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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Todays BBLB
Soozy Woo i would have thought it was a fairly common practice TBH. Ideal first hand material at the touch of a button. [ more ]
captain marbles Sorry, I missed most of it when I heard the line up included Maxwell and Iain Lee. If I was lucky enough to have a septic tank then I would rather have been emptying it than watching those two. [ more ]
*yogi Bear* I was going to post this at the time but as i was in bed with a migrane i wasn't really in the mood to crawl out of my bed and stare at a computer screen [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
WooHoo! Finally Down To Single Figures In Baby Countdown.
Queen of the High Teas Clearly there's a lot of really sloppy and thoughtless practices out there. [ more ]
Blackpudlian I used to be Carer to my late brother (who was severely brain damaged) and mother and I got so irate (over a situation that could have proved fatal for my brother) that I threatened to go to the press. It was sorted out but I wrote to my MP so he would know what was going on. [ more ]
mel 2 Blimey nearly time to pack your hospital bag. I always found the last few weeks flew by so enjoy the "you" time while you have it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie and BB
Marguerita I think halfwit was an awful name to give anyone as well as dogface but it made them proper HMS and they accepted their names, says it all really. [ more ]
Former Member Yes that kind of bothered me, my daughter is dyslexic and i wouldnt like someone to say to her she must be a halfwit then which some numtys will , i.m sure. Freddie takes it in good part tho [ more ]
fookat Dyslexia or not he is obviously far more intelligent than any of them in there so its quite ironic his has that name. Really Dogface or Kris should have got it... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ducky I started off liking to watch Freddie rather than liking him..(Ok I admit it... I was laughing at him, not with him ) He then gained my sympathy vote because I can't HATE to see people being treated unfairly. Now I've grown to love him despite the fact he makes me cringe sometimes. I do think he has become less cringe worthy over time simply because he has become more comfortable with his environment. He was like a fish out of water in the first week bless him. [ more ]
*BB* I don't like Freddie. I've said from day one that I think he's very false and is playing the biggest game in the House. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average I've not got a favourite housemate, but saying that Freddie doesn't seem as mean spirited and selfish as the rest. He's gained a lot of sympathy backing too, and probably I'm a little guilty of that. I wouldn't vote for any of them to win, I'm finding it hard to muster up enthusiasm to even watch it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Michael Jackson's body handed back to his family
CheekyPixie Awww, it's still sinking in that MJ has gone Even my daughter was sad, and she cried too. She is only 14, but has loved MJ's music for about 5 years. Her performing arts class did the a remake of the Thriller dance, about a year ago, and it was pretty cool to watch. Just a few weeks later, the BB people did it! And that was good too. MJ's music will live on, and so will he - in peoples' hearts.. Although he had a troubled private life, no-one can take it away from him that he was one of the... [ more ]
Roxi I cant stop listening to his music its just so great. Cant believe hes gone . His family must be so devestated [ more ]
Guest Stick a strawberry plant up his arse and hang him from your house, A useful and decorative addition [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well done Noirin!
innais I don't understand why she's getting so much attention either. It's very strange. [ more ]
Azure. Noirin the biggest user and a screaming shrew, she has asked Sree to her bed the last two nights running so she can glean information from him and the numpty complies. Siabash has her weighed up the other night he told Freddie Noirin needs to stop playing Sree and Marcus against each other, I have absolutely no time for the nasty evil shrew and she is the one I want out next, I doubt it will happen as she is making sure no one votes for the control freak that she is. [ more ]
Kaytee Then today she's rubbing sun creme into his back....Oh yeah! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa needs to gather her troops together in the morning
Blackpudlian They were probably going on a day trip and the coach broke down and the baaaaas had to transfer to the lorry. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Not both parties, surely? [ more ]
bozzimacoo poor sheep, stopped at services once, this lorry full of baaaaas was sat there, like forever grrr. it prob will be marcus, it would seem, anyone conversing or treating freddie with respect, cops the nom of death. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Not so keen on Rodrigo
Former Member Yep, really early on when they were getting to know each other and they did a little round of telling others about themselves [ more ]
Cold Sweat Has she actually been heard saying this in the house? If so, i will accept the point. However, if it relates to her BB audition VT - or to the Bio that C4 release, i would be sceptical that this necessarily represents her true opinion. [ more ]
Marguerita You cant like everyone especially in that house I love Freddie looking at him on my telly ,but living with him in the house he would irritate the life out of me, and I think I may be one of the ones who would nominate him for those reasons [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've just bought a newish car.
Rekaf a lot of the reputation just sprung from nowhere then took on a life of its own, skoda had an extremely good rally record even before thier merge with vw, these latest ones are very popular and as they are very reasonably priced you wont suffer the kind of depreciation that goes with other vehicles....god, i sound like a bloody car salesman.... [ more ]
Shyster Even the police use Skoda! Shocking! lol [ more ]
Bovrilking Skoda used to be the butt of many a car joke, nowadays they are top notch motors Good choice Mel [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So boring waiting for info...
Cold Sweat So far, that would be Launch night, every HL show, every Live eviction (plus twist), most BBLB episodes, and a 4 hr tape for every night of LF so far! [ more ]
j0anne agreed this iswhere LF came into its own....maybe not millionswatching any one time....butt the buzz as info dripped thru was great....thats what created the buzzand excitment discusion debate ect its nothing more than a elderado of reality...wooden hammy ott and out of date [ more ]
hal set whatever you had taped on repeat play [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
GASP! is it already over for Doris? (Dogface and Kris)
Bolton Fan I think Sophie fancies him but he can take her or leave her. Can't stand him myself and can't see what any girl or woman can see in the vain wuss [ more ]
Mozart Kris the womaniser he didnt get what he wanted from sophie and his type just shrug dump them and shout next. he says he has feelings for her, but failed to mention those feelings go no further than his pants. [ more ]
Amythist Kris has never had to get to know a girl before...he normally shags and leaves.This is a stretch for him. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
SO glad to be back to chatting BB!
Blizz'ard LMS! As if we'd forget you! Welcome home. [ more ]
Sezit LMS. Glad you have finally found us. Thats for Veggiebubbles for dragging you in. See you are having bother with the other one now. Oh well, we are here for you if times get tough again. Hopefully you will be here more for the laughs than the troubling teens. [ more ]
Former Member *High fives Q and LMS* Score one for the mummies over the smart alecy know it all teens [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris/Noirin spent the day together
Liverpoollass She is a bit more subtle than that [ more ]
Soozy Woo How is talking to someone and spending time with them playing them off? I think people read far too much into Noirins 'friendships' .........she'll sit and talk and laugh and that's it. She isn't the one flashing he fa**y at every Tom Dick and Harry. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Didn't Kris say something along the lines that he likes a challenge. Perhaps he saw Sophie as too easy, as it didn't take her that long and she has hardly handled herself with decorum. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T baby products
Former Member i have tried other brands but always go back to Johnsons, the wipes are good quality and the shampoo and babybath doesnt sting eyes. Look around for deals, as someone said the 99p shops usually have a good range of stuff, dont go to Boots they very rarely have good deals, not here anyway [ more ]
china i'm with you there madamski i always use the johnsons stuff (for me!) ive tried the asda stuff, and its nice but not as good i always smell lovely after a shower [ more ]
littleleicesterfox The supermarkets own brands have to be as rigourously tested, dermatologically speaking, as much as Johnsons etc. so, aside from the scent, it doesn't make a lot of difference. I tend to use whichever wipes are on the 2 for 1 offer (but fragrance-free as I find the scented ones overpowering) that aren't totally cheap as they tend to be quite harsh but I do like Johnsons nightime range for the bath as I think it smells lovely! I have got Tesco's baby nighttime talc for myself and that smells... [ more ]
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