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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why are the tories getting away with the expenses scandal backlash
BBBS good point although i think he was suggesting that they were too busy planning that protest to have bothered, but what do i know, i wasnt the one that said it (it was also around 4am so he might have been a little tired if he'd been up and involved all day). [ more ]
Blizz'ard Unless that 'someone' thought they were BB fans, I would presume that they voted on Thursday, like the rest of us! [ more ]
BBBS sounds fair, have a good evening. its all over bar a bit of shouting now anyway. :shakehands smiley: [ more ]
See all 431 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Northern Ireland elections
Irish-Princess He was DUP but when they devolved he broke away and made the Traditional Unionist Voice party which is a party who refuse to work with Sein Fein at all. [ more ]
carotino What party is Allister? [ more ]
Ells I hate election time The Sinn Fein constantly knock at the door, asking if you have your form thingy to vote then returning to persuade you to vote for them then returning again pretending they didn't know one of their 'colleagues' had already called. Then they call again a few times to check if you are happy with what they do?! I know the other parties do the same but not as often. Then on election day they knocked 5 TIMES! Have I gone up yet? Am I going up? Should they call back later and... [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CH4 Will Not Be Giving To Charity Anymore...!
carotino There goes the XK8 [ more ]
CaptVimes If I recall correctly some shows started doing this in the wake of the phone vote shenanigans that went on a couple of years ago. So they stopped making a profit from them anymore to remove any worries in that department. So, this along with no livefeed to contradict any stories leading up to a big head to head vote leaves me more than a bit suspicious. [ more ]
WILDER X There already been a thread done on the same thing early today. Why shouldn't bb keep the money, times are hard. There given enough over the years. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Celebrity wife swap
Angel Yup .... there was certainly alot of 'dinosaur attitudes' in the programme last night. [ more ]
paace I liked Rhona in the jungle but my opinion of her went right down after seeing what a moany, whingy person she is, just because there was no organic food. Those so called mates of Stan were a right nasty, lazy bunch with their dinosaur attitude towards women. I pity their wives with those creeps passing those attitudes on to their children. Viv was like a person cut off from the real world with those ignorant attitudes. I don't think there was any malice in her because she showed she was... [ more ]
Former Member Basically ,if we let same sex become parents then they too should/would become parents. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ashes to Ashes swizz
MrsB Well I'm chuffed....more Gene Hunt can only be a good thing! This series of A2A has got better as it has gone on and is way better thatn the first A2A......and before you all yell that I'm missing it....I sky+ it and watch it at 10 cos MrB is out on a Monday night!!! [ more ]
BBBS well look on the bright side, the american version of life on mars was cancelled mid season so only 16 of the planned episodes were made they were however allowed to make a 17th to tie everything up. it was strange as some of the stuff was toned down yet other stuff was more violent, i must say it was realy enjoyable right upto that final 10 mins of the last episode (the bit that explained everything) boy was that different to the ending of uk season 2 but it was obvious that it wasnt made... [ more ]
Bethni Shall we mount a 'BRING BACK LOM@ campaign ?? I loved LOM ... i gave up on AtA 2 episodes in. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Was Beinazir the first victim of no LF?
Videostar She did nothing and said nothing and had a moody cow face on for the time she was there, LF only would have made the public dislike her more. [ more ]
Dobby1 I think people will always say that about the early evictees. Although I do accept that the lack of LF will not have helped the situation. [ more ]
BBBS no, the truth was the first victim of the live feed cut both in the excuses for doing it and what we are allowed to see of the hm's. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Derren Brown
Former Member It's not immediately obvious is it? When I found out I was surprised too [ more ]
Former Member Well as you will know a lot of concentration was needed for some of the tricks and it was as if she would wait until he was concentrating then she would shout something or burst out laughing. Thank god she left in the first half - I dread to think how much disruption she would have caused in the second half I just love the interest he has in all things mysterious and how he likes to expose the charlatans of this world. I agree it would be great to have a one on one chat with him [ more ]
lil_lady no idea at all lol [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did marcus break the world record then.
old hippy guy nothing clever in swearing MOST of the time, but SOMETIMES no other words will do, its not about vocabulary or how "clever" or not someone is, sometimes I dont want a debate, or to try and change my "opponents" point of view, OR to prove who was right n who was wrong, a simple sharp 2 word reply sometimes sums up exactly what I think or how I feel, and in those cases I will use them, other swear word I like just because of the sound they make and the way they roll off the toungue, "BOLLOCKS"... [ more ]
Guest Only with people who cant understand the big words [ more ]
Guest Only with people who cant understand the big words [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have you all signed this
Used_tb_BBfan :nodding: keep up the pressure and boycott h/l's and satellite shows - poor viewing ratings are really the only 'message' they'll take any notice of...... does anyone know if recording 'counts' in the ratings? [ more ]
Joyron I have signed. Hope it does some good and that the rumours are right - that we will be getting the live feed back. [ more ]
Karma Waters Thanks madkitten, signed xx [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davina calls for LF to return..
Twee Surgeon It would be interesting to know how many people voted last night in the eviction. Davina will know. I suspect the figures are down. It is only this fall in revenue that will change their minds and it may prompt them to bring back live feed. They initially said that only 100k watched live feed anyway but 100k who stop voting, in protest, can affect the phone takings. It is our only revenge for the cut in live feed: hit them in the pocket! [ more ]
Former Member I'd just like to say good for Davina for speaking out - but it won't do any good *leaves quickly* [ more ]
*+*Lara*+* eeek [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Browngabe Latest: Purnell - 'I Will Stand'
Leccy His "bright" ideas at the DWP have been a complete shambles from beginning to end Peter It was only Gordon Brown vetoing the interest on DWP loans that prevented Purnell shooting himself right in the foot! Even the Tories were horrified at his proposal to act as a bloody loan shark to the poor. [ more ]
PeterCat Completely agree. After what he's been trying to push through at the DWP he shouldn't show his face in public ever again. [ more ]
Kaytee Totally agree Deegs [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: would you trust a housemate?
Kaytee As far as I could fling any of them [ more ]
brisket Some of these results have surprised me actually. Interesting that there is not a wide spread of trust from forumers to housemates. So being a Big Brother housemate appears to do little or nothing to enhance a person`s reputation or standing. (I must remember not to apply.) [ more ]
Dean0Mac None of the above. No opinion. Dogface! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...

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