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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The most headlining romance of the summer would be -
Towno :) No way, the Marcus/Siavash or Freddie/Dogface would be waaaaaaaaaay better. [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly Dont think Karly would be willing to put up with any crap from him. She seems like a tough cookie to me. Would break him down and humiliate him before he even got the chance to ignore/be off with her [ more ]
china if she said she liked dopey boys with big noses-he's in with a chance [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Madness at Glasto........
GorgeousMimi Watched it on TV and I have to say it looked and sounded brilliant...don't fancy going there myself like, I have been to Leeds Festival and going to V Festival in August. [ more ]
Garage Joe No doubt! Last nights TV was the best, even if Springsteen was a repeat. Makes you wonder how Neil Young headlined one of the nights. [ more ]
Aimee they were brilliant [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Undercover HM
fz I think some people said students from his uni have commented on him being president of the union...and i am sure someone on here knows someone who knows him. I am not falling for this mole mularkey...spent all last series watching a bloody bullseye target on the floor...did it do anything...NO! Red herrings the lot of them. All tho I'd love a real jaw dropping twist.. [ more ]
littleleicesterfox Yeah, but what if Sree's vid is set up? [ more ]
DanceSettee That'll be Charlie then...the T-shirt saying don't believe Charlie with the word Lie highlighted twice was a bit of a giveaway surprised i haven't seen any threads discussing this before [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
stephsparkle Hmm, the thing about Sophie and Rodrigo is she has never acknowledged that they are friends in the DR. They have shown her in there TWICE on the HL show being asked who she is close to in the house. On both occassions she said Kris, and last night she also said Karly, but never has she mentioned Rodrigo... So what's that about then? [ more ]
Puss see hal, short arms [ more ]
hal erm he can't pull the girls [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hi you people
Mozart ello shyster enjoy the forum, and have fun [ more ]
mad4cavs Re: Hi you people [ more ]
Shyster Thanks again, Kind people =) In answer to a question on the previous page, I have come out as a Female to male Trans. Not the easiest thing I have ever had to do! lol. But it's best part done now and a huge weight has lifted!! =) As for the meaning behind my name, I have been a shyster in the true sense of the word, BUT that is not the reason behind my user name =) Thanks again all of you x [ more ]
See all 96 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i'm i the only person that
hal I think he's been snobbish from the very beginning (but he does it with charm so its not very noticeable or grating),the other group appear worst in their inverted snobbery plus attack of him... He's funny at times, but now has dropped some of his mannerisms... Everyone in there is playing the game...its how they played it, and how we percieved them that counts I think. He's alot like Luke actually with his observations and ponderings, marcus adviced him to circulate, so he's working the... [ more ]
Puss Well I think he's nice compared to that lot. [ more ]
Azure. I dont like him, I find his waffle damned annoying, he is a hypocritical game player constantly accusing others of what he is doing himself and his diary room visits are so ott its cringeworthy to watch, last but not least his true arrogant self is on show now. [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've bitten my tongue for long enough.... now tell me you lot... do you make a habit
fz ..he said early on he liked to have to chase a girl...then opted for the easy option. He is now bored and no nearer a good seeing to. [ more ]
Marguerita Hi Barmy She seems a very needy person she is tied to Kris hip,hate the so called romance both of them are soooooo boring to watch [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Yeah... used to when I was single... its kind of a standard template innit..... You say you'll 'platonically' share a bed... they lend you a t-shirt to sleep in (the shortest one they can find), they zone in for a spoony type platonic cuddle.... which turns into a sneaky grind. Then, depending on whether they are actually doable or not.... you scoot over to the other side of the bed and make a duvet wall... or you feebly tell them off and giggle! [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Looks like C4 might have recieved complaints...
Pwillow It was the way Sree phrased the question the first time and his response,all in front of Kris and Charlie that made it an insult and an attempt to belittle Freddie imo. I know they talked later on but for me the first time was Sree being nasty and showing off in front of the boys. Guess it's just a case of agree to disagree here Take care Blizzie [ more ]
Blizz'ard Hi pwillow. I agree that the maths question was Sree trying to prove that he was better in some ways than Freddie i.e. at maths, but I honestly think that was because Sree thinks getting into Oxford, despite having dyslexia, is actually pretty impressive! The fact that he used the same expression in a completely different and friendly context, convinced me that 'the dyslexia student' was just a Sreeism and not meant to insult or belittle Freddie. [ more ]
Pwillow Guess we see things differently,i got the impression Sree was ridiculing Freddie not trying to prove that he was better at maths than Freddie,it was the comment after he asked the maths question,it was 'Yeah,thought so' thus trying to show Freddie up and make him look stupid for not answering because he was dyslexic. I wouldn't have gone as far as to ring Ofcom about it,i just thought that it showed Sree up for the small minded idiot he really is! But if we all thought the same,the world... [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nothing worth talking about tonight :-/
tierac And that's all that matters. lol I don't care if there is a twist and he is the only one up for eviction. Siavash must stay. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Yeh, the difference is, most years the crappy housemates are evicted early on, but this year they seem to be cruising towards the final. [ more ]
captain marbles They seem to be suffering from some sort of delusion that we have the slightest jot of interest what those two muppets get up to. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I dont know who i dislike the most
Yellow Rose I dislike most of them equally for different reasons. Only one I really like is Freddie. Siavash seems ok but I've not seen enough to know whether that's a good judgemement or not, maybe I should watch LF more but basically have lost interest in it. [ more ]
WILDER X I agree. I even switched the hls off as it was that boring. [ more ]
Azure. I swiched the show off tonight, I really cant be bothered with any of them, I cant find anyone to get behind and I honestly feel BB have scraped up the dregs of humanity with this shower. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree on LF last night..GRRRR
squiggle If Sree was the last person in the house I reckon they should just turn off the lights and we will watch something else on our telly box, the winner? no way! [ more ]
Twee Surgeon I swear I could see Freddie smirking at that point. Me? It made my night when one of them said there was too much garlic in the food. I heard Noirin say in the bedroom 'the house stinks of garlic'. It was 40 love to Freddie in the Garlic Match, no doubt about it. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon When they all end up with food poisoning they will then all agree that perhaps, maybe, it might be a better idea to let Freddie do the cooking after all. A good dose of the screaming hab dabs would be the best medicine for them to bring them to their senses. Or perhaps your theory is correct lol. That's one way he could win the show, and probably the only way. [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did Norin really say that Freddie hasn't had an argument in the house?
einna Freddy is in a no win situation with this lot. The fools actually believe that the public are keeping him in to annoy them!! When are they going to comprehend in their small brains that he's likeable + they are not!!! [ more ]
Liverpoollass They are just seeing and hearing what they want to in respect of Freddy. [ more ]
Ducky The same way Rachel didn't get into arguments last year I suppose. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Computer help, please!
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Sounds as if your fan and/or motor might be preparing to snuff it. [ more ]
peggytyson Thanks for all your replies, i never thought of the fan going, how lucky am i to have such a great load of brains on here!! peg x [ more ]
Heartache If it's a laptop, mine was doing the same and l was told to get some compressed air, to blast out the dirt and dust. If a desktop, and you stand the tower on the floor, l bet it's clogged with dust. My mother had her's cleaned and it was chock a block full. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There's something about Noirin.... but what?
Liverpoollass I think it might be because, as much as I don't like her, she probably has more between her ears than the other two. Both the blondes look too easy and have nothing really to offer, except the obvious. [ more ]
Former Member Dogface is "seeing" Krap Kris and Karly has a boyfriend on the outside I think so that only really leaves Noirin as the focus of attention. That's not taking anything away from her though - she's an attractive girl. [ more ]
Shar Good post senora ... Noirin is by far the most beautiful girl in there and, I agree, it's not hard to see why so many have developed crushes on her ... She does have a controlling and bossy nature ... she has a strong personality, which is one of the reasons I do actually like her, as she is her own person, but I can understand how those particular traits do her no favours at times ... [ more ]
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