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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin, poisonous little cow
Soozy Woo Well ......perhaps the bully word gets over used. I didn't see it as bullying myself .........she was simply sick to death of doing all the work while others sat on their arse ............probably wasn't the best way of going about it but ....not really bullying was it? [ more ]
PeterCat Annoirin came over as a bit of a bully herself in that kitchen row. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Do we only like sweet and nice? What's wrong with someone speaking their mind ..................I'd far rather that than an innarticulate air head like Sophie or a crude, bully beef Lisa. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can anyone provide a brief summary of last weeks BB please ?
liverbird Freddie had his birthday and they had a hippy party where he wailed a lot They all dressed in groovy clothes and there was a mini Stonehenge in the garden! It was hilarious [ more ]
cologne 1 Stop it, you're eating my brain! [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy Ah... No luck Kris. He thought he'd be safe with the Paris Hilton wannabe but she's proven to be more perceptive than he'd hoped. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why don`t they sort their differences out a little more.
Soozy Woo Am I missing something here? What's wrong with saying Hi? [ more ]
Blackpudlian If he said, "Hi, swine-face" 50/60 times a day, that may get wearing after a month or so, but a simple, "Hi" shouldn't offend. [ more ]
Mozart Karly and the others just dont like freddie, havent from day one,not one of them has really tried to get to know him and none of them want to either and they are all intent on getting rid of him, so any pathetic excuse will do. I just wish BB would not take "he iritates me because he says hi" or "i dont like the way that he eats" as a valid reason for nominating him. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why is Freddie so convinced that Kris is not genuine re. Sophie?
Cold Sweat this could explain why he always looks so lethargic! [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! or maybe because its been reported in the papers that Kris has 'had' 130 women, whereas whatserface apparently has only been with 2 chaps???? Who knows?? who gives a...??? We ALL know its beyond fakery [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! because Kris pretended to make the first 'move' (if u could call it that ) [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Storm watch
Guest We are getting rumbles in Staines, although I did have cajun salmon for dinner [ more ]
Croctacus Greenwich is a nightmare...when we lived in the middle of there if we went out on a weekend we stayted out all day!! [ more ]
Former Member Blimey - it's finally passed! Almost two hours of thunder, lightning with intermittent torrential rain! On the up side, it's certainly brought the humidity down nicely [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ells Yes you can buy them but I've been told they are much nicer home-made. [ more ]
Moomin You can buy them? [ more ]
Ells I used to go to a training course where every break time the class would rush to the canteen to snap up these fifteens and I used to wonder what all the fuss was about but never tried them. Then my nephew made some at school the other day and I tasted them....they were scrummy! My sister was moaning when she heard she'd missed out on them as she loves them so I thought I'd make them tonight but no such luck I'll buy her a packet and make some for me during the week [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Daily Star: Fans victory
Eugene's Lair Heheh... I just knew it would take a LF thread to lure me out of lurking... Sorry, but this is a typical Daily Star headline. Nowhere in the actual story does it say that C4's restoring LF next year - just that they will be reviewing it (something they do every year anyway). In short - absolutely nothing has changed yet. BTW, the Star's given the wrong information re "The TV Show": according to its own website, it will be broadcast on Saturday the 4th of July at 5pm. [ more ]
cup They are arguing on the figures for live feed for the graveyard slot That it is not justifiable well i wonder why They should look at the live feed figures for 24/7 feed day in and out [ more ]
Yogi19 Why can`t they just admit they made a huuuuuuge mistake and restore live feed, before they have no viewers left? [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Public apology to Roddie fans
Clumsycat I have also got a new sense of respect for the guy [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Public apology to Roddie fans [ more ]
cup rod is often no where to be seen lol not bring much to show But for the reason alone he is not afraid to speak his mind when he thinks something is wrong is brilliant Love to see that more than anything and the usual dullards sit and do not open their mouths cannot stand housemates like this [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Don't You Just Love It When Celebs Talk To You On Twitter?
Queen of the High Teas Most of them are probably selling something. When I posted that I was pregmunt I got about 20 followers over night all on about nutrition and baby yoga and stuff. I've met some quite nice people on it though, I used to chat on there more when the C4 site closed at midnight. I do love it when celebs reply to you though, it makes you feel special. Or sad, depending on your viewpoint. [ more ]
cinderella123 Twitter scares me a bit. I never post but I still have over 50 followers. Who are these people????? And why do they follow me? Very odd. But Peter Andre replied to me once and I now love him. He is a very polite and nice man I think. Jordan really lost a good man there. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Oooh! Krishnan Guru-Murthy's following me. *excited* I fancy him a bit. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
this lot are brilliant.
cup definately i know when the housemates are crazy mad etc it gets on your nerves with their strange ways housemates like leah craig angel marcus make the show for me lol for the wrong reasons we need a bit of everything look at the highlights of lisa s gang how flipping boring watched live feed boring dullards the lot of them [ more ]
Croctacus I enjoy Freddie being asked what he means/thinks about certain things then not being understood by the idiots when he tells them [ more ]
jacksonb i'm enjoying freddie networking in corners.. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Angel fans give yourselves a number
sciencewasrobbed I loved the idea.. but I had about 20 categories and at least 30 poeople in mind for each.. Shame it never went ahead.. and yes.. tears were bound to be shed.. I suppose. Glad you tried [ more ]
MrMincePie They never went ahead as i got a negative response to the idea Apparently it would of all ended in tears... [ more ]
sciencewasrobbed Hi there MrPotatoPie Are the awards over? Did I miss em? [ more ]
See all 402 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Computers, TVs etc
Sheep in a Jeep I will switch mine off, already lost one pc a few years ago when there was a power surge. [ more ]
Moomin Switch them off it is then - could be a very boring Saturday evening. Still, thunder and lightning can't damage a bottle of red wine, can it? [ more ]
captain marbles I always wondered how lightning knew if you had your telly on. Maybe you're ok as long as you've paid your license fee. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa -v- Carole Vincent (BB8)
Hotpants Helen I loved Carole but cannot stand Lisa. She seems very agressive and has an opinion on everything and everyone and states it at every opportunity. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Lisa is intimidating, patronsing and threatening, all the makings of a bully. She mother's Sree because he's a mother's boy and needs to be, and the rest she intimidates. Marcus blew her game plan wide open when they argued, she hates his guts, but is afraid of him. Lisa, Sree, Karly all dislike Marcus, Lisa's problem with trying to influence others to nom him is Noirin. Noirin is well liked and fancied by the majority of Lisa's crew, only when Marcus is vulnerable(Without Noirin) Will Lisa... [ more ]
Former Member I do agree - since those glasses come off she's really showing her true colours. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is the point of the troll tank?
Rosemary O'Neill I usually use the Troll Tank when a normal thread goes horribly awry, beyond being able to just delete one or two bad posts. Sometimes the rest of the content is still useful/interesting/ok and I hate to just delete it. Usually when an entire thread goes missing completely, it's because it either started out bad or was entirely bad throughout. When a thread reaches 20+ pages, it's a waste of time to try to selectively go through and delete posts. Also, when arguing or bantering... [ more ]
ContessaQ okey dokey will do [ more ]
queenshaks Tell her I said hi and she needs to join this place....I insist. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Imagine you are in the house
Dobby1 Least Lisa - because she's a twonk, and I would need to protect the ears of the other HM. Most Marcus - because love or hate him he does step up to the mark on the task. Wee twist to the poll - I'd like to see Freddie, Marcus, Siavash and possibly (but only if it had to be 4 hms) Karly do the task. Could have some interesting convos with those 4. (sorry OP for changing the question a bit ) [ more ]
brisket Thanks for doing the poll folks. It shows clear preferences. [ more ]
Kaytee Least...Charlie because he gets on my bits Best....Siavash, because he doesn't [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is It True That Females Would Be More Docile About The Washing Up If ...
Mazzystar He's so charming...I'm surprised he isnt more of a hit with the ladies to be honest [ more ]
Senora Reyes Let me weigh this up washing the dishes or sex with Marcus? I'd rather wash every single person's dishes on the forum for 40 days and 40 nights. [ more ]
Mazzystar Re: Is It True That Females Would Be More Docile About The Washing Up If ... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davina thinks
Former Member Grace threw water over Susie [ more ]
Roxi Get real Davina [ more ]
Liverpoollass Yes! That is true. Davina, who thought it was funny that Grace threw water over Lisa (I think it was Lisa). Davina, who thinks it is funny for women to go around burping and farting all the time. She seems to condone behaviour like this and thinks that decent HM's, like Freddy, are boring. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie is such an airhead
Twee Surgeon Sophie is an annoying little madam. Apart from the fact that I am fixated on her too-many teeth when she is speaking, her lispy delivery and the fact that she does not speak in any coherent way annoys the heck out of me. Her lack of grey matter and her sheep-like cling-on behaviour leads me to think that perhaps she needs those balloons to give her a raison d'etre. [ more ]
captain marbles That "carrots on trees" comment had a hint of "east angular" of Jade fame. Perhaps Sophie isn't quite as dumb as she makes out. [ more ]
Cold Sweat When Sophie posed the question the only housemates nearby were Freddie, Kris and Siavash. Noirin and Marcus are at the far end of the table having their own conversation. Charlie comes in and buzzes around - but this is a couple of minutes after Sophie asked the question. What i cannot quite work out, right at the end of his explanation; who is Freddy saying he adores, Kris or Sophie? [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa Has
Bethni I can never understand that myself.... if they are attracted to the female species, why do they dress like men? Surely the girls they are trying to attract aren't keen on men in the sexual way, so why emulate one? Sorry, off topic and probably showing my ignorance [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Don`t know why she doesn`t go for a complete sex change - she`s nearly there with her gruff voice and her tattoos. She obviously wants to be a bloke and an aggressive one at that. She could gow rownd pickin foights on Saterdoi noights then [ more ]
Heartache What l don't understand is when you get two really butch one's in a relationship. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus is in the shower with a scouring pad....
Dora Ha ha ha ha ha ha Hes so on the ball [ more ]
faerykelstar Marcus comes out with comedy gold! [ more ]
langster Yeah it was hilarious. I liked Marcus's comment last night when saying that there is normally some really thick and stupid people in the house, but we haven't got it this time. Then Sophie said she thought carrots grew on trees and Marcus replied. "Well I take my previous statement back, it appears we have all bases covered" [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cairon and Sophia?
darloboy (Play The Game!) It is a waste as I found them both very entertaining and genuine, by the time this series is over I will remember them more than Lisa and all the rest of her deadbeats . [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes I miss them too hun what a waste ... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) , she was and even Cairon said that he didn't particulary like any of them so he used to keep his distance. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...

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