drummer lad doesn't. [ more ]
storm So you liked Susan to start with - according to that comment....... But now, after several weeks of this talented woman being in the news, and on top of the world, you are 'soooooo over her...??????' Well how fickle and shallow are you???????? And jealously and bitterness are not pleasant traits. Just coz you can't bear someone to be successful whilst you're clearly not, there is no need to be so spiteful. [ more ]
longcat There were a few acts that Simon did not want to go through but Amanda and Piers voted against him. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aimee it is all beyond me thanks for all you advice guys [ more ]
Barolo That's so bloody insensitive! Thanks God she's got you to ask, Aimee. It infuriates me how a woman of her age has to go through all this added grief. The anount of help she'll be able to receive is dependant on having enough NI contributions - and there are leeches who have never done a day's work in their lives, contributed nothing to the pot and money is handed to them on a platter! It makes my blood boil! [ more ]
Blackpudlian I'm a hundred per cent certain the family will be descending like vultures when the lady dies. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BNP Boss 'to attend Queen's Party'!
Liverpoollass Re: BNP Boss 'to attend Queen's Party'! [ more ]
TiGi Re: BNP Boss 'to attend Queen's Party'! [ more ]
Garage Joe There doesn't seem to be any objection to the lucky ticket holder. The point is that he, by inviting the other nutjob, is attempting to undermine our Queen and her do. One assumes that if we ever are invited that we would take a partner, not try to cause maximum publicity for ourselves. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baby Anteater.
Former Member Awww - how gorgeous I love footage of baby animals [ more ]
Guest Oooh! I've seen baby giant ones on their mothers backs in the wild, but that one is a 'lesser tamanduá' and they're altogether a lot friendlier. [ more ]
Guest Oooh! I've seen baby giant ones on their mothers backs in the wild, but that one is a 'lesser tamanduá' and they're altogether a lot friendlier. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LADIES....Matching underwear?!
EDWARDIAN LIL i always match - it's an affliction [ more ]
EDWARDIAN LIL i am ashamed to say that the days of lil having her drawers embroidered by the tiny dragonflies of st.clair are over [ more ]
EDWARDIAN LIL Iz only joking I'm an E and most normal shops stop at D or DD Bravissimo have lovely stuff, expensive but worth it and yes I agree about high street shops their stuff don't seem to last as long [/QUOTE] primark do the sweetest frillies but i wan you they are rather drafty the primark sets ie packs are ideal to take on your hols they are fine and usually quite pretty they wash but eventually go baggy they are wot they are but certainly quite jolly and fun - you do get bored with wots on offer... [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I remember when...
Dirtyprettygirlthing My friend & I used to do that... we used to actually say LOL.. we worked together as well.... would get v embarrassing. The thing about the forum that I end up find myself trying to take into the rl is the smilies!! Having a conversation and trying to do the face, or the ninja.... sad, really sad! [ more ]
TanyaHyde I remember 10 regal cost less than 40p! Me and my mate used to get 20p each and go halves on a packet!! [ more ]
Raggy♥Doll Oh yes, clunge is my new favourite word, after twunt! Soon you will find yourself using forum stuff in real life, like when something is funny you'll think 'lol' Haha x [ more ]
See all 252 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
super sweet 16 on MTV
Rawky-Roo I saw one where this girl gave out 'fake' invitations to the people she believed were beneath her and when they showed up at the party the bouncers turned them away. Ooooh, it made me angry I could have crushed a grape [ more ]
Hollygolightly I know I'm getting old when I want to slap their faces very hard.....Jesus Mary & Joseph what a disgraceful display of money and no class. [ more ]
Scrumtum the show makes me larrrrrrf. it reminds me of the hills. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Spotify help required please.
Raggy♥Doll Watty how was the weddin and the readin I forgot to ask. If I do off it's baby related [ more ]
Raggy♥Doll Lectricals made a fred [ more ]
Leccy Ok I have decided my first one will be ladies that Rawk. PJ, Patti, Hole etc. I love the "similar artists" thing...I rediscovered some songs from my youth that I had totally forgotten about. Belly-Feed the Tree got multiple plays last night. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Reginal Accent Thread
Hollygolightly Hi Joe...just picked this up now. Vielen Dank! [ more ]
Former Member A dain't. A just like taaaalken tu yuhs aaaaal [ more ]
Former Member I've lived in my part of Engerland since I was 13 but I don't sound anything like this: The sun is shinen an' it's a beaotiful doy. I'm contemplaten what ter yav fer gruub. Occasionally I still sound like the old country Sure I need to take the little fella for a walk furst but it'll be no harm to us if we drop into the the old watering hole furst and have the craic! [ more ]
See all 178 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Any ideas for Name for my tiny puppy please?
forgetmenot I had not planned to keep any, just like last time but its so hard and she is so small did not want her to end up in the wrong hands if she is very small as an adult but her mum was pretty small at 8 weeks as well. I let them have free flow food when their tiny then they seem to make good! [ more ]
Liverpoollass Charlie's a great name! Awww glad you have a puppy. She sounds absolutely adorable [ more ]
ilovewillyoung My dog is called pip [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
help, cooking problem
Leccy Asda do their own make with cracked black pepper in. It is delish on toast. [ more ]
BBBS thanks yogi and trix, i'll try without warming just scoop out the containers into a bowl and then attack it with a fork. cheers for the advice everyone. (if its too stiff i'll stand the bowl in warm water for a while to soften it up a little more.) [ more ]
Trix-ster philli light should be soft anyways, so usually just stirring will make it easier to use in recipes [ more ]
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