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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Non urgent police phone number 101 and NHS Scotland 111 problems now sorted
El Loro Vodafone say that the phones are now working again. Apparently Vodafone had a major breakdown of its telecommunications systems affecting many large businesses. The RAC breakdown number was also down. Vodafone are carrying out investigations to see what happened, [ more ]
Yogi19 Thanks El. [ more ]
Former Member Ta El Loro Wow sounds like a big systems failure! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LBD: Do You Own One?
Baz Originally Posted by Skylark24: Originally Posted by Baz: Having spent 5 minutes trying to work out what an LBD was.....I can now attest to the fact that I don't own one ....although I do have a black velvet jacket I had a thought it was new technology No i havent, but i do have a large one I thought IT might be techy too Skylark [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Only a straight bloke would think that 1 LBD is enough. [ more ]
Xochi I always had one or two or three... or more. Just haven't come to terms with how they don't fit now and really need to clear out my wardrobe. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hoverboard !!!! - It's REAL and Here!
Madame Arcati Looks like fun but I'll give it a miss. Our local A&E is under enough pressure as it is [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Y'know Back to the Future: Part 2 was set in 2015... with the hoverboards. A lot of the things that film predicted have come true We just need another 15 JAWS films, in one year, to get us to JAWS 19. [ more ]
Saint I want one - along with a Segway Totally awesome dude !!! [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Paul Greengrass to direct Big Brother film
Madame Arcati Originally Posted by El Loro: Originally Posted by cologne 1: There's been a film version before called 1984. There's the 1956 film (Edmond O'Brien as Winston Smith) and the version made in 1984 (John Hurt). Oh yes, I remember that. Richard Burton's last film as I recall. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Or "You're Fecked" starring Ray Winstone and Jason Fleming. With Kelly Brook in her big breakthrough as the whistleblower. [ more ]
El Loro Or "Big Brother" or "Room 101" Warning that the clip from the 1984 version is disturbing, [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Myleene Klass vs Ed Miliband
Carnelian I quite liked Myleene before this. Don't any more! Hear'say can leave the country if she can't pay her bit! [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by cologne 1: Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: There was also a Justgiving page set up to raise funds for the struggling Myleene. [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Carnelian: No surprises that I'm on Ed's side. Myleene's been lauded by the Tory press for being self serving and greedy. Seems Twitter disagrees. I don't know what Twitter you read, but Ms Klass is the butt of twitter jokes. Unless I'm reading this wrong. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
home made christmas presents
Former Member Originally Posted by Madame Arcati: Originally Posted by Supes: Originally Posted by Madame Arcati: Marvellous idea. I'm off to buy some wool in order to create a knitted version of the latest i-phone for my relatives. Might even be able to knock up a woollen x-box for the younger ones. They will be thrilled! Fabulous Madame, while you're on, if I send you the wool, can you knit me some diamond earrings? I'm on to it, Supes! No need to send the wool, I've unravelled a pair of Mr A's old... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Lori: I found this: Gorgeous [ more ]
Madame Arcati Originally Posted by Supes: Originally Posted by Madame Arcati: Marvellous idea. I'm off to buy some wool in order to create a knitted version of the latest i-phone for my relatives. Might even be able to knock up a woollen x-box for the younger ones. They will be thrilled! Fabulous Madame, while you're on, if I send you the wool, can you knit me some diamond earrings? I'm on to it, Supes! No need to send the wool, I've unravelled a pair of Mr A's old socks that should do the trick. They are... [ more ]
See all 70 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Doctor Who fans looking Xmas presents today only 12% off
Former Member Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Pengy: I need a sonic screwdriver toothbrush I want the Tom Baker scarf. Although at 72,000 meters long I have no idea how to wear it! oooo I need one of them as well wrapped around a 1000 times and a felt trilby [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Pengy: I need a sonic screwdriver toothbrush I want the Tom Baker scarf. Although at 72,000 meters long I have no idea how to wear it! [ more ]
Former Member I need a sonic screwdriver toothbrush [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
House from ‘Rita, Sue & Bob Too’ for sale
Former Member Filf! [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Not often you get such polarised opinions. [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Jeez, I hope they gave the place a good scrub first. I know many regard it as a classic British fim, but for me it's always been one of those that you have to take a bath after watching. And the mere thought of Black Lace performing "The Gang Bang" brings me out in hives... I thought I would be alone in saying I hated that film, I feel the same as you EL. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bucket of Steam
Garage Joe Back in the early seventies I took my first summer job, gardening at the local hospital. The first day they sacked one of the porters, and I was suddenly a porter earning pretty decent money for a student. During the first week someone 'phoned and asked if I could bring a Monkey Bar to Ward 8? I thought that I wasn't going to get taken in by that so did nothing. Next day I was hauled before Matron for an interview without coffee, where she explained that next time the ward sister requested... [ more ]
Sezit I was taken in by one of the maintainance men(when I was a 16 year old clerical assistant) who told me he had chicken lip sandwiches every day. He said they were an expensive delicacy. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Jenstar: Worked in hair dressers at age 16... was sent to the butchers for chicken lips... D'oh! While you are there Jen can you pick up some hen's teeth for me. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Clocks go BACK this weekend.
Former Member Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: I forgot and wondered why I have been turning up for work too early! [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I forgot and wondered why I have been turning up for work too early! [ more ]
El Loro Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: 6:25 pm, Sunday 26 September. Are we all in the same timezone? You're in the Eastern Fairly Funny Timezone. EFFT [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
spots and things...
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by pirate1111: yeah sez when im about to get a cold my right jaw itches like mad and i was riffing for a few days before the spots turned up and yep cosmo-im on the calomine lisa asked chemist for chamomile...twit Hey, don't knock her - at least she went to get you some! Hope you feel better soon [ more ]
pirate1111 yeah sez when im about to get a cold my right jaw itches like mad and i was riffing for a few days before the spots turned up and yep cosmo-im on the calomine lisa asked chemist for chamomile...twit [ more ]
Sezit Awww...Pirate i knew it was shingles when I saw the picture.Once the spots blister and burst there is nothing that can be done apart from pain killers. I bet you felt "Fluish" for a couple of weeks before the spots came out and wondered why you felt like that. Hope you feel better soon. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
11-11-11 2014 100yrs
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Another two hours I won't get back. Yellow Rolls Royce with a horse almost. Dreadfully syrupy corny kids film which should have been on at a more appropriate time. The only highlight was recognising the lad who previously had been "going out with" Kate Winslett in the far superior The Reader. Mrs Jer made me watch it, and afterwards one might have thought it my fault . [ more ]
Garage Joe Another two hours I won't get back. Yellow Rolls Royce with a horse almost. Dreadfully syrupy corny kids film which should have been on at a more appropriate time. The only highlight was recognising the lad who previously had been "going out with" Kate Winslett in the far superior The Reader. Mrs Jer made me watch it, and afterwards one might have thought it my fault. [ more ]
Jen-Star ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy Birthday, Supes!
Former Member Originally Posted by Rexi: Am very late, but it sounds like you had a good 'un supes ... best birthday wishes anyways And a sneaky wave to sooz, who I spotted in here Thanks Rexi....I'm trying to lure Soozy back to us in the Slimming World thread! [ more ]
Rexi Am very late, but it sounds like you had a good 'un supes ... best birthday wishes anyways And a sneaky wave to sooz, who I spotted in here [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Jenstar: Could that be a bit of cake in a glass Jen I can't do cake! I've stopped baking since i started 'food optimising' Me too Jen, been doing it for a few months now, over half way there How about you? And this one is lovely if you've not tried it [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBC Children in Need 2014
Former Member Originally Posted by Pengy: I want no I need little Joe of the heart transplant to come and live with me he was adorable, brave and such a cheeky happy little lad loved Tom & Jerry as well Wasn't he amazing Pengy? what a wonderful wee boy [ more ]
Former Member I want no I need little Joe of the heart transplant to come and live with me he was adorable, brave and such a cheeky happy little lad loved Tom & Jerry as well [ more ]
Yellow Rose I watch this every year - except when I dip out to watch other programmes I watch regularly. I'm not interested in those regarded as a c/zeleb, they don't interest me even though I appreciate their input but not if they're selling a record/album or whatever. I watch because my interest is focused on the stories of the children and families who struggle to come to terms with the reality of their life, and I have so much respect for all of them. The children who are able to express themselves... [ more ]
See all 89 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Goldfish advice anyone?
Bolton Fan Originally Posted by pirate1111: i used to be with this girl...& her mom & younger bro went on holiday & GF had to feed his goldfish which he loved anyway i moved the bowl into her bedroom cos it was easier to get to so it could get fed and yes it died anyway we panicked & legged it to pet shop i had the dead goldfish in my pocket & showed bloke & asked for identical one its amazing how much they look alike anyway what im asking is did you move the tank? No! [ more ]
pirate1111 i used to be with this girl...& her mom & younger bro went on holiday & GF had to feed his goldfish which he loved anyway i moved the bowl into her bedroom cos it was easier to get to so it could get fed and yes it died anyway we panicked & legged it to pet shop i had the dead goldfish in my pocket & showed bloke & asked for identical one its amazing how much they look alike anyway what im asking is did you move the tank? [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: now I've not had that happen before. . I do like black Mollies favourites are Krebensis, love the colour when the are mating... Neither had I..! The water went a dirty milky colour and I could only see the little 'uns because they were black [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Joke of the day
Saint I went to the record shop and I said, “What have you got by The Doors?” He said: “A bucket of sand and a fire blanket!” [ more ]
Saint "I was in my car, and I was driving along, and my boss rang up, and he said 'You've been promoted.' And I swerved. And then he rang up a second time and said "You've been promoted again.' And I swerved again. He rang up a third time and said 'You're managing director.' And I went into a tree. A policeman came up and said, 'What happened to you?' And I said, 'I careered off the road.' [ more ]
Yogi19 ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: are you sure you have spelling is right Madame, does it not begin with a W ? [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: are you sure you have spelling is right Madame, does it not begin with a W ? [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by cologne 1: TBF what they've done this time requires a lot more knowledge than I have and I doubt it will receive the same outcry as last time, but I'm with you and Dame on the b(w)ankers. even though I was rushing and that sentence I posted was utter gobbledygook and should have read 'are you sure you have the spelling right Madame' least you all got the gist and I have only been drinking coffee [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
European Arrest Warrant
Madame Arcati "We're the Sweeney, son, and we haven't had our dinner!" Ah, yes, I remember it well. [ more ]
Former Member Re: European Arrest Warrant [ more ]
Flossie Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Is it any wonder a large proportion of Scots vote SNP? How anyone can vote SNP is beyond understanding. Alex Salmond has to be one of the most devious, duplicitous and deceitful politicians on the planet. His dishonesty bars him from having any significant role in UK politics, where higher standards are demanded than the ones he operates by in Scotland. He lied about legal advice he received with regards EU membership of Scotland following... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Nation's Favourite Queen ITV
Cinds And I know I'm rarely up this late, but I am busy soaking my finger to perform minor surgery, because it's kept me awake. [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Carnelian: Hmmm, Queen are the Morecambe and Wise of music. We have to be constantly told how good they supposedly were, so we'll think how good they are. They only did three or four decent tunes, the rest.... The Morcambe & Wise of music, come on that's a bit harsh. There are many more allegedly 'genius' bands who are worse than Queen. [ more ]
Videostar Who'd have seen what the no1 Queen song was going to be...what a shocker. Actually, my personal favourite is Radio GaGa (ironically) lol, and Headlong is a great track too, I love so many of their hits...but I just love Queen...they are (IMO) the best British band of all time. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A parting.....
Former Member Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Had me worried there! Goodnight, sleep tight Sprout [ more ]
Former Member Had me worried there! Goodnight, sleep tight Sprout [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone seen or heard from my adopted mother aka Soozy?
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Erin got fed up with the whole BB debacle.... hoped she'd still post though. Pray she's ok and we see her again. I did as well and I still have no idea who won CBB, not having watched it. In fact I think it broke my interest in BB totally. Don't miss it one bit, especially after the dreadful Hell-on winner this year. [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Erin is ok thank goodness ... hope she'll make her way back to us sometime I hope so too, Rog. I sent Erin a link to this thread Yogi so hopefully she sees we all miss her Good thinking, Rog. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Erin is ok thank goodness ... hope she'll make her way back to us sometime I hope so too, Rog. I sent Erin a link to this thread Yogi so hopefully she sees we all miss her [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Milliband & Obama
Former Member Originally Posted by Carnelian: Farage wanted to be at the Cenotaph. A bit sick for a man who sits in the same European parliamentary group as a holocaust denier. Well said Carnelian [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Carnelian: Getting rid of Ed would be stupidity on the Labour Party's behalf. Alan Johnson doesn't have half the potential that Ed Miliband has. Just a washed up lazy Blairite who was utterly clueless as shadow chancellor. It seems that Labour sometimes can't resist dancing to the agenda of the Tory press. If they go down that route, they'll be handing the election to Bullingdon Boy on a plate. Yes, to be fair Alan Johnson is awful. Watching him taking up Dianne Abbot's... [ more ]
cologne 1 Originally Posted by Carnelian: Farage wanted to be at the Cenotaph. A bit sick for a man who sits in the same European parliamentary group as a holocaust denier. and he can give it a rest with the false tears. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Would some of you be ever so kind and watch my video?
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Saint: Just wondering if the artist has any problems regarding copyright for the stuff he produces? I was going to ask the very same question Saint. Image rights are well guarded by the owners these days and I wondered if this is a concern for him and if so what has he done about it. Once you place your work on the internet be it a site or Facebook, it's open for the world to see. I do know of a number of artists who use well known images (the same as your chap Rawky) as... [ more ]
Kaffs That's great, Rawks - glad you're getting more into the kind of work you always wanted to be doing. Good luck with it! [ more ]
Former Member Very good Rawks Don't think I'll be rushing to buy one of his pieces mind [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hoochie & Slinki - AC/DC topic
Cinds Moonie, I can see what you mean, but trust me they don't need to generate stories to sell tickets. I'd be more surprised if good ole Phil was still in the tour line up. Plus it's only the charge of procuring murder that has been dropped, at the moment the charge of making threats to kill and posession of drugs still stand. [ more ]
Moonie Originally Posted by Saint: Charges dropped apparently Thoughts come to mind with the up and coming tour but i'm being cynical, so will not repeat [ more ]
Saint Charges dropped apparently [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm addicted to Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds
Carnelian Originally Posted by cologne 1: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Hmmm, a bit Oasis/Kasabian/Blur and being not as good as either (usually are). The sing a long chorus doesn't seem to work, at least not on first listen. The 'nah nah nah nah nah' bits are reminiscent of Damon Albarn at his most annoying on Blur's not so great"Great Escape" album. Might be a grower, but I wouldn't have thought so. Sorry cologne I'm probably not very demanding beyond Motorhead Carnelian. It just gets me somewhere... [ more ]
cologne 1 Originally Posted by Carnelian: Hmmm, a bit Oasis/Kasabian/Blur and being not as good as either (usually are). The sing a long chorus doesn't seem to work, at least not on first listen. The 'nah nah nah nah nah' bits are reminiscent of Damon Albarn at his most annoying on Blur's not so great"Great Escape" album. Might be a grower, but I wouldn't have thought so. Sorry cologne I'm probably not very demanding beyond Motorhead Carnelian. It just gets me somewhere between my sternum and my stomach. [ more ]
Garage Joe I'm still stuck in the 70/80's meself! The last few gramophone records purchased have been remastered LZ RM, and VDGG. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poppy pins
Former Member Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: M&S still have plenty, Sprout; I've got a lapel pin with 1914-2014 on it. Ah thanks Cosmo. We haven't got an M&S any more though and not sure I'll get to Newcastle or Sunderland in time. Annoying thing is....I was covering in our Sunderland office yesterday and decided not to go in there in my dinner hour Aww, that's a pity. How about trying the local charity shops if you're strapped... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: M&S still have plenty, Sprout; I've got a lapel pin with 1914-2014 on it. Ah thanks Cosmo. We haven't got an M&S any more though and not sure I'll get to Newcastle or Sunderland in time. Annoying thing is....I was covering in our Sunderland office yesterday and decided not to go in there in my dinner hour Aww, that's a pity. How about trying the local charity shops if you're strapped for time? There's probably a few who... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: M&S still have plenty, Sprout; I've got a lapel pin with 1914-2014 on it. Ah thanks Cosmo. We haven't got an M&S any more though and not sure I'll get to Newcastle or Sunderland in time. Annoying thing is....I was covering in our Sunderland office yesterday and decided not to go in there in my dinner hour [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by pirate1111: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: I know it sounds a bit harsh, but don't mollycoddle them - that will confirm to them that they should be frightened - teach them there's nothing to be frightened of, as you would a young child. youre HARSH! lol nah tried that one dont work its a bit of a known fact (dont laugh ) but honest, most greyhound owners will tell you that greyhounds dont recognise other dogs they are reared only with their own kind... [ more ]
Madame Arcati Velvet - saw this recently on a trip to London. Erected in 2005 and I'm not sure whether you've seen it or not. [ more ]
pirate1111 Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: I know it sounds a bit harsh, but don't mollycoddle them - that will confirm to them that they should be frightened - teach them there's nothing to be frightened of, as you would a young child. youre HARSH! lol nah tried that one dont work its a bit of a known fact (dont laugh ) but honest, most greyhound owners will tell you that greyhounds dont recognise other dogs they are reared only with their own kind & humans they associate... [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Today's Quiz
El Loro 12 could be mechanic (me + can + I + c) [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: Yogi spotted the connections. .nice one I edited when I realised the clue was in Joe's post, "Driving you nuts!". ha! so you've make me look stupid .. well more stupid than I usually look Sorry Olly, I was trying to make myself look less stupid than usual. [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: Yogi spotted the connections. .nice one I edited when I realised the clue was in Joe's post, "Driving you nuts!". ha! so you've make me look stupid .. well more stupid than I usually look [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Norman Baker
Madame Arcati Apparently, at the Annual House of Commons Farting Competition, 'Trumping Theresa' triumphs every time. It was suggested that this year the competition be open to contestants from the House of Lords but Theresa vetoed it. (Rumour has it that she feared the threat that one J. Prescott would pose to her crown) [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by cologne 1: why doesn't he just have the guts to call Theresa May a ball breaking b*tch whom nobody of a different mind can get on with? Because he'd be accused of being sexist. We must all obey the PC agenda. [ more ]
Carnelian Useless, incompetent ***** might be more accurate, although that's not a handicap in the Tory party as long as they're thick and popularist right wing. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...

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