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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophia must stay in for a long time.
hal i most of all people would appreciate that statement vs, but i do not go around stirring for the others...i will see, if its only safia n her gang she has comments for i suspect she would go for anyone she doesn't like or have issues with, thats not standing up for yerself, thats being posionous for all the wrong reason [ more ]
bozzimacoo Re: Sophia must stay in for a long time. [ more ]
hal true its identifying with herself unconsciously i am being unfair of course, but no, she's no good either, just because the one she's picking on is bad, does not mean she's not! [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
sky news bb troubles
Bethni OK I trust all your judgements and i'm chirpier than a BB birdie now I've only got two more days to feel depressed.... ive signed the Sun petition too just to keep the ball rolling. Thanks everyone for sticking together over this. [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg if CH4 stick to there guns there going to loss there most succsessful show the fans are on there back and now Endemol is on there back they will crack trust me . [ more ]
Dean0Mac They've received an ultimatum from Endemol is the latest. According to Mark over at DS it's going to take 24-48hrs to sort everything out then there'll be an announcement. He seems pretty convinced it'll happen though. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tam oh for ****sake ur we still talkin aboot this sorry brisket only kiddin haha [ more ]
brisket on E4 and straight away the swearing begins. So Angel`s words were not heeded. I`m finding the swearing in this series excessive, and spoiling it. [ more ]
jeppa I think I`m old fashioned but I do find that kind of swearing offensive it seems that Cairon, Siavash and Marcus are the main offenders, I just don`t think it`s necessary. Apart from the swearing though, when Cairon and Siavash were in the diary room tonight the only words I understood were the swear words, the rest could have been a foreign language for me. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What do you think of the...
mary_bee I've realised it's S Club 5 btw [ more ]
mary_bee We can't change his name, he has to stay in the club I really can't think who Sree reminds me of, his little celebration flip around earlier reminded me of someone and I've no idea who [ more ]
cup pmsl what is he like marcus has the measure of him he should feed him cat biscuits lol and say pee off your not in the club.Give him something to cry about wimpfred he should be called [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So why haven`t we seen the banana incident on the highlights programme?
Former Member My thoughts too. The silly sod'll be regretting it when he gets out [ more ]
Syd Reasons of taste..and most probably nobody would have found it funny, even Cairon if he had given his brain a chance to function. [ more ]
old hippy guy THIS IS BIG BROTHER...there was no banana incident there will BE no banana incident, anyone who says there WAS a banana incident is an enemy of BIG BROTHER and will sent away for re education, carry on, [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If we had LF ....
Tayto. I know you would. [ more ]
paace I joined the BB site mainly to take the pee. I posted a comment as to if the can switch the live feed on during the early hours when most of the viewers are asleep, why can't they switch it on for a few hours during the day. I got this reply today: " Hello, Sorry, but a comment you added on has been removed because it was off topic. Please make sure you read the rules to make sure the stuff you post or upload is relevant." The whole C4 site now is controlled, and... [ more ]
Shar I would you know ... [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Breaking News That Meeting
jennywren Looks like it. And the whole blumen cabinet. [ more ]
bigdaddyostrich Facts of Brown meeting: Look,its all up with us,but stick with me for another year,max those exes,get your parachute and pension payments sorted,and for those that won’t be ennobled,find a nice berth on a quango or local government position,or simply retire to tuscany or the carribean,FFS you must have banked enough by now. Hey: I can give you a year's notice, which is more than the poor saps out there get. [ more ]
bigdaddyostrich The meeting will be yet more tractor production statistics and 5 year plans to increase pig iron production [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saffia and Sophia
sunny dayz i realy havent seen saffia bad, ive seen her enjoy herself in there but she hasnt been horrible to anyone..she dealt with sophia really well cosidering sophia has done nothing but slag her off behind her back [ more ]
cup you just can see saffias gang forming and they are all going to nominate sophia I can see both sides of their argument I can see saffia and charlie getting too cocky and too big for their boots. [ more ]
sandra stab you in the front ................ lol lol lol [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm Bored Of BB Already
Bethni Lets hope so.... can they take them all out of the house and start again please.... i want to see their fake reactions to the house again. It might be better than the first time. [ more ]
stupidcupid I'm bored with it already. I'm not keen on the script they have written as its way too predictable and as far away from reality as possible. [ more ]
Bethni I haven't watched either. The only things i know about the HM's are what ive read of their profiles and snippets on here and in the paper. If livefeed isn't reinstated soon it wont be worth watching at all! [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophia and DOgface talk NOMS!! Sophia bitches more about Saffia
swg bump [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Sophia has had it in for her since she first laid eyes on her! I'm sorry but I think she is 'the little big Man' all mouth and shit stirring! She certainly doesn't make pleasant viewing.... ...she is the type who bangs on about 'having an opinion' but never listens to anyone elses!!! CHarley, Alexandra & Sophia...all cut from the same self serving cloth IMO! [ more ]
Mentalist The Charlie group kind of remind me of Team Saskia from whatever BB it was. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Children’s charity Kidscape criticise Saffia leaving her kids
swg bump [ more ]
The Singing Ringing Tree Re: Children’s charity Kidscape criticise Saffia leaving her kids [ more ]
Blizz'ard "Child care experts" have attacked housemate and single mum, Saffia. Or, the Daily Mail have rung Claude Knights up and asked her whether she approves of Saffia's actions. She has replied, saying,“Leaving a baby for an indeterminate period should not be done without good reason,” she said, adding, “It’s concerning from a developmental point of view.” Not really an attack, but a response. [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
unhappy hou ?
ilovewillyoung There isnt anyone i really like yet but a few i dont like,sorry dont know names yet but those 2 in the diary room think they r awful n that little woman sophia n that guy shree dont like them [ more ]
PeterCat HL show editing is what most people are watching [ more ]
old hippy guy dunno what you lot are watching, all I have seen so far is a little "whisper" club forming around that Charlie, and a bit of low grade bulling directed AT the smallest HM in there early days yet, [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why don't people complain to OfCom about lack of Live Feed?
Lady-Jester You may have a point there. After all we are not getting all the info so therefore cannot make an informed decision on who to vote out/ keep in. [ more ]
BBBS no but it could fall under the beady eye of whoever is in charge of premium numbers because if viewers are being asked to vote based on false information (the highlights show) then it might have some basis for the vote being considered fraudulent. [ more ]
The Singing Ringing Tree Is the the first ofcom thread? so who guessed "08 June 2009 09:23 PM" come and get your prize [ more ]
See all 10 replies...

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