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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does Noirin have anything reassembling a friendship with Karly or Sophie?
fz I can imagine before noirin came into the house she knew there'd be a vacuous bimbo...she wasn't expecting two. And having 5 younger brothers she is bound to be comfortable with males. I can't see her and the girls having any common ground. I had hopes for karly at the start, but she is plummeting into the mire at a rate of knots. She has had zero opinion on anything for the first three weeks....and now all we see is her bitching with lisa or kris. Noirin will do better to steer well clear. [ more ]
Noirinnn no she doesn't bitch with them either [ more ]
Soozy Woo Karli and sophie are very close do we know that they've simply not ostracised noirin? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Virtual Baby Shopping
Former Member save ye a bliddy fortune [ more ]
Former Member v.v. nearly but they're proper 'cotton' rather than t-shirt type of cotton if that makes sense, (think Victorian nightdress ..OOO blush ) and they have a PROPER drawstring, not bliddy elastic! My local 'posh' baby shop reckons they could make a fortune if they could source them [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Ah well, if genetics has anything to do with it, baby will be much more inclined to the naked and free way of thinking. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin doesn't b!tch about Freddie like everyone else!
Bethni The 'other's' bitching of Freddie consists of, 'I cannae stand Freddie', 'He tried to talk to me, idiot!', 'Freddies a w****r'... etc etc etc... Freddies bitching of Sophie consisted of, 'I think Dogface and Kris are false'. Bit of a difference there i think. Also i dont think Freddie's comment's were really aimed at Sophie.... more an observation of Kris. [ more ]
Marguerita That was nasty very ungrateful on her part, when he finds out she nominated him he will be very hurt. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Sorry about that. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
SpiderMonkey Quote of the series belongs to Angel, when Sree asked her if she thinks he has a good body, she replied: "This is not the body of a man!." [ more ]
MrMincePie for me its from siavash when he was a non-hm. BB announced the kitchen was available to all HMs and he thought it means him aswell but quickly realised it doesnt mean him. "All HMs! f***! Were not HMs..." [ more ]
Twee Surgeon Personally me, but for all the wrong reasons [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What do you want BB to do to make the show better?
lil_lady two or more new housemates to go in and see the looks on thier faces ,would stir things up a bit [ more ]
Lady-Jester I think BB should put a stop to all this "I want to go home" malarky. BB should just say "Okay, if you will take the door to your left, you will be held in a comfortable room untill arrangements are made. You may leave the Diary Room". That would soon put a stop to all the attention seekers hoping everyone will coo over them. [ more ]
mad4cavs live feed and an alpha female older than lisa, someone like last years lisa who is intelligent and can really show the muppets up and be company for freddy [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie is annoying when he eats though
Bethni My OH has a friend who eats just like him..... and punctuates it with the occassional 'mmmm Tasty mmmmmmmmm'. It drives me insane but i still invite him to dinner cos he's a great guy. Freddie has more nice qualities than bad and thats why i like him. I weigh up the pro's and con's of all the HM's and choose the one i like the best. Freddie win's hand's down. I like Siavash also, even though he has voiced his disapproval of Freddie at times. [ more ]
Marguerita It must be very hard not to hear them eat because of the microphones they were just hear some noises louder than others [ more ]
Liverpoollass Everyone has annoying habits and traits. It is magnified a thousand fold when you are living 24/7 with someone. I would rather have Freddy making noises when he eats, than the other bad-mannered, arrogant, ignorant bunch [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
As much as I strongly dislike Sree
cologne 1 Can't stand him, but I agree. The blands are staying, no matter how much we protest. [ more ]
*~TeePee~* I'm not a Sree fan at all...but I do feel sorry for him...its mostly his fgault, but he takes a hard time in there, is constantly degraded by other HMs, yet he doesn't give in, despite the fact it obviously upsets him...soi for that reason, I would prefer him to stay, it would annoy some of the vile pigs in there, such as Marcus no end! [ more ]
Senora Reyes True. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LOL's why is Karly putting on make up for sports day??
Senora Reyes Re: LOL's why is Karly putting on make up for sports day?? [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Oh... I am totally with you on this one Senora... However, you should have seen my daughter and her friends at their sports day... (she's 16)... and as it was their last sports day they were having it with the boys grammar school (she's at the girls school). The result.... alot of over made up, under dressed... St Trinian looking girls... and over-gelled haired boys... wearing their sports shorts halfway down their legs (Darnell style). I saw them all leaving.... my son and I had tears in... [ more ]
stonks I put makeup on to answer the door.... [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Men and mud masks
Sarum Maybe you ought to sing rugby songs too, just to be sure... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Ha... my hubby used to snigger and laugh at men that used face cream.... gayness in a jar he used to call it. But I have recently found an ever growing range of man grooming products in the bathroom.. including eye wrinkle gel! He hasn't done the mud mask yet.... I may have to leave my pot of bodyshop bluecorn mask out and see if he's tempted! [ more ]
Cinds Where's Trollop? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bigbrother RE this weeks nominations
Yellow Rose Cameron, that's it, he was so not entertaining I forgot his name lol. and Steph drove me crazy with frustration and anger lol [ more ]
Yellow Rose As we don't really know what the GBP think it's a possibility they enjoy Sree stirring the pot more than the niceness of Freddie [ more ]
Cosmopolitan That's it. The one with Cameron, Nush, and Steph. It's certainly reminding of that series. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Boring BB
fookat oh every year someone says this - i still enjoy it every year [ more ]
Azure. and its going to get more boring now as all you will have left after Friday is the fauxmance, Sophies drunken sluttish behaviour and the screaming shrew controling everything. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan We survived - just..!!! through BB4 Bore and I really never expected the PTB to go anywhere near that route ever again. But they have. I keep watching and thinking (praying?) that it'll get better. But somehow it never truly does. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Poor guys - funny though lol! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I am sitting here giggling.... my son is infront of me, in his gaming chair, laptop on knee, with headphones on... then behind him, husband is on sofa, with his laptop, with headphones on.... (and they are communicating through MSN!!!) Oh... and the dog is hiding under the kitchen table! Still, daughter and I are alot happier now... we get to watch girls telly without their annoying interuptions [ more ]
DanceSettee where's Punch My Significantother??? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Someone in the house are not who they say they are! Twist?
fabienne oooh, I wonder what they're up to [ more ]
Bethni I've replied and said something along the lines, unless you return livefeed along with the forum get lost and dont email me again! Words to that effect. [ more ]
Bethni Well i jst got one... it also wanted feedback from me as to what the public were really feeling towards Freddie..... was it a genuine liking or just because we dispise the other housemates. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris being horrible to Freddie on BBLB
Twee Surgeon I can't work out why Kris has such a problem with Freddie, other than it is probably jealousy. But his dislike seems to run deeper than that. Perhaps Freddie is everything Kris wishes he could be; posh, educated, classy and rich. Kris' eyes give him away all the time, he is like a fox seeking out his prey and he is forever baying for Freddie's blood. He is a twisted resentful little chav whose hatred overspills, and leaves him looking like his inner inferiority complex is imprinted on his ... [ more ]
Videostar Kris is a twat. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I feel sorry for how he is being treated in there but I am hoping he is going to have the last laugh [ more ]
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