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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've read that Karly said about Freddie
swg Don't see how it's two faced at all really, she didn't nominate him because she thought he was stupid In fact I don't know why nominations in general can be "two faced" as you have to so them, even in the penultimate week when you may be great friends with everyone left [ more ]
longcat If she admires those qualities in a person how was it a fake praise? [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) glad she likes those qualities, he doesn't need her fake praise anyway though, but still it's a positive comment which most have not given him so far . [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
whats the 'poorest' youve ever been..?
kimota probably sleeping in a squat that had no electricity,in the middle of winter and living on rice for several days. [ more ]
BBBS the poorest i've been. well in non financial terms i'd guess the day my mother died, it felt like a piece of me had died with her. in financial terms i'm not sure losing my job because i refused to join a trade union meant i couldnt sign on and couldnt get a rent rebate so lost my (private rented) house, lived on the streets for a while then in a squat as the aids epidemic hit in the early 80's i lost so many friends as did many people, luckily neither myself nor my partner slept around and... [ more ]
tupps Oh Bunny.... you were lucky.. you can't live in a Mulberry bag.. not even the knock off variety.. and I'll wager it'd be impossible to live in a Rolex.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Angel vs Freddie next week
longcat I think if BB thought for a moment that would happen they would change the rules or put some up for eviction for talking noms. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) They got a long way to go then . [ more ]
Jenny If he (Freddie) stays, I don't think that will make them stop nominating him. They obviously don't like him or his ways, so will probably keep at it till they get rid of him. I fear that Darlo might well be right that next week it may be Freddie and Angel up, but with any luck there will be a third one in the mix too, hopefully Lisa or Sree, which may make all the difference. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A Question for the Guy's & Gal's at GaGa.
Dora I havent been able to see BB on Justin TV for a few days now, Says programmed removed at something request ? Only got clips on there as far i could see. I think They been told to remove the live feed Unless its me being thick [ more ]
BBBS i think might provide a solution to that for us based people. [ more ]
cup I watched it a few years back and the tasks were whoever won won immunity from eviction then the others were able to go and ask not to be put up for eviction deals were struck all openly discussed complete opposite of our bb God they said and done anything all cut throat lol Face to face stuff head of house had a lovely suite to live in lol [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will Siavash survive Cairons' eviction
kimota On Live feed last might it emerged that they have been chatting about politics ect. and find each other good to talk to. I think they may get closer once Ciaron has gone. [ more ]
Former Member Really? I think Cairon is dependent on Siavash but not the other way round. Siavash might not be everyone's cup of tea but he has proven his ability to get on and even empathise with them all on a group and individual basis. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Noooooooooooooooo! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa - Has there ever been a more childish 40+ year old?
Summer_Breeze Haha! Yes, she's definitely aging in reverse Zleet! So she told Freddie he was weak did she? people like her always take that stance. Whenever somebody just has the good manners and grace not to meet them with their own kind of aggression they always take that as a "weakness". [ more ]
Zleet Does she age in reverse like Benjamin Button? [ more ]
cinnamon girl My mum says 'rough as a bull's lugs' [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree "Come from streets and playing with other peoples' beds"
kazza29 I don't wish to accuse him of R either I just think he is disrespectful to alot of the housemates. [ more ]
kazza29 I do think Sree thinks he's superior to some of the housemates and I think the housemates should be more wary of him! When he had the argument with Cairon last week when he was sitting on the sofa I'm sure he said "that creature" when refering to Cairon, now whatever he meant by it Im not sure but it was in very bad taste! [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Sree "Come from streets and playing with other peoples' beds" [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will we see a massive shift in the group dynamic after Cairon is evicted?
kattymieoww They may go for Freddie again,but if they have any brains they will have realised that after surving two evictions on the trot the public don't hate him.They may switch their attention to Shree ,Angel and maybe Marcus. [ more ]
rusticana I think the one to watch may be Sree - wouldn't suprise me if he cheers when Cairon's name is called. [ more ]
Zleet I'm expecting an anti-Freddie rant from Lisa if he stays. She will somehow turn Cairons last moments into her own personal attack on him like she did with the last eviction. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree, talks to hms respecfully???
sciencewasrobbed He has to keep acting like he his God's gift, Kells, cos deep down he feels worthless... But he is still and obnoxious little get!!! Soooo funny to watch!! PMSL!! His nom of Freddie was one of the funniest things so far... [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly NOOOOOOO! I think he has far too much respect for himself. He really honestly believes hes gods gift. [ more ]
sciencewasrobbed Deep down, he doesn't respect himself.. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what is happening to the forum where is everyone
Puss aww bless [ more ]
Scotty It`s early and lots of people are on here til 2-3 in the morning. [ more ]
Zleet I'm finding it hard to really get behind anyone so i'm not watching it as much. Other than Freddie and those that haven't had airtime I find most of the others a bunch of bullying fame hungry wannabes. If I was Scree or Freddie and people had talked to me like Lisa and Marcus have talked to them respectively, i'd have thrown a punch by now. Also watching the dum dum brothers trying to tease Freddie about politics the other day was just pathetic. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have just watched....
Liverpoollass Lisa has a huge chip on her shoulder and has shown she dislikes Freddy, mainly for his background. It is reverse snobbery. Freddy may be posh, but he has been the only one in there who hasn't shown any disrespect to anyone else. [ more ]
innais Lisa was so RUDE to Freddie....a lot of people would have told her straight but he is so polite and sweet natured he just looked was I because it was hard to grasp what her problem was! Silly woman, gone off her Big Style. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
alien abduction
Former Member Re: alien abduction [ more ]
Tam oh sorry ah just read the bit when ye say ye huvnae been [ more ]
Tam naw ah dont dae it tae annoy people as ahve said afore ma engliss isnea very good so if ah tried tae type aw posh some wideo wid make just as big a deal oot o that anywiy huv you ever been abducted? [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Queen of the High Teas I'm going to go up and try to get some sleep. Hope you can all get some rest soon too. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas It's awful isn't it. It feels like I've got Bruce Lee in my tummy. I can only lie on my right hand side and even that's not comfy. Little beggar'd better be worth it. [ more ]
Essie I know what you mean, my youngest was breech until the last week, then the little gold medal olympic somersaulting champion darling turned the right way. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i found it at last
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Thanks for that will have a quick look now. [ more ]
brisket It`s a long thread with many pages. footie thread Also under the heading "UKTVFans" there is a sports thread. Regards [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Hyia to all to have answered my post. Yeah its nice to be able to post 24/7 as I am awake most nights around this time, and its boring just staring at the tv screen. Quick question, there used to be a really good footy thread on the old Channel 4 board, is this still the same on this board and if it is then point me in that way please. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Worlds Most Beautiful Tranny's on C4
Dora I thought was a great prgramme. Really enjoyed it. [ more ]
Azure. yes I agree, I also think no one would go throught all the pain and the anguish for the hell of it, they have to do something to make them more comfortable with who they are. I enjoyed the show and I would hazzard a guess a lot of us would love to look half as good as some of the women on the show and yes I called them women. [ more ]
Essie The Title of the thread was the opening part of the commentary of the programme. It was an excellent programme, I hope it's repeated. [ more ]
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