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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mazzystar Mine had them all through primary and the lotions had limited they stink! As Blizzie and others said,conditioner and a nit comb. [ more ]
old hippy guy OOPS, sorry, saw the thread title n thought it was another BNP thread [ more ]
Trix-ster we were told to brush our hair really roughly with a brush whenever we got in from school, this supposedly breaks the little blighters legs so they can't run away when the nit comb goes in. It worked too [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How much is a pint of lager in your area.
old hippy guy hmm why doesnt that supprise me [ more ]
Barolo That's exactly the reason I don't go to pubs, OHG! In fact, the last time I was a regular in a pub was just after the local elections a few years ago - some meathead was conducting a poll as to who had voted BNP! I told him I'd rather poke sharp sticks in my eyes than vote for that scum and got a load of abuse off him! The bar staff that night were from Poland and Latvia, all of whom spoke much better English than the BNP bloke! [ more ]
Garage Joe Indeed! I believe that it was the great MC enthusiast and philosopher Freewheelin' Franklin himself who stated thusly, "Smoking grass and drinking beer is like pissing in the wind!" I think we can take some comfort from those words. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie & Enders update please
darloboy (Play The Game!) You're welcome . [ more ]
Dolly posted by darloboy07: Dolly in my thread is a link to Digital Spy where all the soap spoilers are, click on the Soaps section then save it onto your favourites in your Computer, then you can keep upto date with whats happening here from Canada . Cheers mate - love ya [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Dolly in my thread is a link to Digital Spy where all the soap spoilers are, click on the Soaps section then save it onto your favourites in your Computer, then you can keep upto date with whats happening here from Canada . [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
May I be pedantic?
queenshaks If I typed the title as you requested, it would something like this... May I be pedantic with fms who wants to post video links. Could you please tell us what the video is about before we click on it...that way we would have a choice whether we want to or not! Do you not think that would be too long? [ more ]
Towno :) How about thread titles too that tell you what the thread is about? Would save a lot of clicking about [ more ]
old hippy guy he is a LEDGE [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I emailed CH4 about helping "old" members find us...
Clumsycat I only just found this site [ more ]
paace C4 are also liars. They say they can no longer afford to run the forums yet they can pay this American company Bebo to run the alternative BB site. It seems to be geared towards the under 16 market. This seems to be the only market the suits at C4 are now interested in. [ more ]
faerykelstar I've asked the OfficalBB on twitter to tweet the link for other fans to see but we'll have to wait and see whether they actually will. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
911 ::: Any questions ?
Comrade Ogilvy Terrorstorm - A history of govt sponsored terrorism. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante If the whole thing wasn't so tragic, it would be funny!!! [ more ]
old hippy guy I remember walking into work that night, (I was living in the Republic of Ireland and working nights at the time) and one of the guys I used to walk in with,(NOT the sharpest tool in the box, if ya get me drift) turned to me and said "how do you know that the first plane wasnt an accident, and the second plane flew into the other tower cause he couldnt see where he was going cause of the smoke"!!! he was SERIOUS, [ more ]
See all 312 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
30th Birthday Ideas
Lindsxdx Its crap ain't it! All presents and partys over and done with in one week [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average If there's a large party of you there's plenty of private lets and some with indoor swimming pools. Tt's going to be expensive at that time of year wherever you book, so if you can rent a large 7 or 8 bedder and fill it, it might work out a cheaper option. [ more ]
Leccy I did nowt for my 30th, did nowt for my 18th, did nowt for my 21st. As see a theme... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Soap stars you would like to throttle!
Scrumtum U CANT BE SERIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?????????????????! [ more ]
Scrumtum nah i think charlie is BRILLIANT to look @, espesh when she dolled up for hugo... she looks buffff. but when she opens her mouth it all goes downhillllll. i agree with martha. at 1st i gave her the benefit of the doubt... but shes just got worse!!!! its like the whole bay revolves around her! [ more ]
Kaytee I only watch EE and most of 'em aggravate me, but for special attention I single out:- Dotty Cotton Nick Cotton Max Branning Tanya Branning Abby Branning [ more ]
See all 60 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ridiculous excuses why you were dumped?
Popular Butcher you are too big for me. [ more ]
~Orchid~ Ooh sweet revenge, spongy lol [ more ]
spongebob squarepants 'you're too fat.....and i think if we stayed together you'd put more weight on.....and i'm not being with a fat bird...i keep telling you to exercise but you won't....there's no excuse to be i can't take the chance sorry'.... at the time i weighed about 9 stone!!!! did make me larf as i saw him in town a couple of years ago......still single.....and now weighing about 20 stone....... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How much did you weigh
Essie Re: How much did you weigh [ more ]
Lazybug I was 7lb 12oz a day late and born on the longest day hooray I get a longer birthday lol oh unless you are in Australia then it's the shortest day hee hee My 1st 1lb 6oz - 16 weeks early My 2nd 6oz - 20 weeks early My 3rd 1lb - 18 weeks early (2nd and 3rd babies twins) My 4th - 7lb 5oz - 2 weeks early and just beautiful with a shock of copper hair! [ more ]
~Orchid~ 5lbs [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sheep in a Jeep.... Any twinges yet?
kattymieoww Haha one of the ads down there is for breeds of sheep. [ more ]
Kaffs It WILL start tonight, honest. I said tomorrow.... early hours you'll have your 7lb 12 oz boy. You heard it here first! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I was in denial from 7mths onwards when I was having my daughter. I had nothing sorted. Nothing at all! The Maternity hospital gave me a nasty Mickey Mouse t shirt to give birth in. I did have lots of little boys baby clothes though... doh! [ more ]
See all 96 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A cigarette....
mel 2 I gave up four years ago. Then started again but only had one or two when stressed. Stopped again just over a year ago but still crave one every now and then. My OH stopped one day about four years ago and never had or wanted another. [ more ]
Bovrilking Well done Heats, keep it going lad I had my last when my granddaughter came home from hospital. All of 2 days now [ more ]
Liverpoollass Well done Heatseek and all those who are trying to give up [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I need your creative help!!
The Devil In Diamante MM! That's gonna be brill! Bet you can't wait! [ more ]
bozzimacoo don't forget to set ya blog up in the lounge maz [ more ]
mummymaz Just thought i'd give y'all a wee update! We have decided on a "Rave" Theme for the car - early 90's stuff, loadsa neon and smiley faces, we've got one of those horns that do 40 sounds (the cow mooing is probably my fav!)and we are spray painting the neon colours on the car this weekend.. oh and we've some proper dodgy/chavtastic strip lighting for underneath the car too!! And its only 2 WEEKS today until we head off! EXCITED NOW!! [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Diversity or Flawless? POLL
squiggle That's the beauty of the world BBBS, we all have different opinions, swat makes the world go round [ more ]
Liverpoollass I prefer Diversity and I think they are slightly better than Flawless. I think they were more innovative and they made me smile. Having said that, I don't really mind which one of those won [ more ]
BBBS how can people say that diversity were better than flawless ? [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
kattymieoww Strawberries are dead easy to grow they multiply by themselves,I have to put chicken wire over them though,the blackbirds and grey squirrels love them too. [ more ]
Bovrilking Sprinkle the ground with drawing pins The only way i know of is to put wire mesh around your plants [ more ]
Essie Any humane squirrel killers advice please, the little feckers dig up everything I plant. I fed them Apache chilli's (grown in a conservatory) they laugh in my face. [ more ]
See all 69 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
GaGa -I loves it I do
Liverpoollass Agree. It's great meeting new folk, well folk I haven't posted with before. Long may it last [ more ]
ilovewillyoung I got banned cos i said Heather Mills was a the f word money grabbing bitch [ more ]
old hippy guy I remember on ONE of my boppings from the other place ONE of the reasons that was given was that somone had asked me something and I had said " oh £$%$&^%ing yes" and THAT got me bopped??? [ more ]
See all 105 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Any news on Red Button availability?
Seti-the-1st Surely there must be some good news around this nightmare scenario, like BBLB completely ditched forever? [ more ]
BBBS no red button, no live net feed, no "secret" channel on sky or freesat. its advert laden out of date clips or the selected storyline on the highlights show only unless you want to watch the hm's asleep bbbm is now only once a week not even after a midweek eviction and diary room uncut was scrapped so they will no longer show all the nominations or reasons (again to keep with their storylines), bbbe has been cancelled too. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...

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