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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I like Davina....
Russell teh Muscle DAVINA IS THE SECS - GOODNIGHT! [ more ]
Anmarie Love Davina she is BB. [ more ]
subatomic partygirl The 'Michael Jackson's ghost' joke was in the worst possible taste (even the DS rent-a-crowd didn't find it funny)....and she agreed to tell it. The 'Cairon singing his vulgar rap song (coughs)to a group of elderly ladies' funny, was truly redundant, offensive and quite cringeworthy...and she did the closer on it. And her "down with the kids" shizzles make me want to projectile vomit. I worry that she may still have a granny to sell. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT: How do i over come my paranora?
tupps There's a really good saying chicken.. which you can repeat to yourself whenever you feel that someone is talking about you.. 'What people think about me is none of my business' And something else that'll cheer you up.. a good dose of Jezza.. never fails to make you feel like your life is a bowl of cherries. [ more ]
Rev. Dim Dale LOL! TBH CCM I would go to the docs, but personally speaking unless you REALLY NEED medication don't get any, there are herbal remedies out there that will probably be better for you. I know people say Camomile tea is good and it is but LINDEN blossom is better (also called Tilia) Be assured that most of the time what you think is happening isn't. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooops ..........I was only trying to give some constructive help. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
siavash is the most well balanced hm in there
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I think I have finally made up my mind for the final 3... The Fredster is Mr Cool (sorry n all that) Siavash is the start of his 'gang' Roddy takes 3rd place so far just wish Siavash would see sense and distance himself from that throwback Marcus [ more ]
cup he is a good housmate notice shree has mentioned him to lisa last night in highlight show about being in the other gang oh he is on their hit list freddie and either marcus or siravash we will know during the week when they all start the non nomination talk but will be obvious what they mean if it is those 3 i will explode [ more ]
Syd I agree, he seems the most grounded person.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Angel interview complete car crash TV
Yellow Rose Hi Darlo I know you liked Angel (and Freddie) like I do, are you as annoyed as me the HM's put them up together [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Angel really dissed Nikki , but Nikki knew it was a joke . [ more ]
Soozy Woo I was racking my (very limited) brains to think of who Angel reminded me of on her exit...................then it came to me ........Susan Boyle! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When Davina said that BB had looked into it very carefully
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! oooooh soz modz... I thought it was well relaxed in here like please dont beat me wiv the banstick - as pleasurable as it might seem [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! sorry - just had to.... Lisa's code is: 'I tell u wot... at the end of the daaaay.. blah blah blah - I ****in ate 'im/'er' (ie vote for 'im/'er or else) [ more ]
Soozy Woo Please ignore this ........just seen an existing thread [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
jeppa Did you hear her at the end of the eviction show pontificating as to the reason Freddie was saved is because Angel is so annoying Those morons will never learn until one of them is up against him and he still stays, it`s time for a whole house up and 2 evicted, her and Sree would be out so fast their feet wouldn`t touch the ground [ more ]
Tatty i am with you on that one she reminds me of someone i came across some time back, horrible person [ more ]
Former Member She really is manipulative. Hopefully after tonight's result she will see that her plan to topple Freddie is failing. Will be interesting to see who is next on her hit list after Angel tonight. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
MJ is it really that suprising/shocking?
Katerina Weirdly, I wasn't surprised when I heard the news this morning.....I always had the feeling he wouldn't last much longer. I didn't cry, but have felt sad and nostalgic when I heard particular songs today. Controversy aside, he contributed so much and was an incredible creative inspiration to so many. [ more ]
Cariad All things being equal mebbe creatively he should have died in 1990 when all we had was the glorious creativity. I saw him live in the 80's and leaving aside the unfortunate fact that I accidentally mooned him whilst being crowd surfed very unwell to the front it was a fantastic performance. I cried this morning when I listened to his 5 year old self give an interview and again when I hear all those fantastic songs. BUT...let's not eulogise the man. There were some odd events - never proven... [ more ]
Trix-ster I think it was shocking just because 50 is really no age to die in this day and age. And yes there were rumours that he had developed skin cancer, but that was in no way connected to his pigmentation or his death. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hello Rodrigo.
Former Member I'd have lost the rag before now [ more ]
Yellow Rose Well I've had enough of the majority of them and I'm not even in the house Well said Rodrigo [ more ]
stupidcupid Its about time that he found his voice in that house. He was right too. Noirin picked a funny time to bring up the fact that Angels never washed a dish. Midnight on the eve of her possible eviction? I suspect she was looking for more airtime whilst at the same time she was letting Kris and Lisa etc know that she is willing to be their sheep. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! Its all down to Freddie - he's playing a blinder!!!!! He chose wisely to impart his thoughts to Siavash..... the tide is turning already [ more ]
Former Member Davina said that Siavash made the claim...wrong ,it was Marcus.Siavash said Lisa has power in the house and Marcus said he had been sitting on the bed and could hear Lisa telling them who to vote in all but name. [ more ]
Blackpudlian But Davina said BB has looked really hard so we have to believe, don't we? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yessssss, I've finally decided who Marcus reminds me of!!!!
Lady-Jester Most definately [ more ]
feebs Just what I was thinking [ more ]
shar69 thank you. I said he reminded me of a character from Coronation Street from years ago the day the walked into the house (knew either ran or worked in a bar). I just couldn't remember the name of the man. As soon as you said Amos, it all came flooding back to me, Emmerdale doh. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yes Davina you Freddie hating bint, I do get it.
darloboy (Play The Game!) I was furious at her Makosi interview . [ more ]
Videostar I wasn't a Rachel fan last year even tho I liked her as a person but I've said this year after year whether I liked the HM Davina slated or not, she is wrong to favour or show dislike against any HM, she is the main presenter and should be fair to all the HM's. Shes been unfair to certain HM's ever since way back in BB2. [ more ]
cologne 1 Yep, very true. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How have your opinions changed?
Kaffs Almost ompletely! On launch night/night 1 I thought Lisa was ok - WRONG I thought Noirin was ok - WRONG I thought Siavash was weird - right, but turned out in a good way I thought Marcus was awful - WRONG, he speaks a lot of sense I thought Freddie would annoy me - WRONG - I love him Karly - I'm not allowed to like her, but she's not as bad as I expected her to be... I think she's playing her cards pretty close to her chest. Rodrigo - I thought was going to be a good HM, but it's until... [ more ]
Baz ] Same here.... but I quite liked Noirin at first.... now I detest her. [ more ]
Former Member Think those drawn on glasses really did make her reserved [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T My Cat's Poorly - NOT FOR THE SQUEMISH...
Blackpudlian Good luck for the visit to the vet tomorrow. My cat didn't like going and I was scratched to bits giving him his tablets, and oh the scars I got putting eye drops in him, but I think he understood that I was trying to help him. [ more ]
lorraineshere i confess , i was feeling sorry for the cat lol (joke) i know what its like to have sick animals its horrid [ more ]
BBaddict Ah Lorraine, don't feel sorry for me, we are ok really, just need this little one sorting out [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have the HMs spotted the Freddie Effect?
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) They are all aware of Freddie Effect. Rodrigo just said “maybe the public will go against me now” after he singled out Freddie to argue for Angel to stay. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) I think Sree is fully aware of the divide though if not the Freddie effect. Lisa almost had a hart attack when they were talking in codes and Sree blurted out the two teams. [ more ]
bozzimacoo i think they have created the freddie effect - nominations are the giveaway - they will be licking eachothers a-holes this week - sree has already gone into overdrive - if they buy it, rodders maybe the next lamb to slaughter. marcus and lisa will be extra vigilant.. still, it could all change if bb actually does something about it.. and could new hm's change the rot? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T I've broken my wrist!
Former Member I really feel for you hun, I'm right handed and I broke my left wrist about 10 years ago. I was useless and it really made me depressed too. The hospital gave me co dydramol as pain killers. Tbh I never took many of them as they made me feel really strange but they did take the edge off the pain in the first week. They should certainly give you something better than over the counter meds for broken bones fgs I found that the worst was trying to sleep. In the end I slept on the sofa with my... [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! No the doctor I saw just said take ibuprofen 400ml strength, but I've got to go back in the morning so I will ask if I can have any painkillers. I'm finding it difficult already. Its my left wrist I have broken and I am amazed how much I use my left hand and arm, even for silly things like this morning trying to brush my hair with my left hand [ more ]
Senora Reyes Get well soon. [ more ]
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