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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have kept Out of the LF issue... But WTF was that about on the HL
Blizz'ard Well, we now know that they had 12 bottles of Mead, so, if Sree had his one and Angel's one, who had Noirin's one? [ more ]
kimota I thought the row bit made her look bad but the bit where we saw the origins of the row made her anger understandable. No-one but Shree disputes the idea that he lied initially about having a second drink! Angels part in it was also made clearer and I think thats partly why she is up! [ more ]
Lindsxdx Sree wasn't laughing in Noirins face. He didn't get chance. He giggled once or twice, an attempt to defuse the situation which Noirin wasn't having. She was just ranting constantly. She is very lucky that they didn't show much of that arguement. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Halfwit and Angel told wolves and sheep - interesting 'code word' discussion!
darloboy (Play The Game!) Freddie has probably had enough of trying to be kind to them when all they do is bitch and backstab and nominate them all the time. He's worked out that at some point they will have to backstab each other though. Think i'll like this new attitude Freddie has got now . [ more ]
boink i think freddie and angel have worked out who is manipulating others in the house and which ones just follow the flock! surely when some start bitching about other and then the others then nominate the same people all 4 or 5 of them have been bitching about its discussing nominations? funny how they all nominated angel and freddie! [ more ]
Former Member oh did he i didnt catch that, thanks x [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Farmer Freddie
electric shepherd he really sounds like he means business [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Freddie has got the brains to outwit them, but they have advantage in numbers. I think he's had enough now of trying his best with them when they have now nominated him three times in a row, clearly don't like him or appreciate his kindness, good on him . [ more ]
Summer_Breeze They have abused and taken advantage of Freddie's natural amicableness from day one. I hope the end of this will be like a Bruce Lee film..... except of course without actual blood.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother notice: comment removed
boink even if they are on topic they still can be removed if they do not agree with what bb wants! i have come to the concussion that bb has totally lost touch with the viewers and fans of the show [ more ]
kattymieoww Think I've had about twelve removed so far,not offensive just not what they want to hear. [ more ]
Former Member Lol, I've had loads of those emails myself. My posts were all on topic but I added "BUT it would have been nice to see for myself on Live Feed..." to all of them [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirion's positive qualities
hal Re: Noirion's positive qualities [ more ]
kimota I liked her a lot early on as she was very supportive to hms who got upset, cried when Saffia left (bad taste I know!) and seemed a confident, sensible woman. But her ungratefulness to Freddie plus a little too much bitchiness at times has made her slide down my list week after week. She is still in my top 5 though! [ more ]
Summer_Breeze oh yes! [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New Presenter for BB???
RZB I can't see them replacing Davina with at most only 1 year to go. [ more ]
sunny dayz dermot o leary, although...dare i see it without being bombarded....I think jmo..George lamb would be good as he is sarcastic and isnt afraid to aproach subjects..i know he is dire on BBLB but i think BB will be different. Longs he isnt too sarcastic though and always working the crowd..i hate that.. [ more ]
Former Member I don't think there will be a next year. If there is, it will probably be from someone's garden shed. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So disappointed!
Moonbeams We were so dissappointed in her last night can't believe she didn't nominate Sree. The only thing I can think of is thats she's hoping if she pushes him(Sree) far enough he'll walk. I offically dis-like Noirin. [ more ]
Liverpoollass As I have said before, that would have to entail them having a brain. I don't think they have one between them. [ more ]
Former Member I think the other housemates must really be very dim. Presumably they all applied for Big Brother because they wanted to win, and surely the best way of winning is to try to get rid of the opposition. So after two weeks of Halfwit surviving an eviction vote, have they not realised that the public just might like him and not want to vote him out? They seem to be too stupid to realise that nominating Halfwit is a wasted nomination at the moment. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So next week will be Freddie Vs Sree
Liverpoollass C4 would hate for a posh, tory bloke to win BB [ more ]
Former Member The reasons the HMs give for nominating him are all pretty lame. In previous years, they would not have been allowed. BB wants rid of him, it's pretty obvious from the way BBLB demean him on every show. [ more ]
amelie Without intervention, I'm sure it will be Freddie v a n other for weeks. My nightmare is Freddie v Siavash as they are my favourites. Lisa and Kris are controlling the block votes - the remainder need to be smart enough to recognise that and vote tactically or they'll find themselves on the hit list too. I think Freddie will recognise that, probably Marcus and Noirin will switch allegiances to protect herself when she has to - not sure about the rest. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are Angel and Halfwit up for Eviction because of Kris??
Former Member It's like reading a book with every second page missing! Can't believe how disinterested most avid fans of the show have become. It's a non show this year for sure! [ more ]
wayne If Marcus was not immune I reckon he would have taken a couple of Freddie's noms and Sree may have come into a 3 way [ more ]
Former Member In the first BB, Craig was put up every week and survived to win it. We were able to see a lot more of what went on in the house, even which camera view we wanted to watch. Now we see only a small picture of what's happening and are supposed to make up our minds (and vote?) based on the little snippets BB choses to show us. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Global Warming..
DanceSettee of course it's happening the only evidence you need is that american politicians have finally admitted to it after years of denial and suppresion of evidence. If there was any hope of it not being true they would be clinging onto it for dear life so they wouldn't have to give up their huge polluting businesses [ more ]
electric shepherd as far as i can see climate change is a natural cycle, the earth's been warming and cooling for millenia. people can change their ways regarding fuel and waste but only to make things better from the point of view of having a cleaner more pleasant enviroment to live in and to make day to day life better for all people globally. climate change will follow it's own path whether we do anything or not. [ more ]
Croctacus Even the so-called experts cannot agree....the weather has always over many years gone in cycles....various ice ages etc... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK time for a new poll
Towno :) I've watched BB from the start. I'll continue to watch every show where possible. I'm enjoying it again this year - I think they have a decent enough mix of housemates. It was a shame that Angel and Freddie were nominated last night (they are two of the more interesting characters in there). If only Siavash had used his immunity on Freddie! My main gripe with BB - and this has been my gripe for years now - is that we don't get enough say in who stays or goes. Hopefully there will be a double... [ more ]
Tayto. I've been an addict since the first one. I never got to see much live feed so It doesn't make much difference to me. I'm usually a good judge and make up my own mind about the HMs and I'm seldom wrong. [ more ]
StGeorgina Like a majority, I have watched since BB began. I don't appreciate the lack of LF, but continue to watch what bit we are offered. I will stop tuning in if it gets worse. It's going to get worse, so I do anticipate tuning out before the end. With Angel or Freddie set to leave, and not enough diversity of character in the remaining HM's, there's little point in continuing the pain throughout the summer. I'd rather spend my summer on Skeggy beach, in a broken deckchair next to a pile of donkey ... [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wheres Angel gone?
Liverpoollass That could be a possibility. I watched her face when he was doing the dancing task with Charlie [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) He does all of his stirring in the back ground he is not in anyone’s face, I can’t see him nominated any time soon. Unless he upsets the Plastic Sophie by letting her down and the girls gang up on him. [ more ]
Liverpoollass That actually might change the dynamics of the house. Sadly, I cannot see him being up as they all seem to like him [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So is Angel a proper "Tea leaf" then?
Liverpoollass Re: So is Angel a proper "Tea leaf" then? [ more ]
littleleicesterfox I don't think she's a proper thief. The trouble is that BB puts people under a lot of psychological pressure and they react in odd ways. Over the years we have seen several HMs hoarding the batteries from the mics. Having said that, I do think that she is not coping well because of her behaviour with food and obssessive exercising and although I have enjoyed watching Angel in the house I think it's be the best thing for her if she does go this week. The way she smiled when it was announced I... [ more ]
sciencewasrobbed I was on the phone during noms. I heard Shives say she nicked his pic... What else did she nick..? [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rodrigo's reason for nomming Freddie
Liverpoollass Agree Holly. I couldn't believe it when he nominated Freddy. The excuses these HM's are using to nominate Freddy are pathetic. [ more ]
Mozart Not one of the HMs gave a valid reason to nom Freddie he sings all the time he says Hi all the time he tried to direct Henrys wives in their task i just dont like him [ more ]
PeterCat It was Karly who gave that as her reason. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's 1.48am & Wilfy Wants To Play Fetch.
kittyuk Awww, what a lovely story. I did wonder about the white patch on his chest, they're both gorgeous, and will adore your new addition in August [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I love chocolate labs. Wilfred's a chocolate Spanador. (Spaniel crossed with a lab). He's 9 months old. We rescued his mum Daphne, a black lab, after our old black lab Murphy died last July aged 14. She was only 7 months old when we got her and she'd not been treated very well so she was a nervous wreck. When we took her she was in season so we were planning to get her done as soon as she was old enough, but then we found out that the guy we'd got her off (a spaniel breeder) had let his dogs... [ more ]
kittyuk Lol! Chocolat lab? I've gone one, she's 12! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Angel is Crafty
hal she's not as appealing or appaling(substitue accordingly) as nooring syd, but now she's probably going for the sympathy/pity vote [ more ]
Yellow Rose Agree she's leaving too early as the more boring ones should be. Also agree Noirin's done her work this week with other HM's [ more ]
Yellow Rose well I would if I could lol but I've let hubby watch another channel as after the HL's tonight I lost interest in LF [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
did siavash just own noorin just now?
hal good reasoning [ more ]
Ms Banana I dont think she will own Siavash and she probably knows that. What she will do, is get him onside, or he will give the impression that thats what shes done. I agree that she has had a campaign against Angel, the same could be said about Sree, yet Sree is more useful to her as in she gets more air time with the arguments etc., [ more ]
hal they are all playing a blinding game actually.... very clued up! angel knows she's toast! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cat Survives Crossbow Strike
Mollie Goodnight all, sleep tight and give baby a little hug from me xx [ more ]
Real I saw this in the Paper earlier.. I watch those Animal progs about RSPCA in the USA every night, and something like this would be a minimum of 10 yrs jail and a hefty fine... Here --- a slap on the wrist and don't do it again.... [ more ]
Yellow Rose I can't read the link as it would upset me too much but from thread title I get the gist. There aren't enough words as to how I feel about those who are cruel to animals, so defenceless against such sick/nasty/cruel humans. I absolutely loathe such people to the nth degree. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Angel calling the girls 'fat'?
stupidcupid I think that too. Sucking on the raw egg and drinking the water from the pasta for sustenance seemed a bit extreme to me ,plus she really looks ill at times. [ more ]
Real BB say they have all to undergo Phsycological tests before entering the house. Some of them seem to have got under the radar this year.. What ever happened to them putting normal people in there?? The Vids of them are all Bluff... This year has been bad for me, with no LF and no HM's that stand out--- Well ... Can't predict a winner and sad at not seeing the food menu being argued about.. Cutting corners has not been the best decicion C4 has made for me.. [ more ]
Blizz'ard I don't think so. Nobody in their right minds would mind them laughing at such a suggestion. [ more ]
See all 64 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
did sree just say
bobnot no he didnt say he knew him at all his exact words were "i met him outside the world" meaning he met him during nominations like a lot probably most of the contestants have done over the years. theres a big difference between knowing somebody and having met them before. the siavash sound dip i think one of his reasons was he accused sree of using the race card hence the cut to the pool to avoid lip reading. that ties in with marcus nominating sree for slagging off this country. sree has been... [ more ]
Marguerita so much for live noms [ more ]
Darthhoob and nominated freddie for not cooking or cleaning from what i've seen, several housemates have had a go at sree for not cooking and cleaning whereas they've had a go at freddie for cooking egg salad and stir fry lol [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB just died??
Queen of the High Teas Language excused because I heartily concur. [ more ]
Essie RIP BB, blame the morons at C4 [ more ]
Real Me too. I have watched from BB1 and this is the only year when i have vetoed HL's show.. Just what tonights Live noms was supposed to do for us beggars belief... Just hope BB lives on in another channel as Neighbours has with going to C5.. C4 has stuffed everyone this year. Bastards. Please excuse my language. [ more ]
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