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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fishi Rishi and his non-dom Mrs.
Dame_Ann_Average I am Velvet, thank you. I hope you're well too I try to avoid political stuff now, it just infuriates and frustrates me I remember you having the Maltese cross for your Avi [ more ]
velvet donkey The Maltese Cross used to be my avi. I love Malta but you can't be car bombing journalists and that went to the top. [ more ]
velvet donkey Well said Damsel Hope you're ticking along like a Vacheron Constantin The oldest watchmaker in the world The Maltese Cross is their motif. You won't need to phone a friend on Millionaire [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Smacking kids
Saint We used that one a lot [ more ]
slimfern I suspect you'd be more capable than you think...and tbf most parents don't really know how they are going to be until they become one. For me it's the tone of voice and explaining the consequences of actions. [ more ]
Saint Bit of a raised voice is ok to me - maybe a threat LOL It's odd cos when i would visit older family members out of an unmentioned respect, we were on our best behaviour and would never dare be rude. I think it's an attitude or an atmosphere around a person. I wouldn't dare step out of line for some teachers ... not that I would for any others but there was something there ... a respect thing. Some parent don't have that 'tool'. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Here's a moral dimella.
slimfern Thriller was an experience to watch....remember having to wait for it show after 9pm [ more ]
velvet donkey Aye, probably right. Still Thriller at half bung I can't eradicate All the above were experiences. Wrong or right. Individually they are dicks. I know that. [ more ]
slimfern Innocent till proven guilty, so I wouldn't condemn anyone's art that hadn't been... Having said that...I probably wouldn't have them in my home [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This country is paralyzed by a total idiot...
velvet donkey Depressing ain't it. [ more ]
Carnelian You're right Velvet. A man who lies as easily as he breathes a cretin of a PM making this country a laughing stock. The opposition's a disgrace too. The Labour Party, a hostile place for socialists. Never in my lifetime has UK politics been so bleak and offered so little hope. [ more ]
Baz Ain’t that the truth Velvet [ more ]
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