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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eviction spoiler which we knew is now confirmed
Former Member I kinda miss the silliness of nomcam [ more ]
amelie Freddie should have continued to sit there and persistently ask Kris why he found him annoying. Kris might have cracked and attacked him leading to removal from the house or at least automatically being up for eviction. [ more ]
kimota Oh good at least that will be an anti Fred vote gone on Friday. Bye Sree, you have been entertaining at times but your time is up! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris's parents must be sooo proud, same for Marcus!
Mazzystar Marcus is a twat!His comments to Noirin the other night were gross!She should have slapped the bloke! Kris is a nasty spiteful oik.Freddie gets on my wick,but I would really love to see Kris in a head to head with him.Kris will be certain of surviving,so to see him go would be one of those Sezer moments! They are both thick though.They dont seem to realise the GBP vote out anyone who they see as a bully [ more ]
Demantoid Maybe not, but the truth isn't always pretty. [ more ]
Suzy I thought both Kris and Marcus's behaviour was wrong. There was no need for Marcus to say that. He can talk sense sometimes though, which is more than can be said for that moron Kris. What a horrible shallow person he is. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Without further nomination twists – could Sophie be on a free ride to the BB10 final?
Cold Sweat Slander! Slander I tell you – utter slander! My favourites from the previous 2 series were, in fact, both in possession of the highest IQ score for their respective series! [ more ]
loislane Past favourites are always blond, gorgeous & slightly dim. [ more ]
kimota Even if she were'nt part of the core group that dominate the house, I think she would survive as she is fairly laid back and inoffensive. I don't find her at all interesting though! [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
SHOPPING TASK "Italy" - 24 hour task! (For Sree and Dogface at least!)
brisket I recall that when they did the Hey Nonny Nonny madrigal, Karly was very frustrated and annoyed by Freddie`s desire to get it right. I also remember Rodrigo trying hard at rehearsal. So it could be that Karly may be a weak link, simply because she does not like Freddie. [ more ]
Demantoid Sorry, I read it as meaning BB had chosen which roles they played. I am NOT a conspiracy theorist, although my mum doesn't believe the yanks really landed on the moon [ more ]
cologne 1 No, but it was a safe bet he'd go for it. He does like his singing. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Update on Sun's MJ leaked autopsy report
Rev. Dim Dale I am sure there will be lots of lies and speculation. I think the guy should be quickly and quietly buried so he can rest in peace. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Thanks for the update hun... Fern Britton disappointed me when she used that garbage to probe Michael's friend yesterday.... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Neither do I ..........what's tbe problem with it? Personally I think it's deserving to stand alone. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother, It's just not good enough!!
Aquarius Maybe you're right Temps. I just keep thinking of how good it used to be and want to get back to that. I don't mind arguements and controversial people in moderation. This year they are all much of a muchness since the evictions and they are boring me to death. Maybe they got the mix wrong. Time to stir it up BB. [ more ]
Guest Do you think it's us as viewers that are fed up with it? They put argumentative people in it, we don't like it, they put non argumentative people in, we don't like it? Maybe we've just had enough of the show? [ more ]
Guest Do you think it's us as viewers that are fed up with it? They put argumentative people in it, we don't like it, they put non argumentative people in, we don't like it? Maybe we've just had enough of the show? [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My good deed of the week.
Blizz'ard I saved a spider from being a playmate for my son. [ more ]
mad4cavs i phoned the police and reported someone for keeping 4 dogs[jack russels] in a 4x4 i couldnt believe it in this heat,police came out and educated them 4x4 and dogs gone now ,people nearer told police they were going to report it,luckily i had to stop at a junction for a car and thats how i noticed them in there the night before can you believe it makes me so angry [ more ]
head fook Re: My good deed of the week. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
According to someone on DS Sree has....
kittyuk Will they announce the noms on BBLB so we can see their faces? [ more ]
Hicky Sree is a little boy, when he gets in an agument he runs to get support before long. He runs to the DR to ask to leave after each dissagreement he has. He is just a little lad trying to act big, but he can't fool the HM's and he doesn't fool us here either. [ more ]
boink if he does leave! which i doubt then the eviction is off surley! unless they put everyone up! sree get out and lets have our say on who stays [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Missed HL show! catch-up please???
Comrade Ogilvy OP, If you're not boycotting C4 you can watch it on 4OD. Oh.. and if you do watch it you might want to join up with the AKK Foundation... [ more ]
Former Member Mrs Bossy Knickers team won and had a disco, Kris decided he would take charge of the kitchen while she was partying, and had a right old go at Freddie for not doing the dishes immediately Kris had ordered him to do so [ more ]
little_mrs_bb Quite! [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie wants to be up against Sree. Is he getting a bit cock sure?
Towno :) Excellent post. Freddie seems to have his wish if the spoilers are true about this weeks nomination results. [ more ]
jacksonb i think reddie is quite astute in hw he assesses the housenmates,well apart from his'angel really fancies me' phase, i reckon he knows sreee is an irritant not just to the hm's but to us as well. [ more ]
squiggle Very very well said, spot on Twee Surgeon [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa and Karly cig buts
Teddy Bleads I'm trying to come up with something smutty to say involving Lisa complimenting Carly on a lovely big but nothings comming. [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly I have been this desperate a few times When you have no money, no food and no cigs and 2 days to go until pay day. Believe me, going through your own ashtray is the least of your worries. [ more ]
captain marbles They'd discussed it earlier and they were definitely going to make rollies. Lisa had obviously done it before as she displayed a certain expertise in the technique. I'd be a hypocrite to condemn them though,because, as a nicotine addict I'm not too sure I wouldn't be doing the same if push came to shove. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ricky touched my bum last night
Mentalist I'm with Demantoid on this, don't give it away to blokes that aren't worth it. And as for the other one, if he's taken why is he putting his hands on other girls bums, doesn't sound like a prize to me. Enjoy yourself kelly but gives yourself the respect you deserve [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly Perfect! something to keep me very busy and away from the pubs and clubs of Selby (except when im working in one of course) [ more ]
Demantoid I wouldn't go that far. Some of those can be bloody high maintenance.. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who is worse ?, Poodlehead or Dogface ?
kattymieoww Poodle headed Kris,he's eaten up with jealousy over freddie.That's why last night he couldn't give reasons as to why he doesn't like Freddie when he asked him. [ more ]
Demantoid Kris - his dislike of Freddie borders on pathological, and he won't be happy until everyone in the house hates him as much as he does. Fred's never done a single thing to warrant such antipathy, so the problem must be in Kris's head. Sophie's been dragged into it, but she's so stupid, I'm amazed she can dress herself without help. [ more ]
Mozart Kris what kind of person can harbour such hatred for a person that they hardly know.I dont often use the word bully but last night i thought Freddie was definitely being bullied by Kris to do the washing up. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are we certain that Freddie is the central character for BB10 to revolve around?
Cold Sweat Sophie, in particular, is very close to Rodrigo. I noticed last night on the LF that Sophie (with Kris) was back in her own bed - next to Rodrigo. This looked like an interesting shift; instead of Kris being flanked by Charlie and Sophie, we now had Sophie between Rodrigo and Kris. [ more ]
brisket A few days can be a long time in group dynamics. Before September everything can be turned on its head, and we may then wonder why on earth we felt as we did in June. Change is one of the few certainties in life, and this programme is no exception (plus the programme makers will do their best to introduce artidicial change.) [ more ]
Twee Surgeon I noticed that too Jeggo. He didn't like the gang mentality. If there is one thing about little Rodrigo, he stands up for what is right. I would predict that, if Sree is up this week for eviction, it could be little Rodrigo who may have swung the noms. He is a bit of a dark horse imo. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hate the word 'bully' but tonight I think there was some bullying...
carotino It could be four.. [ more ]
Former Member Yes Azure, it appears we do differ. I don't support either of them, or in fact Marcus, but at least Freddie is honest. Sree on the other hand is condescending, a habitual liar and a hypocrite. None of these traits do I find entertaining or endearing in the slightest. [ more ]
cinderella123 I think you and me would get along just fine. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...

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