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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sexy_Kelly I hated Sree a couple of days ago and in last nights HL show he did himself no favours with his jelous and possesive behaviour. But i actually feel a bit sorry for him now. Its obvious Marcus & Noirine were playing with him last night. I think hes a bit young in the head and maybe he actually thought he and Noirine would fall in love and live happily ever after. [ more ]
Liverpoollass His face on last night's HL show when she was talking to Marcus Seriously stalkerish and scary. [ more ]
hal true shouldn't stop us from venting though [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Early Morning Bitchfest
Scotty First the bold bit...How do you know this? Of course we`re not seeing a true picture of anyone but the early morning bitchfest said a a lot about, not only Noireen but her little "crew" too. (that rhymes ) She and they may not be the first or last to bitch. It doesn`t make it right though and it doesn`t endear them to the public. Well maybe some. [ more ]
wandawitch Maybe , but she is trusted by her friends and family who know the real person. We aren't even seeing a true picture of her since we have no live feed. Bitching is always the downfall of one or other housemate, never stops it happening though. She isn't the first and won't be the last to bitch. [ more ]
Hollygolightly Noirin is incredibly bitchy and it's going to be her downfall. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
get Sree out next week
BROXI Please let him be up next weelk. I will be voting for the first time in years to get the creep out!! [ more ]
mary_bee This is it basically, he seriously needs to grow up. He can't seem to understand or accept the fact that Noirin's not interested so will keep on persisting until he gets his own way or breaks down. Rather than understand she's not in to him, know that this happens to everyone at some point in their lives, and move on. [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg i agree she has led him on a little but shes told him now and still he hasnt listend and id put good money on the fact that if he were in Marcuses postion tonight where she was say she would flash her nipples at him he would be loving it but because its not him he gets jealous and takes the moral highground he needs to do some serious growing up . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
dear god who put borin noirin in chasrge and lousy lisa
Mollie Considering Noirin featured in a lot of the highlight show tonight, it makes me wonder what exciting things the others are up to!!!! maybe they want you to miss all the excitement and put boring noirin on!! geez [ more ]
Heartache Lisa has been in charge since day one, and Noirin's become her bitch. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Can't believe I'm saying this but I think Lisa, was genuinely kind to Sree, when he was upset in the garden. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why do C4 have the last interval at 11
Xochi I suppose they expected they'd have the same level of advertising revenue that they've been used to... omitting to notice there is a recession and that the shows sucks now. It is amusing, however, how many of these 'ad' breaks are now just desperately promoting other C4 programs! [ more ]
WILDER X I wouldn't bother. The adverts before are longer. [ more ]
Lockes yes they have totally killed the show imo [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why does Angel's eating habits bother Noreen so much?
Shar Maybe ... but when you're in the BB house and everything you say and do is under the microscope, you can't really blame people for hesitating about how they're going to come across ... it's only human ... I think a few weeks in, she's probably relaxed somewhat and is now trying to deal with it ... [ more ]
Videostar Im not calling her that, but it's too late, she should have done it last week. [ more ]
Shar Thing is ... she tells him that now, she gets called a biatch ... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin confronts Sree; Makes him cry!
Azure. I dont see Noirin as a miss innocent not knowing what to do......this girl has been round the block a few times, she knows exactly what she was doing, she used him in the first weeks she also cried over her glasses yet she chose to do that to be on BB, Noirin says English Girls are easy lol what does that make her, Sree is a pain and I have no sympathy for him, but Noirin is now out of her shell thanks to him and she has bitched for the house these past 2 days. [ more ]
Former Member She should have made it clear to him days ago that they will never be more than friends. She has been sending him mixed signals from Day one. The problem is, there isn't really anyone in the house she could "pair up with". Kris has already set his sights on Miss Fake Boobs and Marcus is just too strange and Freddie could care less, really. All this "coupling" is really boring. None of it is real and it's all for the cameras and airtime. [ more ]
Mentalist Noirin should have been a bit more upfront with Sree but lets be honest you could hit him over the head with it and he still wouldn't get it. I understand her reluctance in some way, if you tell someone to get lost when your outside BB, they go away and you hope you never have to see them again, in there she has to see him 24/7, even when she's in bed she only has to open her eyes and there he is staring at her. [ more ]
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