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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good God! has Sree dyed his hair?
jeppa I don`t know where in India Sree is from, I heard South India, but we`ve spent a lot of time in Goa which is also South and it`s surprising how many of the local men bleach their hair and they all end up orange He keeps saying how intelligent he is so wouldn`t you think he`d have had the sense to wash it off when the others told him what would happen [ more ]
Scotty Re: Good God! has Sree dyed his hair? [ more ]
spongebob squarepants i thankyou!!!!......... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I cant think of one GOOD twist
Former Member I'd forgotten that one. It was an excellent twist, all the ones who were really up and didn't know it being all smug because they didn't nominate. Shame that BB screwed it up by letting the hms choose to evict Vanessa when Makosi had such a huge percentage of the vote to be kicked out [ more ]
lorraineshere dontcha mean Brackie [ more ]
Hollygolightly 'Yeah Jackie' that was BRILLIANT! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Should Put The Whole House Up So We Can Vote
Videostar I can't believe Charlie is still second favourite. [ more ]
Mollie Good point, but unfortunately people will vote out the more interesting ones and keep the boring quiet with nothing to say ones! it's just one of those things... but at this early stage it would be fun cos we would have no idea who would actually go.. oh fun on a friday! [ more ]
Former Member I want to play 'swop shop.- new hms for old, keep the good 'uns and bin the rest [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
ot im watching Who will love my childen
ilovewillyoung Also felt sorry for the dad who was a ok bloke but was a drunk [ more ]
Angel oh I remember that film from years ago If I remember rightly, the mum tells her (young) kids that she is going to heaven, & one of her little boys asks: "how will you get there ? .... on the bus" .... aww bless [ more ]
lorraineshere or terms of endearment but i am that sad i bawl at extreme makeover home edition [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mollie He's not funny anymore, just really irritating.. I wouldn't miss him,,, there are a few non interesting people in there too,,, so not too fussed.. if Noirin went I think it would be a loss to the house as she is the only person(along with siavash, freddie) in there that has any gumption and personality! [ more ]
strike pigeopie he is 2/7 to go, Sree is history, stay and they might put another Sree in [ more ]
Mercedes78 I hope he goes up and goes on friday, he's really annoying me. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well, it's Wednesday's SIT 24.6.09
darloboy (Play The Game!) They have got a decent side though USA with the likes of Landon Donovan, who I think is a class player so Spain must have underestimated them then. Gutted Sharapova is out , happy Federer won, I so hope he wins it now Nadal isn't playing. Don't want Murray to win . [ more ]
Moonie Yep it was 2-0 [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Did they , ain't been watching. Been watching Wimbledon though . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
mad4cavs he should try that approach more often show his soft side much better than all the shouting he seems to be taking a leaf out of freddies book may be the hippie task gave him the luuuuuv [ more ]
Angel Would anyone seriously look twice at him if he was walking down the highstreet ? his 'goodlooking-ness' is terribly over rated [ more ]
mad4cavs agreed if he wasnt so aggressive with the way he puts it over i am sure he would get more cooperation its all the f,,ing this and f,,ing idiot etc. last yeat the house mates encouraged each other more and worked more as a team this year its chaos [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is wrong with the bloody housemates?
Former Member Shiver Be my guest Much nonnying about [ more ]
Shiver Oh I'll join you then veg [ more ]
Former Member This is a bit of genuine Shakespearean Nonnieness Sigh no more, ladies, sigh nor more; Men were deceivers ever; One foot in sea and one on shore, To one thing constant never; Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you blithe and bonny; Converting all your sounds of woe Into Hey nonny, nonny. Sing no more ditties, sing no mo, Or dumps so dull and heavy; The fraud of men was ever so, Since summer first was leavy. Then sigh not so, But let them go, And be you blithe and bonny, Converting all... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - Dog poo on my front garden!!
Lazybug Cool thanks for the info - I will go and have a look for one because I can't cope with that happening anymore... [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Lazybug, there is a little gadget on the market that you can buy which lets out a sonic type noise that scares cats and dogs away from your garden, but humans cannot hear the noise it makes. You can just stick it in the soil/grass in your garden. I got mine from B & Q and it does work. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Oh that has happened to me a few times, along with the remains of a dead mouse [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fake Toenails
captain marbles I know this is pretty much irrelevant but how often do you get a toenail thread, fake or otherwise? Anyway, my daughter had just done a half marathon run the other week and was taking off her socks and trainers when she rummaged into her sock and produced a toenail that had come off her toe which she felt she had to show me. Euggggh. It wouldn't have been so bad, as much as I hate the thought, and the sight of detached toenails but I was driving her home on the motorway at the time. [ more ]
Shar But one of them fell off after two days ... [ more ]
Shar My cousin paid to get them on in a salon ... I asked her why she didn't just have a pedicure ... she said she hates her own toenails and even a pedicure wouldn't persuade her to bare her toes ... The acrylics did look nice ... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davina: 'There is another BB next year'
Roxi I dont think there will be they axed the live feed and the ratings are failing [ more ]
WILDER X Two words. Don't Bother. [ more ]
mrsstipe If Davina's so supportive of the return of LF why doesn't she make a stand live on air, or get one of the national papers behind it. I don't always like Davina but I can't really imagine anyone else presenting BB, so I doubt her job would be at risk if she stuck her neck out for once. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who said "Bring on the Prostitutes"
Senora Reyes Re: Who said "Bring on the Prostitutes" [ more ]
old hippy guy HAHA I just remembered from back at the start of this years BB, someone posted and I quote "that Marcus looks like he might have BO" talk about judgemental [ more ]
old hippy guy maybe he has I dunno cause I cant smell him therefore I wont hold it against him based on what either a few or one of the hms have said,... just comes over as a very juvenile form of insult to me, if the BEST they can come up with is "I dont like him cause he,s smelly" doesnt say much about them either does it? some of the most decent generous kind hearted people I have known were not what one would refer to as "fragrant" ALL the time,...didnt make em bad people though, [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So did Sree leave after last nights drama?
captain marbles He lied, she pulled him on it. He squirmed and tried his usual change the subject, introduce irrelevancies, patronise, spitting out dummy tactics, which failed to work on her. So he ended up running to Mummy Lisa, threatening to leave if the nasty girl kept telling the truth about him. The man has absolutely no self-awareness. [ more ]
Roxi No I cant believe he stayed after all that last night [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Re: So did Sree leave after last nights drama? [ more ]
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