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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree is full of it
prettycocoaeyes He also said Cairon and Sree are from the streets and dont deserve to touch his belongings.... The man is stupid... My God I may switch off until he is evicted.... [ more ]
mary_bee Yep. Shut your face is the thing he says that annoys me the most, it's so rude and he says it ALL the time. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Grrrrrrrrrr he was so fake with Lisa then , sneaky and deluded man, he's so annoying and irritating not to mention cringeiworthy. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Three hour evening nap.
darloboy (Play The Game!) Yeah back to Carotino , i'll behave and will even wear an Accies shirt for him . They do indeed Bov. [ more ]
Bovrilking Its still a total shambles Darlo, they need to sort it bloody fast Back to Tino now though eh [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) , youth is the future but a mix with experience won't do any harm . The manager situation is a factor of blame too with how they kept changing so there was no stability, the players and fans didn't know whether they were coming or going. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"You eff about, you see what happens"...
brisket Definitely a clear example from Marcus of how to inflame things. The (so-called) expert fails yet again. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Yep clear threatening behaviour. [ more ]
old hippy guy yip n thats cause captain coolasphuck KNOWS whar Sree is like cause HE is living with him, he "knew" that Sree would mess about and he was 100% correct, he didnt bollock him ENOUGH cause he is soooo cool, [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ruddy Rudy III Stop it for a few years, move to another channel then relaunch maybe 2012 [ more ]
old hippy guy keep VOTING? that will be the day [ more ]
amelie I don't think C4 want the show any more - they're killing it off imo. Virtually no LF when the hms are awake, C4 forums closed, crap spin off shows. All the buzz associated with BB has gone - even the forums are half dead compared to last year as the drip feed of HLs gives little to talk about. I'd like to see the shows on another channel that would stay true to the BB concept and inject some new life into it. If not possible, then I think BB10 should be the last. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If that was the best edit BB could do for Cairon...
kattymieoww The satisfaction I will feel will be the faces of the muppets who nomed Freddie.Cairon is not one of my really disliked housemates.They are Charlie/Kris/Lisa,alas none of that trio are up. [ more ]
PeterCat If he goes, I'll be very satisfied, thank you [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes He knows he is going so the people who want him out will not have their satisfaction .... [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karly's Hair
amelie She looks so much better as a brunette - what was she thinking of, she must have known how quickly the roots would show. She's got quite a hard scottish accent and with the bleached blonde, dark roots looks cheap and tarty. [ more ]
Senora Reyes She looks lovely in this picture, she's a pretty girl. [ more ]
kattymieoww They have done before remember Pete etc went blonde and others. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
In the past we've moaned about all the wannabes
Former Member Well, she was on BBLB at least once, so she did get some insider knowledge then. The last time they brought evicted housemates back, it went down a treat though. [ more ]
Soozy Woo That's true ........has she been seen/interviewed since? I haven't seen anything but then again I've been away. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing But we don't know where that bus took her. For all we know it took her straight back into hiding. So she wouldn't really know a great deal about the others. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Feel sorry for him...but that doesn't equate to like [ more ]
Heatseek Rock on Freddie [ more ]
Former Member I cringe when he starts to sing,but you just got to admire the way he has handled the abuse he has taken,roll on Friday ,cant wait to see their faces when Cairon is evicted. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Peter Cat are you there?
Soozy Woo wooooooooooooHooooooooooooooo I feel a bit speshul! [ more ]
PeterCat I left you a message in the other thread, Mentalist. Mine's done now as well, thanks! [ more ]
Former Member yay When I first tried it I did it the other way - the go then pm then I had to manually search for the person I wanted to pm Really laborious (sp) and difficult if you can't spell their name right or they've got * or ~ around their name [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New housemate to enter next Wednesday?
stupidcupid [QUOTE]Originally posted by Skylark24: they will replace saffia, but i hope they choose well. Read that dIck from coach trip was going in, but dont know for sure, hope not....[/QUOTEIf its him they're as well not bothering. There's enough boring ones in there without throwing any more in. I'd rather see a fit guy going in as the ones in there are too weird or feminine or gay. [ more ]
Roxi I really hope its a hot male totty [ more ]
Moonbeams Hold on a min they're putting Ugly Betty on on Wednesday nights? [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did some one walk out?
forgetmenot love it!! are all the blokes gay? I cannot seem to see or hear any one "man" like.. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants it was one of the most watched episodes.... kris sat down with saffia.....took her hand and gazed into the mirror behind her... 'look' he said....'i have to be're down the pecking order..i love myself,my hair and charlie in that order'..... saffia looked horrified....'you don't mean that kris' she croaked.... kris fluffed his hair.....'i forgot my mates as well...i love them'..... 'i can't believe you're gay' cried saffia... 'gay?'kris stormed...'gay?...i'm not gay!'... saffia... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan In that order. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lets Split the Live feed
old hippy guy cause they have little or NO advertising income from late night advertising, they get revenue in the daytime NOW, so they are trying to draw in advertisers at night, by having live feed running, that costs em hardly anything to run, and they start to pull in advertisers late at night, [ more ]
mirage its down to cost there will be less production staff on the night shift, no need to use edit staff when all the hm are asleep [ more ]
paace Don't follow your argument at all. Surely a commercial station wants the maximum people watching. Whatever they say about it BB does generate excitement and will get viewers if shown at the proper time. I know if I had a product to advertise I would want it shown during the day and not at 4am when most are asleep. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother in turmoil as 10th series loses nearly HALF its audience...
canaryisle No live feed so i havent watched highlight shows. Well done channel 4 for ruining BB. [ more ]
Katerina Even a bit of live feed during the day and earlier in the evening would change things for me. I miss seeing what they're doing on a Sunday afternoon(the aerobics classes last year were fab ) , and used to watch them in the evening but now 1am is way too late for me to start watching. I don't feel like I know this lot this year, they're one-dimensional and I'm losing interest rapidly. I'm sure the live feed has something to do with it. [ more ]
Videostar Solution: BRING BACK LIVE FEED. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...

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