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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
At Least Someone is Making a Stand Against bad language
Lister_of_Smeg Sree does it himself hes a fine one to talk . [ more ]
Videostar It seems like it's the HM's from overseas that can talk without the need for the F word every other word. What worries me more is that some on here want to stick up for Cairon and his aggressive behaviour and bad language. [ more ]
carotino I don't like sewer talk either. Fettes, believe it or not [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Signs in the crowd...
Lockes Re: Signs in the crowd... [ more ]
Roxi Yesssss thank you to whoever made that sign. We need to be heard. We want live feed [ more ]
Guest I was thinking the seems it could be a security guard holding the sign (so I read) the cameraman must have other angles he could use if he wanted, they could move Davina to one side...failing all else confiscate the banner. Summats afoot.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I felt sorry for Saffia
einna Me too, she thought she was in with the male hotty + the gay guy then along comes Dogface too skrew up her game plan, didn't believe she was missing her kids for a second, she's barely mentioned them!!!! [ more ]
old hippy guy well lets face it...they have shown EVERYTHING they have of freddie [ more ]
pepsi Well BB have done a cracking hatchet job on the editing of Sophia All of the UK will hate her now and want her out, she stnads absolutely no chance now...well done BB [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
see all the drama we are missing
madeofglass It's just frustrating. There have been numerous things the last few days that we've obviously missed because of the lack of live feed and by the time we get to see it, it's almost 18 hours since somethings have happened. That makes it's hard to care, especially when you know that you're probably not getting the full picture of events, considering we've seen them butcher things that we've actually been fortunate to witness on the live feed. [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] BIG BROTHER HAS ULTIMATE CONTROL AS ALWAYS [ more ]
old hippy guy its a dark dirty lonely job but goddamn it SOMEONE has to do it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stoopid British public with their stoopid power to stoopid vote out a housemate!
old hippy guy AHHHHH me thinks you have just stumbled on phantom freds game plan [ more ]
captain marbles There's been worse. If she's as intelligent as we've been told though, shouldn't she have realised that you keep your head down in the first few weeks of BB? [ more ]
old hippy guy yip so now we are stuck with a twat who goest ta bed at 10 oclock [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm a MORAL person... I'm from India... I'm the victim here
Girlrider29 I have to disagree here Queen, (that sounds weird) I think he's very clever and knows precisely what he's doing. He has quite a transparent game plan and imo has a hell of a lot more potential to cause harm and disarray than Ciaron. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Some people make a career out of being victims which annoys the hell out of me. [ more ]
carotino Amateur grooming manual. Never seen the professional gear [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why call Sophia into the DR...
old hippy guy I aint tellin ya to shut up...I said...stru...s...true [ more ]
HyacinthB So you're telling me to 'shut up' but can you clarify what the 'r' stands for? [ more ]
HyacinthB It's a shame Sophia didn't know the real truth behind Saffia's flounce, rather than leaving her to believe it was her fault. The rest of the country knows the real truth - she was spurned by Kris and couldn't take it! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...

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