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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So, what're your views on.....
Dora This is why our criminal system does not work. Too bloody soft. [ more ]
jacksonb don't see the problem with it myself, better than playing footie all day long or going weight training, at least with video games the buggers won't be able to run as fast next time they they leg it from the post office [ more ]
old hippy guy PHEW this time I checked and saw it was a link to THAT RAG, so I didnt click, had to wash my eyes out once today didnt want to go through that again [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
electric shepherd awww, tis cuteness personified i see the difference. we don't get many round here, they don't mix well with badgers apparently. [ more ]
Demantoid They don't have ears like that, it's bizarre! And there's a bit of fox going on with the face, too. They're supposed to look like this: [ more ]
Saint Our dog had a fluffy play hedge-hog Saw one in the garden and jumped on it . . . ooops [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jordan cheated on Pete with Billi Bhatti
Moonbeams Jordan cheated???? No. Gosh I'm sooooo suprised. [ more ]
longcat Thats what the papers are implying. The fact is we will never really know. [ more ]
longcat Exactly only Pete and Katie know whats really going on. I never judge a couple because you just never know what goes on behind closed doors. The happiest couples in the world could be beating the crap out each other. I thought all my mates were happy until they got divorced. [ more ]
See all 66 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How awful and tragic?
Lazybug That's just so sad I remember a story some time back about a little girl who had managed to get out of her nursery school and was wondering down the road on her own (she was about 2 or 3 I think). She wondered past a builder who saw her but because of the whole paedo thing he didn't intervene or find out why she was on her own... On the news later that evening he saw that a little girl had be found drowned in a pond just a few houses down from where he was working. He feels so guilty and... [ more ]
mummymaz My Ex is a police officer in Birmingham and a few months back he found a little boy that had been reported missing in a neighbours pond - he says he'll never get over it... poor little man xx [ more ]
Lady P Tragic. I really feel for the neighbour too - they must feel terrible [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baby Is Having A Party In My Tummy
Real Great stuff... and if you know of anyone else wants to join your club--- tell em to come and see me.. Only joking by the way.. Really--- God bless you all with healthy children.. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Thank you Real. I do know about Scatts, there are a few of us on here at the moment who are either expecting or have new babies. There is a thread for new mums in the Lounge although not that many of us use it. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Whoops.. old terminology there.. by OT I mean the Lounge [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kick Out The Kids BBC1 now
HyacinthB I thought she was lazy and extremely selfish. At least the young man tried which is more than she was prepared to do. Our neighbour's son will be 50 this year and he still lives at home with Mummy who does everything for him. No wonder he doesn't want to move out. The other son moved out years ago and lives with his partner and daughter in a lovely little house they are struggling to maintain the mortgage on. The mother is quite happy to keep her other son at home as she feels lonely since... [ more ]
mathom I don't understand this thread but I wish that Dangermouse was still on... [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Don't, you'll make me cry again. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ok, first day back at work today...
jujubedoo Well done you, lets keep it up, hope you are getting on ok [ more ]
jonono I've moved jobs recently and found it a night mare given what I have to be responsible for! However it is getting easier each time I go (only 2 weeks in 5 yay but full on work when I am there) [ more ]
jujubedoo Thankyou my lovelies, Dora , Chicken you lovely chrimbo chum , Karma , thankyou so much, And Queen you are truely scrumptious [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have you ever made Minestrone soup?
Guest Clarence and I are currently on the run, we will probably settle in foreign climes such as the Isle of wight or the Isle of Dogs.... You ain't seen us, right? [ more ]
Former Member I love the Clarence but sometimes the bedsit and beans lifestyle causes him to 'project' [ more ]
spongebob squarepants don't worry veggieeeeeee.....i have my private investigators on the case looking for who was responsible for poor pudgies bum disaster..... i shall alert them of clarence......he will be paw printed in time....... [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fascists to the left of me, Nazis to the right...
Soozy Woo I know just how you're feeling ..............i cannot even begin to explain or describe the optimism I felt whe tony Blair took over number 10. It didn't really amount to much .................I think it's all a matter of beauracracy etc. - somehow there really isn't the freedom to cast all sleaze/corruption etc. aside. I suppose really is a 'Gentlemans Club' and no one wanted to rock the boat. It's all sad ........very, very sad .............hope some good comes of it all. [ more ]
captain marbles That's very thin gruel considering all the armwaving he's been doing over the past few weeks. How will fixed terms make the slightest difference to political life in this country? I think Alan Johnsons support for proportional representation is much more significant in terms of reflecting the true wishes of the people, and if Gordon has the nous to grab the straw then it might just give him something solid to go into the election with. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I hope so, otherwise we are all doomed [ more ]
See all 174 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you shave..
Karma_ God no. I've got legs like a footballer [ more ]
mary_bee I shave my underarms every other day just incase of stubbs and I pluck at my eyebrows pretty much every day, but they're a bit of an obsession of mine and I use this like...56583953 x magnification mirror so any tiny hair is spotted right away Other hair removal is when I feel it necessary, I wear tights all the Winter so I get a bit slack on the ol' legs then. [ more ]
hyperstar Yes [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fatal shooting in Nottingham
HyacinthB What on earth has gone wrong with this country that we have so much crime on our streets and so many youngsters are dying? Such a waste of life and so sad!! [ more ]
Poolshark I've just got back from the pub and a girl who hangs around with us who is in the medical profession was telling us that the people who killed that lad also went to the A and E at the Quens Medical Centre looking for someone who got stabbed ana he was with the lad who died, apparently there were armed police at every entrance of the hospital. It's worse than the news are making out, but honestly folks Nottingham is not as it seems, please don't be put off visiting our city, I can think of... [ more ]
Trix-ster true and coming from somewhere very close to the roughest part of stoke I know not to wander round town with all my valuables on show. I have a friend who ties her camera to her wrist , and then walks around texting...I'm like are you desperate for a mugging? [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What's a partial vegetarian?
Former Member I would say the answer to the question is confused [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Semi- or partial vegetarian: Diet consists of plant foods and may include chicken or fish, dairy products, and eggs. It does not include red meat. What a bunch of arse! (sorry for potty mouth!) But honestly... its a pretentious way of saying 'I don't eat red meat'. The woman that says it deserves to be condemned to a lifetime of vegetable lasagne and mushroom rissotto for that! [ more ]
Former Member I once stayed at a B&B in Newquay and when I told the landlady that I didn't need a bacon&eggs breakfast as I was vegetarian she said: "Oh, I'm a vegetarian too! But I do like a bit of chicken now and again". [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
PC help please
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing If you right click on any internet page a box will open with a menu in it One of the options in that menu will be 'add to favourites' or 'bookmark this page'. They both mean the same thing. i.e. they set up a shortcut link in a folder called 'favourites' that you can just click on and you will be taken directly to that page. Saves you all the trouble of going through a series of sub pages and having to remember all the sub pages that you have to go through to get to the page you want. e.g. I... [ more ]
Soozy Woo I'm that dense I dont't really understand about favourites and all that. Can anyone explain in words of not more than one syllable? [ more ]
Garage Joe Pleasure! *bows* [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Come Dine with me
fabienne That whole Silver Fox business makes me larf. Where do they find these people? [ more ]
Former Member Just watched it. Don't know what that scrawny insipid young lad feels he has to be so snooty about Pampered Mummy's boy still living at home among all that hideous chintz. And did you SEE the state of that kicthen? [ more ]
Baz hi Hyacinth... Yes... and I would gladly volunteer to do it [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sniper Re: XBox360.. [ more ]
old hippy guy hehe same here, Real there are things I have done in my youth while riding my bikes that I am far from proud of and I would be the first to frown on any youngsters behaving that way now, (I have the scars and injuries to this day) and I have been to far too many funerals as well, [ more ]
Real A Honda 50????????? Shit Tates...... wish you had experienced life in the fast lane on the back of some of my bikes... Don't know how i am still here today. No Breathalisers when i was biking.. Wonder we ever got home after a night out... --- well some had hospital visits-- and others had appointments with the undertaker... Best days of my life then though.... [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
tupps Aww lil.. I missed you. I send you best wishes for your veg my dear. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Aw I missed you Lil! Is your mini greenhouse one of those with shelving and a plaggy cover over the top (with zip up doorway thingy)... or a cloche time contracption that sits over your plants that are planting in the garden. I thinned out my lettuces the other night.. and ate the thinnings as a lovely baby leaf salad. [ more ]
Kaytee Au Revoir Madame [ more ]
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