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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Biggest Boo"s In BB History
Marguerita They have all been bood this year so far I dont like to see any of them being bood it makes me cringe [ more ]
Rawky-Roo The rent-a-crowd would boo a puppy walking out of the house [ more ]
Soozy Woo I think she was one of the first ....oooooooh actually I think stuart BB2 was the first. It's become so common place now it's pretty meaningless ........TBH I think booing is mostly uncalled for (except in exceptional circs). [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why is Angel having to share her week on BBLB
Former Member Poor old Georgie is only spouting what channel 4 tell him to spout. Davina is the same. Both have been trying to turn the public against Freddie at every opportunity and that is one of the main reasons why he survives every eviction vote. [ more ]
Videostar I like Angel but those two were better and more entertaining HM's, plus BBLB always have former HM's on the show. [ more ]
Hicky Probably sharing because noone knows anything about Angel, and I don't think anyone wants to see her, but BBLB are probably contracted to have her on. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live feed tonight...
cologne 1 Yep, especially as they get more tired. [ more ]
Videostar Lots of bitching time to be had there. [ more ]
cologne 1 From DS: Sree and Sophie will run the 24-hour gelato shop, where they must be ready around the clock to receive telephone orders. The resident fashionista, Siavash, must wear a silver barrel, chicken hat and platform shoes to pose on a podium in the middle of the living room every time a klaxon is heard. Kris and Charlie must dress in the Italian national football strip and celebrate in the garden every time they hear 'Goal Lazio!' Meanwhile, football reporter Lisa must complete game scores... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario, Lisa and Angel on BBLB
darloboy (Play The Game!) I really didn't like it when Kat was trying to turn everyone against Lisa , they made the mistake while Mario was there she knew Lisa could see through her and was threatened by it. [ more ]
Videostar Mario the great was onto Kat from day one. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) , he did have his bad and deluded moments though . He clocked onto Kat and Rex straight away. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What are you looking forward to?
queenshaks 2 and half weeks....when we break up for 6 weeks....whoooooop!! [ more ]
fookat some time off work. Havent had any for 3 months as Im temping. And then when Im taken on permanently everyone else has holiday already booked for the whole summer! [ more ]
angelicarwen I'm also looking forward to the day I win the lottery I am going to be a good fairy and not tell anyone I have won and leave ridiculously expensive presents on peoples doorsteps and things Muhahaha [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Say im not the only one
Former Member Ummm, I think I agree, but your opening post was very hard for me to read. I depend on capitalization and punctuation in order to understand what I am reading. [ more ]
fabienne You're not the only one. I hardly ever want to stay up to see the highlights, yet that is all there is, apart from videoclips, which don't mean a great deal out of context. It's a dilemma, ain't it? [ more ]
Shiver snap Lecs [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Murray Vs Wawrinka
LGS course he will Murray has a great win record against Fed [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg Murray had a hard day because for once his 1st serves werent going in but with that Wawrinka used his power to good effect that backhand of his is deadly how its so accurate yet he still gets so much power behind it is pure joy to watch even if i was supporting the other guy but Murrays speed and just being able to pull off every shot in the book saw through in the end . [ more ]
The Secretary Which year was that? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X-Box360 help needed!!!!!
MrsB It's a standard..thanks hun...will try this [ more ]
Mentalist What type of x-box is it, an elite, standard. Could be graphics chip and will have to be sent off. Ring microsoft and they will tell you how or if you have to pay. I hope this is ok because I have asked the three teenagers standing in from of me and they are all in agreement. Hope this helps. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
with Sree going this week it will begin the decline in team Lisa
darloboy (Play The Game!) BB only probably reads DS and their crappy C4 message boards , but still then they don't listen to what the fans want. [ more ]
cologne 1 Unfortunately, if my feeling is right and BB don't want Freddie to stay, there will be no intervention. I don't normally agree with it, but if they read the forums, they'd realise what the fans actually want to see and it's not Team smug. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I don't want Freddy to go or Siavash, but I can't see that not happening unless BB inject some sort of twist into the nominations. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is "annoying" a way of saying nominate
Amythist Kris's speech about Sheree being just annoying rather than an annoying little brother seemed full of significance and hes also pinpoints Freddie as annoying too. So Freddie v Sree would be no surprise [ more ]
Twee Surgeon and there is a vague resemblance to Compo (RIP Bill Owen) in Last of the Summer Wine when she has that black hat perched on top of her head too. [ more ]
cinnamon girl She even looks like Baldrick [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I Can't Believe The Nolans Are Reforming
spongebob squarepants she wants to do a levels in the 6th form at her school....english lit....history...physcology(sp) and philosophy.....gawd knows where she gets her brains from!!!!!...(not me...i can't even spell the subjects!!).......if she doesn't go the 6th form....she's got a place at b'mth college.... youngest is sooooooo much happier at her new school....absolutely loves it.....she's back to her old self which is good.... da pudgie was born lazy.....earlier on he stretched and fell off the sofa......he... [ more ]
Former Member Word up me sista What is the eldest doing now then? Is she going back or does she want to work? As for the youngest - glad she's happy again after the school change Da pudgie is not lazy He is traumatised by the botty bionics innit you'll have a great time at the Nolans though, I expect they'll have some other acts from that period too so it'll be a laugh. I've been to a few 70's nights with Mud, Suzi Quatro, The Rubettes etc - always had such a fun time. The St Johns ambulance had their... [ more ]
spongebob squarepants nooooooooooooo need to apologise wilder!!!!'s different strokes for different folks innit?!!!.....i'm going for a good ol sing a long girly night out cheesefest....... [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member I've just had a huge bowl of Kelly's ice cream (the Cornish manufactuer, not the sexy forum member), for medicinal purposes. I think my temperature has dropped a degree to 40C now. I don't like it this hot. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Dull and very humid here, even with a fan on it seems just to be moving the hot air, looks as if the sun is trying to come out. [ more ]
old hippy guy HATE WINTER, horrid dark dull short days and long cold nights, UGH, if (when) I win the lottery I will NEVER see a winter again. its been grey and VERY close n humid up here in the N/E all day, been working on my shed sweat has been running off me and dripping onto the roof,...for once the gods were with me...I had JUST knocked the last tack in on the waterproof roofing stuff, when the heavens opened, was like having a cold shower lovely and me shed is water proof so I dont care, I LOVE... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree threatening to walk - and why he should
cologne 1 Sounds good. [ more ]
Twee Surgeon I think BB should shackle Sree and make him stay because he is going to go into meltdown over the nominations. It will be Planet Paranoia for three and a half days. The gang will feed his ego, then self doubt will raise its ugly head, then he will go into the DR and torture BB (my favourite bit), his narcissism will ebb and flow like the tide, he will drive everyone up the wall asking them 'do you like me', and then he will go on Friday. Personally, me, that is what I want to happen. [ more ]
j0anne srees ego will take over ...he will be like a bear with two heads on one side he will be annoyed and frustrated at being up on the other he will think he will be beat freddie as he is a popular one... the team cool will feed his ego saying you wont go you will be popular ect he will go inot stupid stunt over drive.... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I don't think Sree will walk because of noms
Lister_of_Smeg i cant wait to see Lisa and her pack of bullies Kris Charlie Karly etc faces when Sree gets the boot it will be pure magic . [ more ]
BBaddict Sree is good at giving it but he cannot take it. I thought he was totally out of order with the dyslexia bit too. Can't wait to see him go, good riddance [ more ]
WILDER X I think there is a possibility sree will walk when he hears he up for nomination. I don't think he will be able to handle it. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noirin uses her looks to....
Koala Brother what a self centered little madam. She makes me [ more ]
Former Member I've lived in Brum since I was 13 and for the most part I have an English accent though not particularly Brummie however, as soon as I'm with an Irish person or when I go home it reverts to Irish. Mine was largely due to it being "dangerous" to have an Irish accent as I moved here shortly after the pub bombings so my mother sent me for electrocution lessons and it broke my Irish accent My niece and a few of her friends in Ireland have this faux yankie twang and it drives me nuts mind you so... [ more ]
kimota Marcus was right in that article when he said he is a 'living tool' [ more ]
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