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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Something wrong with sleeping early?????????
Baz They should reinstate the alarms... that would teach them! [ more ]
Baz Re: Something wrong with sleeping early????????? [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante I wish they'd start playing the wake up calls in the Mornings....that way Charlie could sit up all night and then get no sleep....I feel for Freddie, I can't function off little sleep, and there's a full bloody house for them to chat rather than the bedroom... ...they don't have much of a go at Cairon for snoozing all day! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
cairon needs to go
brisket Fixes his hair over the worktop, then - without washing his hands - handles the pizzas which everyone is to eat. And there`s more... He is very unhygienic. [ more ]
mad4cavs Re: cairon needs to go [ more ]
Liverpoollass Did I hear right? Cairon complaining because Angel is unhygenic because she puts her hand in the cereal box So, it is ok to spit everywhere and wipe your bare backside on the kitchen worktops, is it [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I was SHOCKED at who was up for nominations then
CYBERDAZZLE I was surprised but GLAD He is lazy slobby gobby annoying cheesy imature irritating troublemaking and A projectile SPITTER [ more ]
mary_bee His face was a picture when his name got read out!! I've never really minded him that much, but I won't be that sorry to see him go. I can't wait to see the faces on the others if he does leave! And I definitely agree with Freddie being up every week. I just hope it doesn't get him down too much [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) They love Sree, he massages the girls egos even Lisa’s and as for the boys, well we know they don’t see him as threat. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Right - gone off Angel
old hippy guy I remeber getting hit RIGHT in the eye by one once when I was doing about 60mph on my motorbike, it EXPLODED all over me kisser, I had to scoop the gunge outa me eye socket, and when I got home me ma said "whats that all over ya face?" I looked in the mirror and one side of my face was covered in this silvery stuff, and the rest of mr moth had gone into me beard where it had set hard like cement, I had to chop lumps out of me beard to get rid of him, thought I would share that wiv ya, [ more ]
squiggle That did make me laugh [ more ]
dilligaf The really bizarre thing with moths is that they seem to all be made from silver/grey dust... every time I whack one it's the same, what's that all about? [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddies schooldays
Summer_Breeze Aww i'm liking Freddie more and more and the best form of revenge to all those smug *insert word of choice* people who treated him like a communal football will be the ones ending up with egg salad on their faces [ more ]
Pwillow That has made me admire and like him even more,freddie must have put up with all kinds at school and the prats in the house playing these tricks must make him remember all that and yet he still handles it with dignity and a smile on his face. What a good guy he is [ more ]
BBaddict Aw, that's sad. I hope he wins now [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
George Lamb: "Who needs Live Feed when you've got News 25?"
Soozy Woo Pretty obvious that they're winding down. This will be the last BB ................very sad IMO......But hey - we'll all still be here though wont we? [ more ]
Hicky How pointless is BBLB and it's presenter. An absolute waste of time watching, they show a couple of snippits of the live feed during the day, and say it's exclusive, it's bound to be as no-one has a clue what is going on during the day. It would be better spending an hour showing us what happened during the day, instead of playing stupid games and asking the audience to clap all the time, what a pathetic lot. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) BBBM is a lot worse , but BBLB is just as bad. BBBM actually got a bit better last week . [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The live feed tonight...
Soozy Woo I'm dead excited that we may get to see them brushing their teeth before bed. I hadn't realised how much live feed I watched before now ............i now realise that I did watch lots and used to catch up on the LUT .................I'm really and truly pretty indifferent this year. It's not right only being allowed to watch edited HL is it? [ more ]
Former Member Re: The live feed tonight... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Don't be silly bunny, you'll be waiting on the bus! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
queenshaks Am sure it's Bolt as mentioned already, it's recently released on dvd. It has a dog, cat and a guinea pig as the main stars. It's 3d animation and it's hilarious....or so I thought anyway. [ more ]
china whats the name of the film? im listening to simple plan now and im going all 'emo' i'll cry if you dont tell me [ more ]
Summer_Breeze "G-Force?" [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
einna Think your over estimating Charlie's intellegence but maybe your right Lisa!! i have to say a deffo no [ more ]
Shar I think he is you know ... and he so has the measure of them and everyone else in the house ... [ more ]
Videostar When it comes to bigbrother and their own personal interests, then yes I do. Charlie is a huge BB fan I bet, he will know the game. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
sandra at work i have a customer who reeks to the high heavens and i swear he looks through the window to see if i'm having something to eat then comes in and puts me right off he's been barred from all our local pubs i wish i could bar him out too [ more ]
Former Member Thanks hun I'm sure it would have kicked off as the DILs mother made personal comments to my oldest friend and then to my friends daughter over something minor so God only knows how she would have reacted to be in the vicinity of someone stinky Families eh?? [ more ]
Hypermnesia Veggie, I can imagine the scenario, glad it turned out fine in the end! [ more ]
See all 59 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree doesnt have much down stairs does he
Hypermnesia Wee Sree, literally *titters* [ more ]
Former Member Yep. Though I mortally offended a mate of mine by calling him Pencil Dick. He never really forgave me. Turned out he did, in fact, has a dick a bit like a pencil in width and was quite sensitive about it. Oops. [ more ]
Leccy I don't mean to be flippant here but...well do boys not just rib each other about that sort of stuff as the norm? [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Off-Topic. Did you have nice weather today?
queenshaks If I could have I would have Mike. But we were in the middle of nowhere..some wildlife centre. [ more ]
Mike Strutter queenshaks You should tuck the kiddies in the pub 30 cokes and 30 bags of crisps while you and the other teachers got drunk It was nice sunny here .... I could of done a few cans of stella here tonight but on the wagon [ more ]
CheekyPixie Bye all. Gotta fly Have a fab evening/night! [ more ]
See all 20 replies...

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