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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa is miserable old moo
Former Member I think the moaner doth protest too much I don't think she wants to leave at all - but I do think she had her hands slapped by BB and she's tamed herself just a tad [ more ]
Baz I think that's a good idea Squiggle [ more ]
squiggle Yes but how many will nominate her? She does frighten a lot of HM's, I think. Do you think we should have personal tasks and if you fail them you should be up for the public vote? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa, Noirin and Dogface think Freddie is out this week
cup Freddie is a bit weird I can see how some are genuinely irritated by him But the ones who make a fool of him and dont include him or even try too well freddie with have the last laugh on them It must be hard for him he knows the majority would have voted for him and it will go on week after week,he has to be tough to deal with that as anyone would He is an all round good guy no mean streak in him and even though he knows they dont want him there,he will still be courteous to them all and not... [ more ]
Roxi They are all so delided. I cant wait to see their faces on Friday when Cairon goes [ more ]
Blackpudlian My sister started making noises when she was eating Christmas Dinner I had made and I was very flattered but in the end my brother & I cracked up laughing. She couldn't figure it out so we had to tell her but she just said she couldn't help it, it was so tasty. Couldn't argue with that, could I? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Am I sencing all is not well ?
paace Have you been able to watch the clips on youtube? [ more ]
Reality Junkie Hi Dolly I'd like to know how you put your lovely picture up at the bottom. Mines so boring. [ more ]
Dolly Just found this you may have read it already. Big Bro In Crisis As Half Its Viewers Abandon Show -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIG Brother bosses are fighting to save the show after losing nearly HALF its audience. Friday’s eviction scored one of the worst ratings ever as fewer than two million tuned in to see Sophia Brown get the chop. The eviction show at the same stage last year drew an audience of 3.7m. Now BB fans fear the show might... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gordon Brown: "We must help channel 4"
Roxi Gordon Brown should be concerned on this recession we are all going through. Not helping Channel 4 [ more ]
Neil3841 Its a pity GB isn't a BB fan if it was up to me I would say get stuffed you cut the LF. Aeriously why should a private company get taxpayers help (yes it is a tax) if bob the builder the self emloyed dude down the road runs int trouble he gets sod all except the inland revenue demanding all his tax is paid when he goes bust. Why should C4 be any difftrent [ more ]
Bethni I agree mostly, however, C4 should have started the ball rolling by not giving Davina such a big payrise, surely? That didn't help their cause much when they were telling the fans there was no money for LF yet they were handing out more cash for lousy sets and payrises. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Most staged nominations in the history of BB....1 guess who I mean...
Cosmopolitan Yes, but only because they ask things she daren't. I don't mind it but miss the interview area when it used to be full of as many anti's as fans. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan She really gushes doesn't she. And as for hosting that BB quiz AND Big Mouth....she's totally feeble. If that's Ch4 costcutting then it's bargain bucket time. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Am I the only one who liked the new eviction format when there were other guests apart Davina, questioning the HM's. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did Noreen say English girls are easy?
paace Does she know all the girls in Ireland? It was just a silly off the cuff remark. She did admit that one of her main faults was speaking first without engaging brain. [ more ]
DanceSettee speak for yourselves I'm anyones for a slice of Bara Brith [ more ]
Former Member *splurts tea out* i was telling that story the other day and ended up laughing just as much as i did on the day Face or kebab face or kebab THINKQUICKKKKKKKKK *feck it face* [ more ]
See all 106 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This weeks eviction odds
Former Member True - but the odds are very rarely wrong are they? Shame I'd have preferred to have seen a bit more of Cairon - the more people who have the potential to cause arguments that stay in the better IMO [ more ]
swg the 10 is the same as 10/1, it's just being lazy really as it stands for a £1 bet you'd get £10 back if you backed halfwit to go or ~3p if you back Cairon hence, Cairon is far more likely to go in the bookie's eyes [ more ]
Garage Joe There are three seperate constituencies HMs and FMs and GBP. We know HMs dislike Freddie. FMs dislike Cairon, but who knows how the GBP will vote? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Team Lisa
Liverpoollass I think you are right there [ more ]
kimota There was a similar situation last year, but two of that group eliminated themselves and there was always one who annoyed the other hms enough to ensure that they would be up alongside people who were'nt in the in crowd. This meant that by the time the b-blockers became a proper group the sides were pretty even. This year those outside the main group just are'nt picking the same targets yet. I thought more people would nom Lisa, who is an obvious member of that group to nominate but they did'nt! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Sophie belongs in Team Lisa , she's shallow enough to be there , she's got her links to Kris and will be stuck to Charlie and Lisas backsides since they are his pals, she might make her mind up and be different but I think the girl is too dumb to . [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Year of the BROMANCE!
VesnaWasRobbed Angel as a boxer does tend to see others as competition. And they all are really. She wants to go up against the best. As much as Lisa has gotten on my wick she has managed to get most of the house on her side making her the best competitor. Angel isn't like any other HM before. She doesn't nominate by grudge, as say a Cairon does. I don't see anything the way she does, which is what fascinates me. I'm terribly UN competitive. I wouldn't mind competitions but I hate that competitions declare... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Thing is I don't dislike Angel just irritated by her, I was vexed because she didn't nom Lisa. Karly and Angel for me, are so far the better of the females in the house. I guess I want Angel to stand up for herself where Lisa is concerned, I hate the way Lisa dismisses Angel, when she's trying to make a point, and calling Angel weak the other night, was unforgivable. [ more ]
VesnaWasRobbed Truth can hurt I suppose. But then if you're going to trash my Angel you leave me no choice but to point out the finer points of Siavash. To be honest if I got wind of Siavash and Cairon bare butting the food preparation table I would stick to liquids myself in there. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thanks BB
Soozy Woo Why do they bother waking them up with an alarm? No ones watching throughout the day - they may as well let them sleep in - that way - they may be inclined to stay up a bit longer. It's all really gone tits up hasn't it? [ more ]
mary_bee Eurgh I know. If it had been Charlie who'd told them all to stfu they'd have gladly obliged. In fact, if it had been any other HM in there I think they would have agreed. As well as it being the most annoying thing ever. [ more ]
VesnaWasRobbed 04.16: Siavash rubs his face as he lies in bed. He lifts up his leg and moves his head. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie's Birthday
Bethni He said at the beginning of BB that he didn't MIND doing without alcohol.... have i missed something? Cos they seem to have taken it that he doesn't want alcohol. Charlie, the other night telling him to go to bed made me think they wanted any alcohol Freddie is entitled to. At his birthday they would probably take all the booze as well and not even sing 'for he's a golly good fellow' ! They make me so angry [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Apart from Cairon, Angel and Siavash would be fine . [ more ]
Towno :) That's what I was thinking. I was going to suggest that he gets to invite who he wanted but he's too nice to leave people out. Plus he probably hasn't a clue how many of the house have nominated him and talk about him the way they do. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who do we think has the best gameplan then?
Senora Reyes Agreed. [ more ]
Towno :) I think they ALL have a game plan. You can't go in for BB and not have some idea of how you're going to play it. I guess it's working so far for Kris, Rodrego, Karly etc and all the others who have failed to pick up a nomination thus far. [ more ]
Hollygolightly Norinn. Without a doubt. In RL she would have left Sree for dead, but doesn't want to come accross as mean in the house. I think she is very calculating. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Early days, but… who do you see surviving until Finale night?
Senora Reyes Yep and Rodrigo. [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] I think we`ve got to base it on who`s gonna be put up for nomination by the HMs, so that probably means the ones who are gonna slip under the radar :- Noirin Rodrigo Kris Sophie Karly None of whom I like btw ! [ more ]
ishan2003 Depends how the new housemates turn out to be...but I'd like to see Karly, Freddie, Sophie and maybe Angel in the finale [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Difference between Sree and Freddie
squiggle Made me laugh, but see what you mean. [ more ]
Yogi19 I really like Freddie, who seems to be a genuine and sensitive eccentric. Sree, on the other hand, seems fake and creepy. I don`t believe in his "innocent little mummy`s boy" routine, and his preoccupation with Noirin borders on obsession. She needs to tell him to back off a.s.a.p. [ more ]
VesnaWasRobbed Same as the difference between night and day. CD and DVD, toes and digits. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK, no money for live feed but......
Mentalist <<<<ME [ more ]
Towno :) You're right mentalist there are a gazillion ways they could potentially cut costs. I guess C4 are remaining tight lipped about how much the live feed actually costs if it were a new channel that they had to pay for. Having said that they have E4 with endless repeats on during the day. Why not put some live coverage on then? And say from 8pm-midnight? there is Film 4+1, more4 and e4+1 as well as c4+1... surely they could chop one of those channels and dedicate it to a few months of live... [ more ]
Mentalist I know, but hey got to moan about something, I could start on Diary Room Uncut if you like, coz I really miss that, that had to be a cheap option the filming is done anyway! [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live feed axe blamed for BB slump
Guest I blame the man in this article, Lord Puttnam. It appears he was only happy with BB if it was raising large amounts of revenue. So as there maybe a large BBC handout on offer he gets his way and BB is wound down year after year until the viewing figures drop enough for it to be shelved. That explains why for every complaint us fans have about fauxmances, the same sterotypical HM appearing each year, the LF complaints dating back to the... [ more ]
Amythist C4 bosses blame live feed axe for poor ratings It doesnt take a genius to find the solution BRING BACK LIVE FEED NOW [ more ]
carotino A live feed axe is just what's required. My money's on Marcus [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone got a Blu-Ray DVD player or know anything about them?
Koala Brother try this website. It gives you the best deals, specs etc ZETTAVOLT [ more ]
BBBS if all you want is blur-ay playback and that model has outputs compatible with your home theatre audio system then yes its just fine and is updateable / online. i just looked and ours is the panasonic dmp-bd55k (chipped to all region) but again we went for that model because it had the correct audio outputs we needed, the bd 35 model is cheaper and offers the same features but just lacks some of the output ports [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante With the wire attached to the remote! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
She thinks I'm Superman
VesnaWasRobbed I'm not seeing the "nice" norin others are. She's in on a lot of gossip sessions, never has anything nice to say about people when she's talking about them. She could easily tell Sree to give her some space but she's a whore for men's attentions. She would NEVER turn down being the center of a mans attentions. [ more ]
Soozy Woo I agree .............simply because Noireen is being nice and polite to him and has stuck up for him on a couple of occasions he genuinely thinks she fancies him. I'm no expert on Indian culture but I think Indian women are very subserviant to the men and Sree therefore thinks it's OK to be overpowering. She is just too nice to tell him to eff off. In all honesty though I can't see her putting up with it much longer ..............she's quietly simmering I think and will explode pretty soon. [ more ]
Liverpoollass That's a point. I wonder why she hasn't done that yet? [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What I don't understand......
lorraineshere channel 4 usded to have a large set of balls .....not no more they have pickled walnuts [ more ]
Former Member could be [ more ]
hal probably the expense involved editing etc...they are just not bothered to keep up the excellent standards required for bb anymore, this way they can control every aspect of it, without any input from the viewers. Basically channel four has become like bbc etc their executives ...mainstream thinking, innovations and creative thinking out of the window, safe programming and old boys club mentality has set in. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Petition to scrap the early morning alarm
brisket I`m pretty sure one of the main reasons behind having the alarm was to limit their sleep. Going to bed late and getting up early was part of Big Brother`s evil plan. Sleep deprivation has always been one of BBs weapons (along with alcohol, and housemates who will almost certainly clash) in their plan to cause irritation and ultimately conflict. [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy True, with no proper LF there's no point to it, other than to make sure they don't stay up too late. Signed. [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts They still wake them up in the morning. [ more ]
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