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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
All Kicking off........
Blackpudlian A woman who wanted to be on a reality TV show I suspect. She knew the terms & conditions when she agreed to drawing the glasses & moustache on "until further notice". [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Re: All Kicking off........ [ more ]
hal i knew it! i suspected noorin's lack lustre behaviour was because of the eyebrow(which could be drawn in) and the glasses...what woman want to be lumbered with that for 3 months... [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where did this 'Lisa is a bully' nonsense come from?
CheekyPixie Yes Lisa is a bully. How can ANYone watch how she has been behaving and deny it's bullying? And I think it's rude to say that people who think she is have been on funny pills or whatever. That kind of 'you must agree with me or you're not right in the head' kind of way of thinking, is EXACTLY how Lisa is behaving. [ more ]
More tea ! Re: Where did this 'Lisa is a bully' nonsense come from? [ more ]
hal one of a few...if they are not careful, she might even turn them! [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The trouble with Lisa is...
Hotpants Helen Re: The trouble with Lisa is... [ more ]
Former Member Ye kinda beat me to it there Blizzie...must google quotes and type more quickly Ha Ha! [ more ]
Former Member Aaah, goddit, she thinks she herself is 'Big Brother'...."Big Brother's physical characteristics are intended to resemble Joseph Stalin, although in the film his moustache more closely resembles Adolf Hitler's" so is that a moustache on her heed LOL [ more ]
See all 79 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is anyone concerned about the HL edit that C4 might screen tonight?
~Orchid~ It'll probably be edited to make Noirin look bad. [ more ]
bozzimacoo the bblb had a lot of 'tape' missing, honing in on the lalalala i'm not listening, to noirins hunger strike call. oh what a hoot! i'm reserving judgement, just in case they surprise and show it in all it's ugliness. [ more ]
Kaytee It'll be edited to show those that C4 want to stay in the house, in a good light [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Angel is favourite to win
prettycocoaeyes Re: Angel is favourite to win [ more ]
brisket Keep watching - there will probably be more. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Pot & kettle? No more than you cocoa (is it ok to call you cocoa?) I`m not obsessed but I can`t stand him. *friendly smile*[/QUOTE] Yep Cocoa is fine... Its just that most of your posts have referred to the young man, even in threads unrelated to him [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
One great conselation is that Lisa has ruined any chances of her winning..
Shizzlex i aint watched big bro this week i just watched that clip and just the look on the poor blokes face was enough what a biatch [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg i doubt she had a chance of winning anyway tho im happy she stab herself in the back last night . [ more ]
Hollygolightly I'm so careful not to RELLY vent what I think about her because it might be construed as unPC but Jesus, even the look of the woman is now making me sick. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone watching BBLB? They are editing last night so that Lisa looks like the victim
j0anne did they verbally support the bullehhh aswell... [ more ]
Former Member Doesn't surprise me - Ch4 pull the same stunt every year with one thing or another, the lying bastards [ more ]
Bethni They will lose even more viewers if they do that! They cant afford to lose ONE more viewer let alone the droves that will go if that scene last night is not shown in its true light. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
do you think tonights goings on will affect peoples Nominations ?
faerykelstar Ooo if it was Lisa v Freddie it would be like Jen v Mo last year ('justice will be served' ) and we all know who came off worse that time round! [ more ]
WILDER X I think sree will nominate her to keep himself safe. He not stupid. [ more ]
Former Member I'd be very surprised if Lisa isn't up for eviction - and then she'll go 'cos the gbp really don't like the way she is behaving. Most of the 'out' crowd will nominate her after her recent bullying and intimidation and, I think, some of the 'in-crowd' could too...they may be scared of her, but all the more reason to nominate her in the privacy of the diary room, 'cos they may think it could be them on the end of it next, especially the girls. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live Feed thread???
faerykelstar Videos for anyone who missed it.... Pt.1: Pt.2: [ more ]
faerykelstar Just seen this on DS, C4 excuse for the LF cutting out.... 'At 01.17 live streaming from the Big Brother House was lost due to technical difficulties. The technical issue was repaired in under an hour and streaming returned to E4. We would like to apologise to viewers for any loss of enjoyment this may have caused.' Hmmmmmmmm... and pigs may fly. [ more ]
Sunnie I've read the 46 pages through the morning, thanks to you all for such brilliant commentary I really felt I was watching with you! [ more ]
See all 684 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So nothing happened at all then.
brisket The lack of information is yet another example of how the programme makers treat their viewing audience with disdain. How silly of them to forget that a happy audience is essential. [ more ]
Hollygolightly I tried to stay awake but there was nothing but bird twitter sound. [ more ]
Hyjean If there had been tenical trouble surely they would have put that on screen. It seem it was something going on in house, maybe they keeping it quite, and having no LF during day we wont find out [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
??Your fave and why??
Yellow Rose I agree with what you've both said [ more ]
Aquarius Well its early days for me to have a favourite (I'm so fickle that I could change my mind next week ) but I do like the sweetie that is Rogrigo and Angel has grown on me. Rodrigo went into the house like a breath of fresh air, full of excitement for the coming experience and with a face that always smiled. A week in and they have sucked the life out of him. Angel is the only female in there that I can bring myself to like. She's vulnerable and she wears her life experiences for all to see. [ more ]
Marguerita I have not got a favourite there a few I like but it is hard to get to know what they are really like only seeing the HL show, hopefully new HMS will be put in the house . [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Liverpoollass Hi Yogi Here is an MOT checklist from the place where I take my car. Hope it helps. Lighting Equipment All lights are tested for OPERATION, CONDITION & SECURITY. SIDELIGHTS and HEADLIGHTS Are of the correct type. Are correctly aimed (headlights). Operate dip & full beam (headlights). STOP LIGHTS, INDICATORS & HAZARD LIGHTS Are of the correct type. Do not interact with each other's operation. Indicator tell tale or audible warning works. REAR FOG LIGHTS Must be fitted to the... [ more ]
See 1 reply...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I like Freddie.
storm Totally agree Hate Lisa now. And she has made me like Freddie more [ more ]
Blizz'ard She called Freddie a 'dickhead', and he responded with 'dude', in a 'no need for that' sort of way and she flipped - "Down't call maye dude!!" I think dickhead may be more of an insult than dude, Laysa! [ more ]
longcat I am not a fan and haven't been since he entered. I can't be doing with all that hippy dippy peace and love crap. But i dont feel the need to bin him just yet. [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How did it all end up
Aimee thanks, did bb call anyone into the dr [ more ]
Aimee know what you mean, worst part of not having l/f [ more ]
Heartache I think the BB people read this forum and DS, some of us were saying we need the camera's to pan round so we could do a head count. The camera's were fixed on charlie and kris asleep. The camera's then slowly zoomed in on each HM sleeping, Sree had been in the DR it would appear for the duration of the LF cut, and then came out and tried to sleep in the chairs. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
lisa has to go
tupps She is not a pleasant person.. (I'm not going to say the B word.. either of them ). When she walked into the house she took an instant dislike to Freddie... it was written on her face.. and the way she has been since has shown she is pretty much full of shit. But sub is right.. one thing she is good for is exposing some of the others. I don't like Charlie.. I don't think he is a leader like Lisa.. he's more your foot soldier.. but he again is not a pleasant person (I'm not going to say the B... [ more ]
subatomic partygirl The best consequence of her antics is that she's exposed to the GBP the characters of a few of the others, e.g., her gimp Charlie. He may well have flown under the radar for weeks (as the cookie-cutter 'witty, lovable gay' that BB so loves to cast) and attracted a large fan-base; perhaps even got to the final. [ more ]
Heartache Re: lisa has to go [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will Dogface and Halfwit be reverting back to Sophie and Freddie soon?
jennywren The names and glasses were fine (-ish) while the non-housemates battle was going on. Now that everyone is a full housemate, that task is over and they should revert to the proper names and stop drawing silly glasses. [ more ]
sciencewasrobbed Channel 4 has done nothing but condone name calling by that stoooopid stunt... I hope they revert back to their names. Its desperately un-PC.. Horrible!! [ more ]
Crannog I'd imagine at some stage the hms will have to exchange something for them to get their names back and for Noirin to be allowed to get rid of her specs. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why does the so called 'romance' have to be real or fake?
Liverpoollass Exactly. [ more ]
Getthekettleon Kris has admitted to being a bit of a player, even Karly said it.Sophie should be enjoying herself in the house,these romance things always turn sour and spoil our viewing ( if it could be spoilt anymore)I dont care if its real or fake, all i know is that it bores me Morning Blizzie [ more ]
Blizz'ard Kris is just going for the booby prize. I think there is lust, but Sophie is wary. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is there a Karly fan club on this forum?
sciencewasrobbed Morning Holly Hmmm.. I think Karly is driven by her hatred of Markus. She really detests him... she took that 'meat' comment to heart. Yeah I hope she sees enough sense to be her own person. I just love her fiestiness.. [ more ]
Hollygolightly Morning Science..yes she was, and apparently at some stage last night she had a bit of a barney with Marcus. I loved her diary room rant but don't want her to affiliate herself with Kris and Charlie (who I hate almost as much as Lisa) [ more ]
sciencewasrobbed I missed all that Holly... just read up on it thanks to swg's thread. Oh, dear! was Karly siding with Lisa and co ? [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone else struggling to switch off...
mary_bee An entire night of birds twittering and that incessant lawnmower [ more ]
Yellow Rose Haven't watched BB for several days, got home a little while ago after late night out with friends, read some threads here about something happening tonight although still not sure exactly what switched on, but nothing's happening I'm totally out of the loop with this year's BB lol [ more ]
Heartache Night [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We can not show you the house at this time
VesnaWasRobbed LOL Syd Bet it's an all out free for all and they're throwing food around or Sree whichevers lighter~ [ more ]
Syd I reckon Freddie has flipped (don't blame him)..... Angel has spread her wings and fled the nest (don't blame her).... Noirin has gone to bed with a cheese sandwich......Sophie, Kris, Charlie, Karly are watching on giggling......... And the rest....gawd knows.. [ more ]
Videostar yep, perish the thought that we were being entertained, much better watching the HM's sleep. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Angel and Freddie
bozzimacoo it's not that simple tho, when the whole house is putting him down. as in life, there is always a manipulator or two, who thrive on others immaturity or laidback personality, and see it as a weakness to be taken advantage of. [ more ]
AngnLis Same here mary_bee. I know I would have got myself kicked out of there by now, there's no way I could put up with that kind of nonsense from her. [ more ]
mary_bee I can't believe he manages to stay so calm. I would have kicked off at her a long time ago if she spoke to me or anyone in there like that, I don't know where she gets off. He must feel like utter shit and he's not done a single thing wrong [ more ]
See all 7 replies...

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