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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hide and Seek with Kris and Charlie...
rusticana You're right - watch this space, I think Freddie may know a few more wind-ups that they do and a lot more sophisticated - he is the type to play along and I think he may play them even when they don't realise the've been got at. [ more ]
VesnaWasRobbed They are cruel thats what they do. They pants Sree in the pool twice, besides the obvious grossness of it.. doing it twice? And why is it that they only play jokes on SMALLER blokes, why not try it on Lisa or Marcus? [ more ]
Former Member it wasnt just childish it was cruel and nasty, but Freddie came out of it ok, and made the gruesome twosome look like a couple of twits(polite subsitute word!) [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF update for FM who login in the morning
VesnaWasRobbed Totally agree with this. It's really really stupid to show them sleeping and call it LIVE FEED. [ more ]
VesnaWasRobbed Oh yes it was unbelievable. Sree got up and left the bedroom. Then Caron and Seaofash messed with Sree's bed and woke up Noorrreeeen and Rinallllldough. Then Caron and Seaofash FELL ASLEEP..... Then we put on I'm a Celebrity, Get ME Out of Here US where Janice nearly died from a viral infection and a "blockage" and Sanjaya beat the lady Wrestler..... Not much better but at least they were AWAKE! [ more ]
WILDER X Why dosn't bb play earlier footage when there all in bed. So at least we get to watch some footage. Soon at bb started at 1.10 they were all in bed. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Heartache Especially when they let it slip about Raybert, love that programme. Lovely to see you. [ more ]
brisket Glad you are here shirehorse - better late than never. [ more ]
shirehorse Eeh there was one on last week where I was hurting I was laughing so hard. Robert pretended to be Raymond to impress a girl and pretended Deborah had died. You just knew this girl was going to knock on Debora's door. 'Who are you?' 'I'm Ray's girlfriend. Is there a problem?' 'I'm his wife.' 'What??? He told me you were dead!!' Painfully funny. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Not eating for 3 days? Is that healthy?
Amythist Thing is anorexia and alcoholism are diseases.Fasting sensibly and drinking in moderation are fine. [ more ]
stonks Sorry don't agree my son is 13 and does'nt fancy a beer but he's always looking at ways to stay thin.... [ more ]
Amythist Angel is having glucose so shes not going to be compromised in that way,as well as getting some nutrients from cooking liquids. But this argument that you musnt fast on tv because your going to give anorexics ideas is utter rubbish.Its like saying they mustnt be seen drinking a beer as its giving encouragement for alcoholism. [ more ]
See all 98 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sub-Plot: Is there a competition between Noirin, Lisa and Angel?
Scotty Absolutely. She was showing Lisa she wouldn`t be told what to do by her. She didn`t need words. Her actions spoke louder. [ more ]
VesnaWasRobbed You thought that because that IS the reason. Unlike some people you actually are listening to Angel and not prescribing your own inability to accept others for who they are and accept that maybe just maybe they are capable of running their own lives. Even though many people who have fasted for 3 or more days and given witness to the FACT that you feel better from it NOT worse they still bang on with their myopic view of the world. I feel really sad for people who can't learn from others... [ more ]
hal its not a problem... lisa is only psuedo alpha 'male' hehe....those that can is in no rush, unless they need to [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Susan Boyle
Soozy Woo Me too's pretty obvious that she's not got too many social skills and doesn't react like 'normal' people under those conditions. It was clear from day one at her first audition. I dont think she's cut out for a full time career in the music business ....she obviously loves performing to a crowd but ...a strict regimented schedule dashing from here to there would test the most stable of people. I hope she can strike a balance and just do a few performances here and there when... [ more ]
Stitch I agree - she wasn't that great, shock value more than anything. She is a flash in the pan in my opinion. [ more ]
Bethni I agree with you She has learning difficulties due to lack of oxygen at birth, she has a lovely voice but really 'showbiz' is not the place for her. Se would never be able to cope with the limelight, hence her strange behaviour at times. It's a shame really and i do feel sorry for her. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm sorry but this made me laugh.
Hollygolightly It would seem like that.I watched a programme recently pertaining to this subject. When asked what they wanted to do when they grew up, a group of children from 10 - 14 said 'Be famous'. Even worse a group of teenage girls wanted to emulate Jordan and Paris Hilton, some had aspirations to be 'glamour models'. Whatever happened to wanting to go to Uni or be a nurse..etc. I hate the way society is becoming but wonder am I to blame by watching reality shows such as bb. If there is an audience... [ more ]
Poolshark How much does it cost to become a modern day celebrity?, just your dignity and intelligence, that's if you had any to start with. [ more ]
Lindsxdx Did anyone see Charley on BBLB last night with her similar pearls of wisdom. "Know your Enemy, Charley can you explain" - "Yeah, its jsut like, know who you are agruing with yeah, just er, know your enemy yeah". Queue nice little cheque for Charley. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
freddie made me alugh last night
Comrade Ogilvy Personally I prefer idiots like him just dont don't bother, they only end up voting for the wrong reason, like for example.. The party with the silliest name. [ more ]
SazBomb The NE always has crap representation [ more ]
Trollop I though Freddie said he wanted to make politics sexy? Or did I misunderstand? I had visions of him in suspenders and an orange in his mouth...somehow the image suited him. He reminds me of a Kenny Everet character [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If the only reason why Noreen hasn't shown any personality in the house...
kimota She may be a little vain, but there are worse things to be. In her favour she is the house's sweetheart. None of them have a bad word to say about her. She is one of the most empathetic and gently supportive hms in there and I think will come into her own once some of the more dominant characters have gone. [ more ]
Sunnie LOL! By the look on her face I think she will be dragged up that old aisle. [ more ]
captain marbles Maybe she'll feel better when she's Mrs Sree. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree needs to realise Noreen doesnt fancy him
Sexy_Kelly Yea! bet she feel honoured [ more ]
Mozart i dont think that he would get away with pestering an asian girl, so why be so full on with Noreen. if he treated and spoke to Noreen as he would an asian girl he might get somewhere. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes And it was so funny when he told Noirin that he had looked through the house and especially choose her because she was special .... [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have fun with your blow up doll Cairon...
Liverpoollass All he is succeeding in doing though is making himself look a prize idiot. [ more ]
wayne he's a trying to be cool,he thinks being cool means living up to a "gangsta" image/mentality that influences a large proportion of teenage males today. i.e. homophobic/crudely sexist/ be in your face when challenged [ more ]
Mozart dont know what he said, but i took an instant dislike to him on opening night. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: If true it's between Cairon and Freddie.
ilovewillyoung Freddie to stay [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing I think you should edit your thread title and take the names out of it, before the lynching party arrives. Some people might not want to know even possibilities before the actual announcement. It would have been more appropriate to say 'them' instead of giving actual names, even if it turns out to be other people up. I'm surprised at you, you should know that by now. [ more ]
kattymieoww Cairon,but so many genuine fans are not voting that leaves mostly the teen vote......twitches and looks at phone. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
SPOILER Results from Sun
Former Member Had a feeling Freddie would be up but disappointed that neither Lisa nor Shree are up. I can see the whole Carole scenario again where everyone is afraid to put Lisa up [ more ]
Former Member I'll watch the eviction result but not the interview if it's Cairon. I find him repulsive to watch and when he opens his mouth... spouting off all that fast talking 'I'm the big I am' gangster rubbish! What a childish little twonk. [ more ]
HyacinthB Please let it be Cairon. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's not the same is it.
Joyron I feel exactly the same. Just cannot get into the programme this year. [ more ]
HyacinthB Precisely - the only livefeed they give us and the HM's are all asleep!! It's just not the same without 24/7 livefeed. You don't get the full measure of each HM with the limited one hour of edited highlights each day. [ more ]
ozzycam No its definetly not the same its spoiled this year..... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live feed on late again tonight
Liverpoollass Well, I decided to tape it last night. Just played it now and they are all in bed asleep. So what is the point? [ more ]
Mentalist The bus must have brought them back late from the seaside. [ more ]
PeterCat The logic behind this is quite simple. If they're all in bed, you only have to employ one cameraperson. Remember Ch4 are desperately short of cash - that's why we can't have proper live feed. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why the hell isnt Lisa up for eviction after the arguments she caused?
Yellow Rose Thanks I really hope Freddie stays as personally I've no interest or time for Cairon [ more ]
cinderella123 In that case I want Freddie to stay in. are they going to nominate him every week? I feel sorry for him, people keep picking on him all the time. But Lisa really should be up. [ more ]
WILDER X According to the sun it between freddie and cairon. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...

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