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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
WOW!!!!! (that's all I need to say)
Chickenlips Well... Whatever floats their boat... And as long as they're not hurting anyone, or anything, tis all that matters... Right? [ more ]
Essie My Road was built around 60 years ago, a few years ago my council decided because it's an Avenue it should have had trees, so they proceeded to plant trees in the entire Avenue, they strategically placed them in the middle of each house unless you had a lip for a drive then they obviously couldn't. Luckily we had a drive, but a few of my neighbours who didn't are now having to pay £800 to have the trees removed to enable a drive, our Avenue is 1/6 hill, drives are a necessity on my part of... [ more ]
bigdaddyostrich Re: WOW!!!!! (that's all I need to say) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have arrived in Canada
Saint Odd things about Canada: 1. no round-abouts 2. underground parking 3. proffessional beggars 4. traffic can turn left/right on a red light if the way is clear 5. people say, "alrighty" a lot 6. never seen a blonde yet!! [ more ]
Heatseek Wishing you a great and brave time in your new country [ more ]
Yellow Rose We've several friends who all emigrated to Vancouver years and years ago ( where are you?) None of them have ever wanted to come back to the UK, they love it there. We visted Vancouver for several weeks some years ago and I didn't want to leave, hubby almost had to drag me to the airport lol. Hope you feel settled soon. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This is why u shouldnt CHEAT!!!!
velvet I wonder how the same people would feel if it was there dirty washing being aired in public. Maybe wouldn't be so 'funny' then. [ more ]
Barolo I agree with you. I'm disgusted that this is passed off as entertainment and by the fact that people actually tune in to listen to such diabolical tripe! [ more ]
ZAYLEE takes two to tango so why should she carry the can and what about the so called boss or is it just the female of the species that should be brought to task over this [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
velvet I think she has an excellent singing voice but I think the media tidal wave may now go against her cos people expect she will win and might just vote for somebody else to give them a chance, thinking that she has it in the bag, so's to speak. I think that wiggle thing she did at the end of her performance when talking to Ant and Dec was very silly and embarrasing. Definitely like somebody's drunk auntie at a wedding. [ more ]
brisket I think she only has a moderate talent. But the competition is not tough. (A little boy who shouts got through tonight, so the standard is not high.) I think the dancers Diversity are very slick indeed, but I feel Susan Boyle is only mediocre. [ more ]
Rekaf yes, very well thought out answer mary, but it will not save you from the 'boyle is god' brigade......... [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do You Believe In...
china even though im really interested in this got two pcs on the go-one for work and one so i can visit here, there and everywhere i go on these 'ghost' sites and it frightens the shit out of me-but i love it! i even spent the night in a haunted castle once and it was live on the net! i was sooooo drunk-i got told off [ more ]
Dora Oh yes i do. Seen and heard loads of things, but the spookiest things i hate are flying at night. Loads of spooks on planes I hate night flying and sitting on my own down the back galley [ more ]
velvet Re: Do You Believe In... [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Back Pain!!
pepsi I had an xray last week and have been prescribed even MORE tablets for my back. Nice to see it being taken seriously at last [ more ]
FrankiesChick I also suffer from back pain it started after i had a CS with my youngest daughter. My job made it worse. My doctor put me on Co-Codamol 30/500 i ended up being addicted to them!!! The Doc's were no help i ended up getting my self off the painkillers and now i just put up with the pain [ more ]
longcat Re: Back Pain!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
serignhugrf I was going to suggest sex. Or more specifically, orgasm. [ more ]
pretty_p I really don't wanna go down the tablet route - if things don't get any better soon I may have to consider it but right now I really don't want to!! [ more ]
fabienne Kalms Sleep tablets might help.. They are herbal, so you can pick them up without a prescription from any chemist or health food shop. When I had insomnia, I put a radio next to my pillow with some boring dj rambling on. It was quite effective. Good luck with it. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think my cat is gay!!!
old hippy guy positively pink if not a bit rinky dink [ more ]
old hippy guy hehe (back on my own puter now) I used to have a ginger his name was "Ginge" oddly enough, had him for about 7 years but he drank some anti freeze n it finished him, horrible way for an animal to go, PLEASE people be careful with that stuff, I am sure Charlie is Ginge reincarnated their characters are SO alike, [ more ]
Heatseek Great topic OHG, I've owned a few cats over the years, mostly geezer moggies and never suspected any of them of being gay although one did spend alot of time in the closet. What do you make of this one ? [ more ]
See all 92 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HCG Levels in early pregnancy?
MrsB I hope all goes well for your friend....hospitals are not that great at dealing with threatened miscarriage. I went to the hospital at 4am with heavy bleeding...was stuck in a side room for 8hrs unattended...sent home cos some doctor said I was fine as he couldn't see my cervix....collapsed at home in the afternoon, haemorraging (sp?) badly....lost my baby. I was lucky enough to fall pregnant again quite quickly and he's now 6yrs old. It is good that your friend has you looking out for her. [ more ]
Guest aren't your hgc levels the hormones that the pregnancy test uses to confirm whether you're pregnant or not? They're naturally produced when you're pregnant, and I don't think can be increased/determined before you get pregnant. As far as I remember your HGC levels can be low for a two reasons, either it's really early days in the pregnancy and the hormone levels aren't high enough yet, or there's a threatened miscarriage. Hopefully for your friend it's the first one, but what I would suggest... [ more ]
Guest aren't your hgc levels the hormones that the pregnancy test uses to confirm whether you're pregnant or not? They're naturally produced when you're pregnant, and I don't think can be increased/determined before you get pregnant. As far as I remember your HGC levels can be low for a two reasons, either it's really early days in the pregnancy and the hormone levels aren't high enough yet, or there's a threatened miscarriage. Hopefully for your friend it's the first one, but what I would suggest... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Michael Jackson Concert
Cagney I'm gonna quote you I don't think you'd get your money back for a poor show coz that is a matter of personal taste. I've taken my OH to see Kaiser Chiefs and he said they were rubbish. He wanted his money back....he's a heathen [ more ]
Heather I think it would be poor too and I don't think you could get your money back, because he has turned up. [ more ]
Mentalist Problem is this is logical reasoning and I'm not sure MJ is capable of that at the moment. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Same Sex Marriages
Lindsxdx Awwh! There is still a few months to go so hoping the rest of the family will come around too. I love a good wedding. I will be teary eyed, so beautiful to watch two people promising to love and care for each other forever. Congrats to your friends too. [ more ]
EDWARDIAN LIL if you are religious and reading this - big hug [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) It's about two people in love, regardless of gender. Bigoted people . If they are happy then thats what matters why do they always have to stick their noses in . Are they still stuck in the old ages, this is like the 21st century, time for a reality check but there attitude and pride won't accept it . [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think I may have made a mistake!
captain marbles I think you're in demand Poolie. There's 3 ads for recruitment agencies at the bottom of this thread. [ more ]
jonono Just explain you were keen, don't apologise, say it wasn't clear you couldn't contact them. It's not a massive deal and I'm sure she'll still put you forward for the job. If anything at least the company know you're keen. [ more ]
Guest The lives and luck of Pooshark...vol 55... Nevermind eh, worse things happen at sea [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baby Name Help
ilovewillyoung Well i really think u will have a girl n i love my little g/daughter name Megan [ more ]
Former Member I like traditional names which relate to a person's cultural background. I think it is cruel to give a child a really unusual or made up name, as it leaves them open to horrible teasing and bullying. I would much rather have several other Sarahs turn round when I call my daughter than see loads of parents looking round and laughing when I tell Digby or Silvercup to get ready! (and yes, I really DID know a poor child called Silvercup) [ more ]
queenshaks Yes it does but am not clever there's a fab baby names site with all the meanings. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Things that make you giggle uncontrollably, but you don't know why
Sheep in a Jeep Another thing I really belly laugh is when we were kids we went on holiday with my parents and neither of them being able to swim thought it was great fun to buy a dingy to take us kids out in. All was ok until dad took mum out in the dingy and a great big wave flipped the bloody thing over - Mum now still hasnt forgiven dad cos she said she shouted help and he didnt hear her. Just so happens she was under the water when she shouted pmsl lots [ more ]
Demantoid Sheep Talking of photos, there used to be a fab one of my brothers when they were little, that neither me nor my mother could look at without howling. They were on holiday and it's them and their dad. He's smiling, but for some reason they both look as if someone's just given them a rat sandwich each. The little one's mouth is like a letterbox and other other one's mouth is all pulled into a weird loop on one side. Dunno where that pic is now though - think one of the bruvs must have burnt it! [ more ]
Yogi19 Awww, that`s so cute. I can understand her logic, though. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mentalist I have a solution for these two. Was reading in a magazine whilst in the supermarket queue that Gavin and Charlotte might be breaking up,he wants to be a model and have fun whilst she wants him to spend time with his children, why don't they swap, Jordan can have Gavin and they can party and model to their hearts content and Charlotte can have Pete and settle down being a nice family, there sorted! [ more ]
carotino The worlds most unsexy woman. [ more ]
Poolshark I'm finding this whole story a bit weird, I've never really ever followed these two, but from the little bits I've seen on the telly and read on the net, it seems that this divorce thing is all her fault, she seems to come across as really controlling. I did watch the interview on POG, and even then she was "it's all about me". I find it strange that a woman who has lived her life through the tabloids and trashy gossip mags is now asking for privacy through troubled times, If Andre does keep... [ more ]
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