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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie !!!???
Former Member How could I forget music?? A couple of years ago, the music channel was playing "Walk this way" and I was singing along and my son was gob smacked that I knew the words! He was equally gobsmacked when I mentioned something about Banksy. After all, all I do is sit in the corner and droll all day long. At least he appreciates Queen, so I have done something right. [ more ]
old hippy guy OH and dont forget music... they invented it ya know, and EVERYTHING that came before whatever it is they are listening to this week is crap and for "oldies,"..... [ more ]
Former Member i agree, plus to digress, i was annoyed at karly saying her mums had a baby at 41 and she hopes she wont have to go to parents night as her mum will be too old [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree is a great HM
Former Member There are others that I find more attention seeking and more annoying and irrating than Sree. He is from a completely different culture and wears his heart on his sleeve. He often speaks without thinking, does things that the Western culture finds offensive, but I don't think he has a malicious bone in his body. Yes, I do cringe at some of the things he says and does, but it's because of the way that I'm used to. Perhaps if one of the housemates were to take him aside and explain a few... [ more ]
little_mrs_bb I find him irritating and amusing. I've taken time out to watch him on live feed and I think he's okay. He doesn't mean any harm...his dinner speech was very amusing. [ more ]
Videostar Everybody shout Sreeeee. SREEEEE [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
can anyone lend me ....
Cagney It's one of the hand held controls for the Nintendo Wii [ more ]
*yogi Bear* play games it can be used for boxing games or for moving little men around the telly or whipping your horse to go faster and soooooo many other things... i need mine to move around houses and funfairs to pick up eledies or maybe to move mario... i haven't decided yet [ more ]
Yogi19 What do you do with it, Yogi? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
whyd did lisa
Videostar Because it's the Lisa show (only in her own mind) and everything in the house is in her honour. Kneel before Lisa. [ more ]
china you like re-naming HMs dontcha [ more ]
Heartache Lisa already had a go at Angel, over sree's bloody tissue in the kichen. All Angel did was go and cry in the bathroom. Have you noticed when Lisa argues with someone, she goes around justifying herself to the non clique people. She was doing that last night with Rod. I had heard rumours that a couple from coach trip were going in, now they would be more than a match for her. [ more ]
See all 69 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa's ARGUMENT with Halfwit over being HAPPY!
BROXI All this is making me like Freddie all the more. If he can piss people off in there he's alright in my book Seriously I found him annoying at first, but his little eccenticities have grown on me. I hope he continues to tell them to shut the **** up at night too. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Halfwit has the brains to realise how stupid Lisa was making herself look to the viewers so gave her enough rope and she hung herself. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) He definetly deserved to be happy and to be relieved he didn't go , who is Lisa to tell him that he can't . I bet he kept his cool as he thought whats the point and just let her go on and on . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Haha Big Brother warns Doris about FAKE romances!
Former Member YOu had to mention Nikki, didn't you? I refuse to watch any programme with that person in it. All the others you mentioned DO have a talent or skill (well, most of them) that does not involve being a contestant on BB. [ more ]
old hippy guy so, let me see if I have this right,....she only likes those blokes wot show ya to ya seat in the pictures then? [ more ]
Cold Sweat Much better to stay single then; the BB experience might lead to TV work like it did for Brian, Craig, Anna, Kate, Jade, Jon, Nikki... [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"I want to go home for my babies"
Ells She'd have to be stone cold inside not to miss her babies. I think it was amix of that, Sophia and Kris [ more ]
Blackpudlian I think she will be doing the rounds and trying to sell her "Big Brother ruined my life" story for many a moon. She really needs to grow up. [ more ]
mistyvermillion Because she gave the reason for leaving "missing her Babies" did she apply to go on BB thinking she would not miss them? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
for all of you saying kris and sophie are fake
Former Member It's laughable, it really is. The "pretty boy" and the "surgically enhanced blonde pretty girl". It's all engineered. Probably scripted in the numerous hours that we don't have live feed. They should have really gotten professional actors in instead of the totally inept actor wannabes we have. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I'm a bit confused about what happens next. Are they forbidden from further physical contact? [ more ]
Kaytee Big wave to the BB spies then... Pity you have to travel elsewhere now to see what we're thinking...don't mind if we don't return the compliment (Mwah!!) [ more ]
See all 72 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Boarding the dog. Always a bummer.
Darthhoob i used to be a kennel maid for a couple of boarding kennels the first one was good! even though they were completely new to the business. dogs got walked everyday (quite a long walk too..though depended on their size and ability) they were cleaned out thoroughly, given fresh water in summer every hour, fed twice a day, given treats (if allowed). they generally cared. and they had a state of the art modern indoor cattery too. the last one was...awful [ more ]
Marguerita Thats a lovely thing to do [ more ]
Yogi19 You should go for it Yogi, I bet you would really enjoy it. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blackpudlian With the increase in incidences of tuberculosis in this country they are a health hazard. With those two, it would probably be swine flu they would be carrying. [ more ]
Blackpudlian I think that Big Brother should install a sprinkler system and shower them down whenever they spit, so every spit they get their hair wet. They won't like that but tough. [ more ]
Former Member I saw it too. BB should reprimand them for it because it's most certainly inappropriate and anti social behaviour. I'd tear into them in no uncertain terms if I was a HM [ more ]
See all 81 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Liverpoollass I haven't seen enough, but I did see her with Kris. Haven't seen her with Cairon. He does seem rather immature though and yes he is 18 but he seems alot younger [ more ]
Leccy I know, it's shame isn't it? It's like some people think because Ciaron fancies Sophie he's got first dibs on her or something...and she has no choice. Strange attitude... [ more ]
PeterCat Yep, and not all coming from men. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eviction order of the Male HM's?
SpiderMonkey Siavash has potential to go far in this competition but associating himself with Cairon's dodgey aggressive behaviour will ruin it for him. If Siavash has any sense, he'll keep well clear. [ more ]
Cold Sweat She needs a dreadful HL show to give viewers a better view of what she is all about. [ more ]
Former Member Well, unless something changes quite dramatically in the next few days/weeks looks like there'll be plenty of guys up for eviction Next eviction odds win odds [ more ]
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