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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa has a go at Freddie again?
darloboy (Play The Game!) . He's strong and he won't let the upset about being up get him down, as it's what they want. They underestimate him so much so now he just couldn't care. [ more ]
Demantoid Sree has got no right to start crowing. He's spent most of the past week or so on the edge of tears and hysteria, fake-threatening to leave and all sorts. Now he's off the hook for another week, he feels like picking on someone he perceives as weaker? What a nasty little wart he is. [ more ]
Hollygolightly Agree with you Darlo. Did you hear Sree speak about Freddie last night, Freddie was lying on his bed (obviously upset) when Sree had the cheek to say 'Oh Halfwit is off in his own world") nochantly getting in with Lisa and her cronies. I was delighted when Freddie said, I'm here and can hear you. What absolute tossers they all are. I was left feeling so sad for Freddie [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Remind me..
BBaddict Yesh, me too [ more ]
Demantoid I really hope so, Twee I so agree with you about the "negative and joyless" numpties in there. How does he cope? I'd be screaming the place down if I was cooped up with such a collection of imagination-free bores. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Before the task got going, Kris threw the towel in. But that's ok, cos he is Kris innit. I don't know how Freddie lives in there surrounded by such negative and joyless people. He must feel so left out and isolated. As an aside, I watched the video of the Angel water throwing incident instigated by Charlie. Freddie ran out and confronted him, ending with the immortal words 'grow up man'. I think we will see a bit more of sparky Freddie now. It's about time he faced his enemies methinks. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We need a public vote SERIOUSLY!!!
fookat yes this is why i hope theyll put someone new in soon after all the have to replace Saffia [ more ]
swg so when your favs are up, bb should mess around with nominations? look, nominations work the same way the always have, it's part of the game. it's a game show and some hosuemates are playing the game. they aren't breaking the rules of the game by talking about noms so they aren't doing anything wrong so the **** what if freddie is up every week? where does it say in the rulebook that isn't allowed? it's all part of the game. Only 3 housemates didn't vote for him this week and only 2 didn't... [ more ]
Roxi BB has to do something to stop Freddie being up every week. This is ridiculous. We need an all housemate vote [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Keep rockin', and keep knockin' Whether you Louis Vuitton it up or Reebokin'
Hollygolightly I'm as as you missus [ more ]
Guest What a load of old bollocks! They don't write song like they used to Give me Val Doonican, Jim Reeves, Bing Crosby or Vera Lynn any day of the week [ more ]
Guest What a load of old bollocks! They don't write song like they used to Give me Val Doonican, Jim Reeves, Bing Crosby or Vera Lynn any day of the week [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
chicken prawn spinach curry..the official * 'lunch' * thread..
charlisock I had eggy bread and ice cream [ more ]
tupps I had a packet of Oreos.. I'm disgusting.. [ more ]
Hicky Sorry to hear about your soup, sounds like you had a non microwavable container that softened with the heat of the soup, maybe you set the time too long. At least you got something, a jacket with cheese is nice, just do a little extra exercise to counteract if you need to. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash bleeped out??
*BB* I always thought there was a time delay of around 15 - 20 minutes with all live feed etc. so that would give them ample time to edit/bleep anythingt they thought innapropriate before putting it out. [ more ]
Roxi Defintely something going on here Siavash reason being bleeped out. So there covering something up [ more ]
Joyron My thoughts exactly. Why does Channel 4 claim the nominations were live when clearly they were not. There is no way they could have cut that so quickly without seeing the footage BEFORE it was broadcast. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Another 2000 Jobs Going
Former Member Blimey, perhaps people will throw iron filings at Gordon's coffin when he stiffs it. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Re: Another 2000 Jobs Going [ more ]
Garage Joe Indeed! All of the trad industries were linked. It's not all bad news though, when I was in the Redcar Marx and Sparx queue for reasonably priced polo shirts, I mentioned to the lady behind me that bonuses were being paid again in the London Banking sector. This cheered her up no end. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who is NOT being nominated?
Former Member You can come round and paint my front room and watch it dry! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Sophie will easily sail to the final , wheres paint to watch dry? . [ more ]
Former Member Freddie and Angel don't fit into their perfect little boxes - they are both too individual and too much of a threat to their own insecuritiees. I don't think Rodrigo has been nominated yet, but he will be the next target. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How gutted does Freddie look?
Angel I'll just enjoy seeing thier faces once again when Freddie stays to see another week It's just a shame, it'll be Angel who'll be leaving, imo .... I would have liked her to stay a while longer yet. [ more ]
Angel Oh definitely .... These are the two I least wanted to see go .... but I'll definitely be hoping freddie will stay ..... I'm afraid, it's gotta be Angel to go (very very unfortunately ) [ more ]
spongebob squarepants i would love there to be some task or challenge that freddie a reward for winning he gets to pick which h/mates are up for eviction... the way it's going it's going to be freddie v ?? every week..... if he survives this week it'll be freddie v sree/marcus.....the smug pretty's are just picking them off..... soon we'll be left with freddie.....and kris/charlie/dogface creaming themselves over each other.....lisa strutting around.....rodrigo saying nothing..noirin sulking as her... [ more ]
See all 85 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bitching influences Nominations???
mrsstipe I wouldn't be surprised if they are given an hour off to discuss nominations, last night several of the noms were repeated word for word almost like they had planned what they were going to say, the people involved, Kris, Dogface and Karly etc should have been instantly put up for eviction. [ more ]
Kaytee Agreed Boink [ more ]
MrMincePie I like that idea. No more listening to Sree going on about marcus or Kris going on about freddie. Im sure BB will hit 10m viewers with that [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Puss Well said jessejay!! she is being very manipulative with Sree, the poor guy will come out of there traumatised I know that Sree can be a pain in the ass, but really, what has Freddie ever done to her apart from be polite and generous. Dead right, she knows she's getting airtime. I am even warming to the 'Lisa' now, and that self righteous voice is really getting on my nerves. The nasty, self righteous cah, god she'll get some boos and then some. [ more ]
jessejay Well IMO she showed her true colours and lost her fans last night, most decent people would have not nominated Freddie after he had been so generous to her by giving her the present of losing the drawn on glasses, only reason she didn't nominate Sree is because she "knows" he is giving her air time [ more ]
Videostar An act of kindness is a rare thing in the bigbrother house and he howed that to her, and how does she repay him? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Liverpoollass Re: THE INTELLIGENTSIA [ more ]
Jenny By which time, they will see him as a threat to them winning, and they will still vote for him because of that. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon You are probably right. To effect a change with the block voting would require several HMs to have brain implants. I don't think the BB budget will run to this. So, what do we do with five people out of eleven nominating the same two people, Angel and Freddie? And two strays (Rodrigo and Sree) nominating him because he (a) eats too loudly and (b) gets on their nerves? My main fear is that this week's nominations have set a precedent for the future of the show. The only possible solution is... [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie's nominations Revealed
stephsparkle OMG! Well, that is just an absolute classic example of the whole sheep menatality when it comes to voting. So, even though he LIKES Angel, he would have nominated her because of what other people were saying... FFS! There is more tactical block voting going on than at the Eurovision Song Contest. It's actually starting to sicken me now. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
stephsparkle My two faves as well :-(. But I would evict Siavash. I'm so sad this is the way it's going to go. BB SUCKS!!! [ more ]
Demantoid Siavash out. Wearing "wacky" clothes doesn't make him interesting. And the way he wormed out of giving Freddie immunity was pathetic. He was always going to pick his mate Marcus, but tried to make the public think he's a decent person by pretending it was a difficult decision for him. Twonk [ more ]
lil_lady i cant choose! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A controversial view in the drop of viewing figures???
bozzimacoo apart from what most have said, i'm sick of the redtops etc 'leaking' the hm's prior to arrival - and that most are from ruddy agencies anyway, so auditions are as contrived as ever. fed up with bb engineering 'soap' story tv and general boringness of hm's. the only good thing is i'm falling asleep watching it at night and am catching up next day. [ more ]
WILDER X The reason i'm annoyed is that there not showing you half the stuff the housemates are doing. They brushed what angel said under the carpet. I liked angel and her remarks were out of order. How can you support someone when you are not getting the full story of what there doing and saying. But bb will take your money but not give you live feed to make sure you are supporting the right person. Hope that made sense. LOL. [ more ]
Demantoid As I said above, I think there might be some truth in it. Although it's not an excuse I agree with, I have heard it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris And Sophie Are More Boring Than Rachel.
Lockes nah no one can take that trophy away from Racheal she was a dull as dish water [ more ]
who is she she was [ more ]
kimota Rachel (who I supported) was endearingly eccentric in her ways and despite the 'fence sitting' tag took on two members of Whisper Club (Bex and Jen) when they were at their strongest. I don't see these qualities in Kris and Sophie. They are just plain dull! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The two teams and the "floaters"?
Sunnie With doubts flying about at how a public vote wouldn't help, would a public vote to SAVE make it better? [ more ]
kimota I think there is really only one group so far with an inner core of Kris,Charlie, Sophie, Karly, Lisa and recent addition Sree. Siavash has a sub -group that he named 'the three muskateers' which was Ciaron, Marcus and himself. Now Freddie has taken Ciaron's place. The floaters are Noirin, Rodrigo and Angel [ more ]
stephsparkle Hmm, following the HL part of last night's shows, I was hoping that we had a new team emerging.. Team Freaky but Fun Freddie Angel Siavash Marcus (+Noirin) If they realised that if they stuck together they could be very powerful, they could smash Team Dumb (Kris, Charlie, Lisa, Karly, Dogface + Sree). However, because Angel, Siavash and Freddie do not bitch, they cannot pick up on who others will vote for and work together to protect themselves. Marcus and Noirin do bitch, but only about... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Charlie would have nominated....
Blackpudlian I hope that Big Brother does another bit of nomination rigging and puts all the housemates up for eviction next week! We would have the chance to vote out one of Team Shallow and see how they like the stress of Eviction Night. If they was only the Shallows left, viewing figures would surely drop like a stone. [ more ]
Barolo We miss so very much by not having live feed. All we get are very edited highlights, so nobody here can possibly say who should have been nominated, or who would have nominated who, because we just do not see the full picture. Live feed comes on, I know, but late at night so all we do get to see are the HMs sleeping! BB this year is a load of crap! [ more ]
Yellow Rose If Siavesh had stuck with his first choice for immunity, Freddie, maybe others would have voted for Marcus too [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sry for duplicated threads... BUT now we know why we don't see all of noms on hl show
Dame_Ann_Average That's why I am not watching it again this year, it's pretty pointless. Lisa seemed to have gone really quiet, I don't thinks she's changed one bit and is still very vocal in back stabbing. Just that we are not seeing anything, we don't know if Angel is being picked up on because of transalation issues, we didn't know Cairon slept most of the day, we don't know what happened to the Sree and Sophie row....and it goes on and on. No live feed, no point! All we know is, a few of them had issues... [ more ]
boink snap [ more ]
Towno :) Agree with what you're saying there. It's crazy to have a show like Big Brother and not allow the audience to watch it all. It's so annoying because my summer for the last ten years has included obsessing over Big Brother housemates lol. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Angel on live feed last night
TiGi She shouldn't be making ANY comments about any of the housemates weight. Whether in jest or not! It's clear she has weight/food issues. [ more ]
Former Member Can't comment on the picture situation as I didn't see it. As for how she'd take it if others made a comment about her - She has the discernment to take it in the vein it was intended. [ more ]
Lockes yes I am sure she would take it the same way if hms commented on how thin and unhealthy she look so was her trying to steal siavash picture done in jest [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Team Smug on LF...
TiGi I wish BB would stop messing with nominations [ more ]
Mazzystar Who knows what gets edited out??And part of the fun watching lf was to come online and present an alternative view to Ch4s about a HM.The whole thing is a charade now..and the most marketable HM will be the chosen one [ more ]
Blackpudlian But the Mass-Nominators are so very tedious themselves that they shouldn't hold Freddie's eccentricity against him. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the swine flu..
Mazzystar Totally agree. From what I've heard it's actually milder than average seasonal flu..albeit a potential killer for the elderly,kids,immunosuppressed,etc. [ more ]
Darthhoob my uncle from australia is visiting atm...he comes from quebec where they had a big outbreak of swine flu [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Not been much of it going around here China, but for those people who have the illness and hope they get better. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karly looks fat and Noirin looks pregnant
Lockes nah I dont buy that moonbeams she looked upset last night after being nominated [ more ]
Former Member My point is that without live feed we DON'T know the full story. I can't stay up late enough to watch the little bit of LF we do get, but we don't KNOW the full story of ANYTHING that happens. Did Siavash actually see her put it in her pocket or did one of the others tell him that she did? Did Angel really tell the girls that she thought they were fat or did one of the other housemates tell them all individually that Angel said they were fat? For all we know, Channel 4 may be playing a loop... [ more ]
Moonbeams Angel is getting bored in there and as she's not a quitter the only other way to get out is to get them all to nominate her. If for some reason Freddie goes on Friday she'll get worse. [ more ]
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