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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I don't think I've ever disliked so many HM's
Former Member Coo-ee choochie face [ more ]
Getthekettleon Isnt it really sad? I mean after loving all the other BBs, they have really spoilt it for us [ more ]
CYBERDAZZLE I CAN'T STAND the SLY Saffia her bezzie mate Charlie is not much better Sophie is The ACT Innocent/ baby faced SNEEK THIEF STEALER Kris and Karly are also part of this sickening 5 headed Selfish disrespectful VULCHER SNAKE LIKE clan Cairon is an irritating hyper potty mouth and Sree is just skin curdling the way he invades ppl space with his non stop grappling and gabbling [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rachel fans this year!
Blizz'ard I don't know yet, but I don't really support a 'type', just usually who I find the nicest. If they are funny too, then that's a bonus. [ more ]
squiggle We sure were but then we had a real HM to support not the cardboard cut-outs we have thoughtfully been provided with this year. You thought the contempt for us fans was over with the closing of the forums but no it has even extended to providing us with the worst bunch of wannabees ever. Who am I supporting, none of the above, and I very much doubt that anyone they stick in as an extra HM will be any better. Sad, but that's my viewpoint. Hope you are liking them better than me [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I supported Rachel last year because I thought she came accross as a 'real' person rather than the usual bunch of loud, brash wannabes. This year so far the only ones I've got any time for are Angel, Marcus, Rodrigo & Noirin. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stitch Personally i don't feel that they are editing to fleece or favour. They are just showing us what he is doing and what they think we will find interesting and want to watch i.e. an inconsistant, annoying, creepy guy whose behaviour is a bit of a mystery and therefore topical. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I watched the 2nd half of the h/l show this afternoon - and MY GOD he is one wierdo. Getting whatsername to sit on his lap and rubbing her boobie like that... he'd have got my fist in his face if it were me... [ more ]
Blizz'ard I think he doesn't quite understand social boundaries. He seems like an over eager puppy! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just a quick question about the cooking.
brisket I am not aware of there being an eager cook. Or a specialist cook. Or a reluctant cook. I can only think it has been random. Freddie thought he was being kind. Cairon, in the early hours of the morning I have seen doing a bit of kitchen tidying while moaning about the filthy state. However this is `pot and kettle` stuff because Cairon kitchen hygiene has been appallingly bad. I would be very carewful what I eat with Cairon around. I saw Sophia and Rodrigo tidying last night. Looked very good... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
slight ratings increase, 2.2m for tuesday
Dean0Mac Well apparently (and this is from Jacob's note last night) We all seem to look at ratings the 'wrong' way. There's a lot more to it according to him so even the 1.9 million of the first Monday nights HLs this year was a brilliant result I think personally he was saving face for Endemol on that though. [ more ]
swg it should have easily got 3m last night, we'll see where it goes from here but i expect tonight it'll go back below 2m even with nominations [ more ]
Former Member Maybe all of those switched on to have a look, then switched off and went to bed. Hardly counts as viewing. Then again stats are only numbers and they can be fiddled to suit. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My neighbour
katya June the 15th thats awful. They dont give a stuff about people do they. [ more ]
Aimee it did cost nearly £3000, i wouldn't pay them for their part if i was her [ more ]
Aimee NO, they are coming to see her on the 15th June she got a letter from them the other day, saying sorry mrs .... for the loss of your husband, but any money you take out of your post account you will need to pay back she's had no pension for nearly a month now [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Go Jezza!!
WILDER X Never saw it was still in dream land. Hardly tune into the show as I find it boring now. Isn't it getting axed next year. [ more ]
mary_bee I'm watching it again now 'cause I only saw the last five minutes earlier and this man is actually disgusting. [ more ]
Latecomer I never ever thought that I`d call him great, but I actually thought he was today... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
shree ..... perv or nice guy ....discuss
brisket I have no idea whether some of these uncomfortable moments of so-called `perviness` are intentional or not. But I would say his desperate neediness is obvious. I would also say he doesn`t seem to have been truly happy since he entered the house. I think he has had a miserable time, and I don`t get much pleasure in watching somebody being tormented. Also he is not a good listener. When others are trying to help and talk to him he seems to be already thinking of his next statement. [ more ]
Mouse I think he's a bit naive and sheltered (even taking into account the grinding video). He doesn't seem to know how to react around women and it's coming across as creepy. I would hope someone takes him under their wing as I would much rather see him change into a better person than have the other HM's just round on him. Would be a better conclusion to his BB 'story' in my eyes. [ more ]
Kaytee Pervy is a bit strong, but creepy fits the bill for me [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How come when I got mugged it didn't make the national news?
Comrade Ogilvy Terrible. I hear far too many stories like this, makes my blood boil. I teach martial arts and this is one of the reasons I tell my students to evade where possible. [ more ]
Hollygolightly Typical! The law is an ass [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas My auntie got mugged in Oxford city centre in broad daylight about twenty years ago, as the bloke tried to grab her bag she smacked him over the head with her other shopping bag and knocked him flying. When the police arrived SHE got cautioned and was told that she could face a charge of ABH! The mugger got away scot free. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nick Griffin: a Martyr for Free Speech
Former Member I reckon Bercow will become the speaker soon. Bob Marshall Andrews, despite being a Labour man, is great on stuff like this. He used to plague Tony Blair and I loved him for that. Check him out: [ more ]
Former Member Daniel, I might have guessed you'd come up with some names. In fact I was waiting for you to do that - OK, then. In that case, bring the televised debates on! [ more ]
Former Member Loads of MPs could do that. John Bercow. Bob Marshall Andrews. Tony Benn (he's left, hasn't he?). [...] [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gordon Ramsey vs Australia (OT)
Koala Brother I wouldn't expect anything less of him. Never liked the way he spoke down to people. I think that truths should be told but the way he does it is just bullying [ more ]
Blizz'ard Have you lot seen the secret footage of him in his kitchen, from years back? He's always been a bullying tosser! [ more ]
demonickitten Yes he was fab a few years back,but think its a case of too much money and being surrounded by yes men makes him believe hes untouchable. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Liverpoollass I do think that HM's never learn. Every BB, they seem to do the same thing, they pick a weak and vulnerable person and target them. They don't seem to realise, that the public do not like this sort of thing and at the earliest opportunity, will vote the instigators out. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average He probably avoided it because they all know he will go at some point, the clique seem to have bigger fish to fry at the minute. Sophia because she speaks up for herself, and Freddie because he had to be an easy target. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I sort of agree with you in respect of Sree, but he just gives me the creeps and all I want to do is slap him [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
science is on bblb
Croctacus Its at times like this we are going to really miss Wendy Richard...she seemed to always be in tune with the majority of the public...I loved her on BBLB saying, mostly, exactly what I was thinking. [ more ]
kimota I just think the support for Charlie is a symptom of the widening gap between forum members who have followed the show for years and the Twitter/Bebo generation who tend to like the people BB wants them to like. The same people liked Luke and Bex last year! [ more ]
sciencewasrobbed Thats him in a nutshell. He was fab, wasn't he [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ohhhh that was sooooooo staged!
Rev. Dim Dale LOL! I agree totally. How very "in your face" [ more ]
mary_bee They're so unoriginal and boring, but I bet they think they're 'absolutely out there and mental'. I can't stand people like that. [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg i agree they are fake Saffia and Charlie make my blood boil its just to bad Saffias mic did blow when she fell in because then we would be rid of the witch . [ more ]
See all 18 replies...

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