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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noreen's tash has faded.
longcat I dont think it is indelible because Rod managed to get rid of his easy enough. [ more ]
squiggle I would think this could be dodgy ground for BB. Indelible pen drawn on a person's face constantly for 3 months could have an effect like a tattoo surely and could lead to legal action if the effect was permanent? [ more ]
Former Member Someone, Roddy or she, will have to pay for that I bet. Possibly later on Sunday when the house establishes itself. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
And the winner of The Apprentice is...
hal there is no hiding from the facts that she doesn't know much about her own accounts, or have projected it, to make it sound impressive, and another thing, i suspect its her brother that looks after it, hence her ignorance of company law and the term 'turnover' its probably kate, she's more balance and steady and owns up to things she doesn't, the blinis (though, at one point, i thought it was a very subtle attempt at sabotaging the project manager?) [ more ]
Tourista Yesterday?. Who said that it was?. Surely this was recorded weeks ago, as I know from previous series, it is recorded months in advance?. [ more ]
Ruddy Rudy III Doesn't mean she hasn't won I'm pretty sure she'll win. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
lf and hms
Former Member Yep-didn't work, then realised it was 'cos the cat was asleep on the digibox! [ more ]
jessejay have you tried swithcing it all off (wall sockets as well ) and turning on again ? [ more ]
Former Member I'm trying to watch but my bliddy TV is 'searching for upgrade' and I can't get out of it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There are currently 14 member(s) and 7 guest(s) in this forum.
Former Member Re: There are currently 14 member(s) and 7 guest(s) in this forum. [ more ]
Former Member OO hello slym Don't think I've ever seen you before..or have you got a new name [ more ]
Essie Night all Bethni, bobnot, Cheeky-Pixie, jessejay, Sheep In a Jeep, Slymsmum, Videostart + all us hiddens. Sheepy I hope you have some good news later, otherwise lamb will be starting school in a few weeks. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie's trouble
Former Member Matbe it's cos I've got 'natural curls' and I'm 'mirroring' LOL! [ more ]
Former Member He's not the brightest penny in the purse bless him, but yeah, I like down to earth, and he seems a 'good sort' so far ..Didn't realise he was disliked??? [ more ]
Barolo I do too. He's the most down-to-earth of all the HMs. I can't understand why he seems to be so disliked! [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Something really strange has happened to me this yr w/ BB...
Former Member Why?..Get yaself in the 'take a closer look thread' ..Me..just have a prob with bliddy American accents, but obs I don't have one! [ more ]
brisket Can`t stand Ciaran. [ more ]
Former Member From what I've seen so far, I like: Charlie Lisa Beinazair Cairon and Karly growing on me Rodrigo- seems nice enough , but is he for real? ...But think we will need a Siavash/Angel in there to make it 'interesting' What does that say about me? [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has everybody kept their C4 forum names?
globulemc Yee haw, still me.......... Nobody would want my name!! [ more ]
MeJane kept my same name ish.. it was me_jane though only cos mejane was banned in about 2006 (i was drunkard and can't remember why ) then i got back in as catzi and stayed that way for a while but wanted to go back to mejane (easier for me to remember for obvious reasons) but i couldn't cos that was taken (duh by the banned me!!) so i added the _ !! hope that makes sense! [ more ]
Former Member Once Onetoo, always Onetoo Here's where Onetoo kills the fred [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash and Ciaran - language
brisket Oh dear. Ciaran`s buttons have been pressed tonight. I now want to gag him. "innit, like, f***". "innit, like, f***". More "like"`s than Dale Howard. innit like too f***ing much. Please stop. [ more ]
brisket Oh Ciaran is speaking now - and he too is peppering it with a liberal quantity of the `F` word. Sounding bossy too. [ more ]
Heartache Ciaran does, but he is quietly spoken, there are some very load people in that house. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Invisible Don ...
Shar Same here ... I didn't see him posting on C4 up to demise of the forums ... Really enjoyed his posts .. Plus he founded the Unmemorables Club ... which a lot of us will recall .. Hope he finds his way here ... Was just hoping someone knew him outside of the C4 forum ... [ more ]
Former Member I haven't seen him for ages. I like the Invisible Don - I hope he finds his way here. [ more ]
Barolo I've not seen anything of him, Shar. Maybe his invisibility has reached new peaks! [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rate housemates (so far)
Mercedes78 Best to worst Cairon Charlie Kris Saffia Lisa Marcus Rodriego Dogface Karley Noirin Sophie Beinezira Sree Angel Siavash Halfwit [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Like :- Beinezira Cairon Marcus Rodriego Siavesh Dogface Not sure yet: Sree Noirin Halfwit Charlie Karly Kris Don`t Like:- Saffia Sophia Angel Lisa [ more ]
jacksonb i keep thinking you are me, then i think.. i don't remember writing that1 [ more ]
See all 12 replies...

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