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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How do I find out the eviction percentages please?
larajane Cheers - I used to come on the BB forums at Ch4, but only when BB was on, so i didnt know till recently that the forums had gone. I miss my hard earned stars! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Welcome Lara Jane , he certainly is popular. [ more ]
larajane Thanks guys! I was thinking that this means Freddie is doing pretty well, since if it was just a case of the lesser of two evils, he would be getting way bigger share of the vote. It seems that people might be just reacting to spite the 'cool' crowd who keep nomming him? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
EVICTED: Angel is OUT with 81% of the vote!!
Former Member Re: EVICTED: Angel is OUT with 81% of the vote!! [ more ]
Puss just out of curiosity do you do the 10% first and 5% and then 1% [ more ]
Former Member If it had been Angel against, say Sree, she probably would have stayed. I liked Angel because she wasn't one of the run of the mill housemates, just as Freddie isn't. I think it's interesting that they don't release the actual voting figures. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB need to come up with a different format this week regarding noms
Blackpudlian My 17 year old neighbour detests Kris and finds him extremely unattractive. [ more ]
slimfern totally agree. [ more ]
Former Member Like the idea of the public deciding, BUT afraid that it's mostly the young 'ens who fancy Kris, Sophie et al who vote- most people on here don't we could end up shooting ourselves in the foot? [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa is so bitter
Pip* What I don't understand is why they dislike him so much Suuuure he's cringey but he can't be that bad can he? Cause I really don't get why they cannot comprehend that we actually like the guy [ more ]
Dora God i hope the New Hm's if they go in arnt the usual, 1 male model type, who will strut his stuff with Kris or the usual model type to stir things up between sophie n Kris. I want some fun loving people, who arnt afraid to speak out against them for a change. Big characters needed in there to get passed Witch of the North, Noirin and Lisa cruellea de ville [ more ]
Blackpudlian It also reveals how pathetic she is. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Cool Gang" have hidden Siavashs cookie...
Blackpudlian Is that why she flashed her nether regions at Siavash - it was payment for a cookie? [ more ]
Blackpudlian Like when Charlie made Angel cry with his water bomb that exploded over her eviction outfit. Just don't learn that they aren't funny, do they? [ more ]
little_mrs_bb Sophie: 'I want a cookie.' .....'I want a cookie.' 'I want a cookie'....... Gawd, if says it once more I'll [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash - calmest housemate ever?
brisket I`m still not sure about him. I think he swears too much. But I also can`t shake off the idea that there is a lot of front and veneer about which is a cover for a less sure person. Which would be one reason he covers himself in very silly looking clothes and paitning. He irritates me more than he pleases me, simply because I don`t believe he is being his true self. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) It was down to the players you went down, the fans were moaning at Ashley blaming him it was also down to the manager, no wonder why he didn't want to put money in for transfers. Sorry for going OT by the way . [ more ]
Former Member ooops, got it- should have read back! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone else find it funny
Dora I wish BB would tell them off when they do it. Im sure they used to [ more ]
Blackpudlian I laughed when Dogface and Karly were doing their little song? & dance routine in the garden but chose to do it at the bus stop so they could face the camera for their performance. They haven't noticed that there are cameras all round the garden and that some have the ability to zoom in. [ more ]
Russell teh Muscle No, it doesnt even make me smile, let alone laugh [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Siavash a Wolf Too ?
Amythist Yes I really like his style , really laid back , but cunning and humorous too. [ more ]
Tiaylis Sophie said she heard Freddie and Angel discussing sheep in the Diary room, don't think Siavash has said anything, might be wrong tho' [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Siavash has worked out Freddie is popular outside , but he's very observant and knows that Lisa and her crew are basically isolating themselves from the public and he is just sitting there watching the fireworks . [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin and marcus talk gamplans
Blackpudlian I'm with you, Blizzie! It is sad that as there is money at the end of it, the HMs see it as a gameshow but the viewers know that it is a popularity contest. If we like them, they win, if we don't like them, they don't win. The unpopular ones go on to wail about "Big Brother ruined my life" but the truth is that their behaviour/personalities caused them to be scorned by a lot of people. [ more ]
Former Member unless the public respect your game plan/don't see it [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] I truly wish it wasn`t a gameshow - I loved it when it was a social experiment, it was far more interesting and appropriate for Ch.4. They rarely bring the psychological aspect into it now. Its being geared more and more to the chavvy single brain cell audience, proved on BBBM last night with Brian Belo stooping to an all time low (literally). [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK, I'll admit it....
DanceSettee I agree with the OP, if only he would stop all that teenage boy nonsense when he's taking about women he would be a great HM...the perving just makes him look a twat...shame [ more ]
fz He does seem to talk sense. He can go on about it a teensy weensy bit too much....but he has no qualms about saying what he thinks. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Only if you're name is Noirin. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa, Karly and Charlie on LF...
Blackpudlian Yes indeedydoody. She likes to give the impression she is knowledgeable about worldly things but Freddie shows her up for the dullard she really is. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I almost relented tonight and put BB on. I lasted for less than 5 minutes. I couldn't stand anymore of the moronic bitching. I'm actually a little relieved not to be watching anymore. [ more ]
Former Member Lisa hated Angel ,but Freddie is her nightmare. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBBM does a Michael Jackson tribute
Former Member I think we might share the same mother in law. If my MIL is reading this forum by any chance, I have no doubt that she will have already set off in search of one of these gawjuss statues to grace my mantelpiece [ more ]
Former Member Bubbles!!!! [ more ]
Essie My mother in law would buy one, then give it to me for Christmas. I'm planning a shoot as soon as I can figure out how to assemble my hubby's Winchester. Then I'm going to line up all the crap ornaments my MIL has bought me over the years & shoot the effing lot of them. She deliberately hunts down crap, she wouldn't have it in her house, but delights in giving it to me. My home is minimalist so I ain't going to display an effing glitter covered chalk cherub anywhere. I have a garden shed... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
While I think that everyone should do their fair share of chores....
Mozart and why didnt noirin insist that charlie clear up all the chickpeas, he started the chickpea fight and left Karly and Rodrigo to clean up why? because her target was Angel that day [ more ]
Former Member I know I bleat on about it, but without the live feed, we don't know what any of them do unless it's in the HL's. From what I have seen, it's only Marcus who has done the washing up. In fact, he was doing it when Noirin went in to demand Angel do it. Angel was sitting with a group and interacting. IMO, that was what riled Noirin. It was less about Angel not doing her fair share and more about isolating her from the others. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Noirnag is just a bossy control freak. She just had to make her point and she didn't give a damn whether Angel was enjoying her last night in there. Marcus was quite happy to do the washing up. I think it makes him feel a bit heroic! As for the way she reacted to Rodrigo going to do it - unbelievable! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Was that a threat from Lisa...
Heartache The sooner she buggers off home begging for cigarettes in the street the better. [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Its so subtle that BB can`t punish her for it. She`d just say she`s only expressing an opinion. But those opinions definitely have threats behind them ... she emanates bully with every word she utters. [ more ]
Former Member The block vote will nom Freddie..fact, Lisa only has to convince them of one other,that will be Marcus/Siavash. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
WHAT A LOAD OF ********
Garage Joe After last night's Hotel Babylon, Glastonbury, and wall to wall Michael Jackson (what was he really like?) material I would have thought BB was dead and burried. No idea about Angel, but I think that we will all remember where we were when that chick out of the Ting Tings walked out in her underwear. [ more ]
pigeonpie Re: WHAT A LOAD OF ******** [ more ]
pigeonpie Re: WHAT A LOAD OF ******** [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hope public opinion doesn't follow Davina and the BBBM audience.
loislane Rachel won despite all the comments by chavina. [ more ]
littleleicesterfox True or Luke'n'Bex would have won the last one. Davina and the crowd feed off each other - in the very early days very few HM's were booed, I think it was just Mel and Nick in the first series and Mel being booed was something that surprised people. Then they started booing virutally everyone that came out. Then they booed people going in (the first on my memory is Anthony Hutton BB6 who disco-danced up the stairs but please correct me if I'm wrong). The first really horrendous crowd... [ more ]
longcat Davina delights in calling him Halfwit. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yay Rodrigo!
hal erm that would be mr common sense .........even from mr et tu brute [ more ]
stonks they are my shortened words..if you watched the LF you would see he had her best interests at heart and she realised what she could have come accross as.... [ more ]
Jet Blue So really we could also be discussing who the heck does Marcus think he is to be telling Noirin to cool it. Who made him the 'cool it' boss? [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I love Freddie.
BROXI Yeah like the rest are all livewires [ more ]
strike he's a sleeping tablet. [ more ]
BROXI He's the best HM of BB10 by a MILE!! Only Siavash comes close to him. He's such a lovely guy, he's loyal and sticks up for his friends. I loved the way he rushed out, when they wet Angel, to confront Chavlie. He could quite easily have stayed in the background and not said anything and try not draw attention to himself. Keep it up Fredster and stick it to them every day. I just hope and pray we don't get to the doomsday scenario when it's Freddie vs Siavash [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I Really Fancy Some Jelly.
Queen of the High Teas Dream Topping. I remember the squirty can, but for the life of me I can't remember what it tasted like. [ more ]
stoory Re: I Really Fancy Some Jelly. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I doubt I'll want it tomorrow. I'm not having cravings as such, just random fancyings for things I don't usually like. It was trifle a couple of weeks ago. I hate trifle but I couldn't get it down my throat quick enough. That 'craving' lasted for a couple of days. It's all very odd. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davina "im enjoying watching Kris and Charlie"
Summer_Breeze It makes a change I suppose from all the pseudo lesbian photo shoots we've had to suffer in the past.... well, speaking for straight women anyway! Shell/Vanessa, Makosi/Orlaith (?) I don't remember the names, but they always appear in "Nuts" magazine together in faux lesbian poses. But I do agree with the OP. [ more ]
pigeonpie You put it very politely, they're a pair of twats! [ more ]
MrMincePie I bet he does. Wouldnt he have gone from BB1-BB9 giving these fauxmances cash/fame? I would certainly be peed off... [ more ]
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