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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"You're Hired"
Garage Joe Has Pa Broon heard of this Micawber bloke? He should make him Chancellor. [ more ]
HyacinthB Very wise words GJ and it is something we've always lived by. As Mr Micawber said in David Copperfield :- 'Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds, nineteen shillings and sixpence - result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds and sixpence - result misery.' Well, it was something like that anyway and I've never forgotten how wise that was and I have never lived beyond my means. [ more ]
Garage Joe They will hate him. One of my pals who shares the same background but is very snobby with an Oxbridge first, resents Sralan because he is a self made man. A lot of academics will share this view and I bet Sugar has been aware of this for years. Wouldn't it be marvellous if he was able to fire them? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB News: Karly becomes the next real housemate
foobar Video Of The Task Now On C4 Website [ more ]
foobar http://www.bigbrother.tellymix...s-rodrigo-fancy.html [ more ]
Guest Thanks for the news foobar ...but right at this minute C4 can go *wotsit* themselves. I don't think this BB is for me.....snippets of news spoonfed to us by the 'Gods' at C4 throughout the day....that's like teasing a dog with a bone - then wondering why you get bitten when the dog gets stressy! *re-lurks before biting some f*cker* [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A way to catch up on all the BB(UK)10 stuff [No it's not an LF etc]
Dean0Mac Well CT has a service which shows practically every TV show (running and discontinued) from every Network in the U.S, UK and some Australian ones too. Why not add BigBrother to the list? [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Wow Dean you are so dedicated ... Thanks... [ more ]
BBBS newsgroups / usenet alt.binaries.big-brother many isp's provide a limited newsgroup service for free, you can get plenty of free usenet downloading programs and there are guides on [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone know if Grace Dent is doing her BB blog this series
Garage Joe I thought that she was freelance. I've seen her writings in different publications. [ more ]
Mathematics I always thought that her articles were 90% rubbish. [ more ]
Former Member I used to enjoy her columns before she sold out. She's gone right off the boil since and, I agree, that uttering a single sentence seems to be hugely exhausting for her She practically slurs when she speaks. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
wonder if they have had there morning meeting yet
Roxi Morning meeting? [ more ]
BBBS is this you? not everyone has the education or the english skills to post with perfect grammer, does that mean they have any less right to be heard? [ more ]
ozzycam Since when did you need a degree to post a few comments, some of us might not be great at putting words down, or spelling so please dont put us off, by making a big issue about it......Thanks [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone notice that 'Rent-a-crowd' was quite small last night?
Sunnie Yep I noticed, was a glaring shot of a really small crowd which, to me, kinda pointed out the ugly buildings behind which I have never noticed before. [ more ]
ozzycam Yeah the crowd seemed smaller than usual, i didnt see ant banners for No Lve Feed either strange or what..... [ more ]
Roxi It did look small crowd. Maybe people arent interested no more. Or boycotted the launch cos of no live feed [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Suffia is a bitch
~Lee~ Hi gorgeous how's you?. [ more ]
bozzimacoo hallo my love (said in a brucey voice) and you i think these interviews are geared for shock an' awe, get in the house, job done! i've got a really funny piccy thing for a good reply, but 'vista' crap won't let me copy and paste grrr. [ more ]
Karma_ How do you know they left her and she didn't leave them? You remind me of one of those really grumpy old women who grumble outside the post office on a Monday morning and who judge everything on first sight (and tell everyone else it's fact and totally true) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tam aw politicans ur bellends [ more ]
Leccy I daren't post in this thread, the quick wit might cut me to the core [ more ]
Dolly Originally posted by Bigdaddyostrich: Gordon Brown has this in common with me and Mrs Ostrich when we come back from Ikea: no matter how hard he tries, he can't put a cabinet together boom tsch PMSL [ more ]
See all 88 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What did the American girls say??
Dolly What American girl? I thought she was American oops The girl who had her eyebrows shaved off[/QUOTE] That was Noirin, she's Irish. I think she just came across as a conceited so-and-so, in the usual BB bimbo style Helloooo to Canada, btw ================================== Hello back from Canada ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [ more ]
Demantoid That was Noirin, she's Irish. I think she just came across as a conceited so-and-so, in the usual BB bimbo style Helloooo to Canada, btw [ more ]
Dolly Thanks. I was watching it on justin tv and the sound was a bit crap at times. The americans on line thought she was american!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Here's my opinion on the HM's, what I remember anyway!
BBBS that would be tracy [ more ]
Hollygolightly As always, you hit the nail on the head LL. Pretty much how I feel myself. Not liking Lisa at all, she's a wanabee Pete/Kitten/ Pink haired crusty from BB8.(cant remember her name- Thank God) [ more ]
Liverpoollass Well, I haven't seen that much of them, but here goes. Angel: Madder than a box of frogs Beinazir: OTT Cairon: A Science wannabe Charlie: I have no idea yet about him, Fred: My favourite, so far. Likeable and friendly. Karly: Bimbo Kris: No comment Lisa: Butch lesbian - seen it all with Kitten. Marcus: Can't remember who he is. Noirin: Not bad. Thought she was ok to do the task. Rodrigo: Seems a nice enough chap - but will prob want to throttle him by the end of the weekend. The rest of... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...

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