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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When is BB going to punish hm's for openly...
Liverpoollass There is definitely something going on in respect of nominations. They may not openly discuss them, but I think there is some code work going on [ more ]
j0anne obvious to me [ more ]
Mozart [QUOTE]Originally posted by amelie: The gang found ways of circumventing the rules by talking about hms they don't like and why. We've seen some of that on the very limited LF so there must be a lot more going on that we don't see. you see what i see but because they aint actually saying nominate or get him/her out next the stupid BB producers are not interested. But Lisa and Karly too are influencing all the same. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
150 years in jail for crooked Wall Street financier Bernard Madoff
Liverpoollass Shame we don't have those sort of sentences in this country. [ more ]
Former Member We've agreed over loads in the past, I actually really like you, you say what you mean regardless of how many people disagree with you and I respect that Now shurrup and come and polish my tap shoes [ more ]
Blizz'ard 'Do you think I'm Madoff money?' takes on a whole new meaning. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest betting odds
Liverpoollass I think, after all he is going through in the house, he is allowed to do a bit of bitching. Although, that is not what I would call it. [ more ]
cologne 1 I couldn't agree more about L/F, we know nothing really other than the spoonfeed we get. As for Freddie, I suppose his fans are a bit more protective of him because of the way he's treated in there. He's a great HM and has been on the verge of leaving every week. I sort of understand that he's getting a bit uptight now and again. I do feel though that he's consistant in what he says, in the DR and out. Having said that, I quite like Rodrigo as well. [ more ]
Marguerita Hi cologne I like both of them and none of them are perfect but it is getting a bit tedious reading posts if anyone looks at Freddie side ways its poor Freddie but he can say what he likes and its okay,I can see there faults even though they are my faves .. at the moment ,but it is early days and it could all change just wish we had LF and we would have a better take on the show [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
All housemates up for eviction this week?
darloboy (Play The Game!) No it was just Patrick and Denise saying that they was shocked he died, then they put some of his music on was a short scene . [ more ]
CheekyPixie I HOPE SO, But who to vote for?? Kris or Sree? Hmmmm *ponders* BTW Darlo hunny; I didn;t see the MJ bit of Eastenders last week. Did I miss summat? [ more ]
cologne 1 Wow, that would be a great twist. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gone right off Siavash - totally.
Twee Surgeon brisket, thank you for the lovely compliments. To be bracketed with PCE is a compliment in itself as she is one of my faves. She is polite and respectful to everyone, makes her point without offence. I try to be the same, always respecting the other point of view. The law of averages says that we cannot be right all of the time. The principle I work on in the forum is that if I feel that the poster is getting personal and veering from the subject, I will not reply. The Troll Tank is full of... [ more ]
MrMincePie Personal attack? Damn i hate that rubbish... some people need to grow a pair of .... and stop whinging. Maybe i spend too much time on YouTube? seems the way to win the debate there is fire insults about others mothers [ more ]
Twee Surgeon I am thinking that that quoting could be the longest page-eating quoting in the history of the forum. [ more ]
See all 140 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris haters
Joyron Well said. I think that's the second time today I have agreed with you!!! [ more ]
Kaytee Dull, thick,sneaky,thinks he's the dog's,deluded...I could go on and on. [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy I agree with the reasons given thus far. Also the fact that he paid females to feed phoney kiss n' tell stories to the tabloids makes him a serious contender for top position in BBs all time biggest bellends hall of fame. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So who will Freddie be up against this week ?
Aquarius I think its a dead cert that Freddie will be up again and very probably Marcus. Its sad cos although I'm not keen on Marcus I'd like to see a few others go before him. [ more ]
Bethni I've managed to guess right the last three (doesn't take rocket science) bu t i really hope Team Nasty make a boob with their second nomination and we get 3 up this week. [ more ]
Former Member I'd say Freddie vs Sree or Marcus [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Man in the Mirror is Number 1 on i-Tunes!!
fabienne For sure. Man in the Mirror is one of my personal favourites, but there are so many brilliant tracks to choose from. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon PCE did you see the tribute made by the inmates in, I think, Thailand? It made me cry again today. For someone to have so much impact throughout the world, it must mean that he reached more people than he ever realised. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Im glad he is getting his due respect now as an artist and an innovator of pop music and culture.... His legacy will live on... [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I now know why Noirin keeps Sree around
Penelope Pitstop I think it's because she enjoys the attention and also she enjoys telling him off and tut tutting at him. Maybe she's hoping his pathetic pursuit of her will strike up sympathy from the viewers. Initially I thought that Noirin was being nice, trying not to hurt his feelings and that may have been the case at first, however they have had many disagreements. She had the opportunity to nominate him last week but didn't which surprised me if she was so annoyed by him and his attentions. [ more ]
Demantoid She's kept him around because Lisa has protected him up until now - and she wouldn't dare cross Lisa. She even voted the way Lisa wanted her to last week, despite anyone with a brain knowing she'd rather be rid of Sree. Now Lisa's withdrawing her support from Sree, Noirin will do likewise. [ more ]
Kaytee I think she's just ensuring that he doesn't nominate her...she tend to vote like one of the sheep [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bring Back Live Feed - Please Sign This
BBBS they are not going to bring it back in 2010, all they said was they were "reviewing" it for 2010, just like they "reviewed" it after cbb6 failed, its just a tactic in the vain hope that people will stop complaining about it because at present just about the only coverage bb can get in the press and on forums is about them cutting the live feed. [ more ]
Getthekettleon Whats the point really? They say they will bring it back for 2010,if they were gonna give it us for 2009,they would have.Nothing is gonna change their minds now is it? [ more ]
BBBS you do know that petition was for cbb6 and not the current bb dont you? read the text of the petition. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
stephsparkle I think it was Kris, Karly, Charlie and Sree? They showede them eating them right at the end of the show last night, so maybe we'll see the HMs reaction (if there was any) tonight? [ more ]
bozzimacoo gameplan what's a gameplan? they're everywhere, bb is the the biggest gameplanner of them all! [ more ]
cologne 1 I thought I heard one of them say something like that too. fz the fourth person in the kitchen was Kris. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Siavash and Freddie chat about Noirin?
Tequila I'm afraid Ive gone off Noirin in the last couple of days. She kept Sree at arms length all week and told everyone she didnt even want to talk to him but then as soon as they were told the format for nominations last week she immediately took him to one side and made "peace" with him. If she'd stuck to her so called "principles" or even done that after nominations, I'd have had more respect for her [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly Was thinking the same when Marcus was chatting with her about other hms gameplans. I thought shes the wrong person to be expressing your feeling to. She has a very good position within the house being best mates with Marcus and still being included in "the crew" therefore she is able to play both sides against each other. [ more ]
captain marbles It wouldn't be a bad idea for them to watch their backs where Noirin's concerned. A very clever HM IMHO. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blur on at Glastonbury today!
Dirtyprettygirlthing I thought that Blur looked like they were struggling when I watched them on the telly at Glastonbury last night! I just felt something was 'off', like they were struggling with the sound equipment or something. Prodigy were fab though. And Pendulum were good too! [ more ]
likeafire "The Universals here, here for everyoneeeeeeeeeee!!!!!" Brilliant performance!!! Loved it Loved it! Proper talented musicians. They didnt show 'This is a low' faerykelstar but i could hear them playing it in the background. Here is them performing 'This is a low' at the NMEs. It was there first song they played live sice reforming as a band. Hope im allowed to post the link. I apologize if im not. [ more ]
MoFo My favourite Prodigy song... Give us the old stuff!!! [ more ]
See all 76 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Cheek of Lisa, unbelievable!!
stephsparkle While I really dislike Lisa and relish any opportunity to revel in how awful I think she is... I must say it's hard to judge this situation prperly without LF. They were awarded the tokens for cleaning the house and would have been told what their prize was going to be in advance as usual. It's perfectly possible that Lisa discussed the possibility of swapping a token for clippers before she went in the DR. She's still a manipulative cow though. [ more ]
Kaytee My flabber was gasted at the barefaced cheek of the woman [ more ]
Demantoid I've been saying from week one that all she needs is a hod. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've met people like Kris before.
justafriend to be avoided at all costs. thats why i stay in the corners of the clubs and pubs they dont come near. [ more ]
tupps 'Style' over substance Poolie. [ more ]
Poolshark , Yea and Browns, those bars down Hockley, and the Lace Market. What is it with people like that?, I drink in Hockley but only in The Angel and Bunkers, at least the people are normal there, you also see idiots like him at The Waterfront on Sunny days. Gangs of dweebs and silly towny girls. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well it looked all set to be a good weekend!
Sexy_Kelly My bum really does hurt. Im having trouble walking [ more ]
Former Member Aww Kelly if you're not good enough to chat to when you're out and about then he's not good enough to see you in private But what is this? "being ignored is something iv got used to and expect" Stop that right now Or I'll kick your butt - including your newly discovered muscle. No one has the right to treat you badly and you must never expect to be treated that way. Now come here and let Aunty Veggie give you a hug [ more ]
GorgeousMimi By the sounds of it your better of hun, doesn't sound considerate at all. x [ more ]
See all 13 replies...

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