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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
sheep or wolf ?
kimota I like to think I would be a shepherd, but group dynamics mean that once you are in there you see things differently to those observing. I can only go by my actions in the work place where I have always tried to undermine the wolves and challenge their decisions, but I think the early friendships you form in the house are crucial. If you get in with a crowd you may find yourself excusing their actions but being over critical of those you don't spend as much time with! [ more ]
Towno :) Not that I would go into the house in the first place, but I doubt I would be either a sheep or a wolf. Eeh, they've had their names over the years these groups... Jungle Cats, Plastics, Happy House, B-Blockers etc. I think I'd try to stay mates with them all and do my talking in the DR. I don't like confrontation so I'd be a rubbish housemate. [ more ]
Former Member I'd be up for eviction every week as I can't stand to see people being picked on. I'm fairly laid back most of the time but my God I use my gob if I feel the need to challenge bad behaviour [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Could BB play the Fake Romance card?
captain marbles That's a damn good idea. Something is needed to put the brakes on the inevitable progression of Charlie to winner status. [ more ]
kimota I think only Siavash has been punished individually so far. Plus the whole house got punished for talking about noms by means of a price rise for food a few weeks back. A shame BB don't strip Lisa and her cronies of a vote or two. They have been quite clever so far but have to slip up sooner ar later! [ more ]
Liverpoollass Exactly. Mind you, they have hardly enforced any rules this year. They all talk about nominations, but no punishments. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pick my road trip songs.
Soozy Woo I know it's kind of depressing but I love 'Road to Hell' Chris Rea ....especially if it's raining. [ more ]
DanceSettee Oh yes ..a must have That's on a continuous loop with Radar Love by Golden Earring in my car [ more ]
Rev. Dim Dale The Script Canned Heat Tears for Fears Simple Minds Pink Floyd Black Eye Peas DO NOT TAKE PAOLO NUTTINI Mrs D bought it cos she saw him on the news one morning and its utter SHITE [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So the whole 24 hours' activities were so boring...
littleleicesterfox Definitely! We could come up with lots of evil questions... tbh I think I've spelt it wrong there - I think it has another 'p' - but it's still much closer than Kris lol [ more ]
Former Member ha ha ha also which Sci Fi programme are the Jedi from - Star Wars or most definitely not Dr Who? [ more ]
littleleicesterfox We should have a spelling bee with Kris vs. Freddie and you have to spell 'Phillipines' to not get nominated [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie & Rodrigo Are More Suited
Scotty Re: Sophie & Rodrigo Are More Suited [ more ]
Cold Sweat My favourite is the "true colours" card as soon as a housemate does something bad or nasty - despite several weeks evidence suggesting a perfectly decent character. It isn't fair to say everything about a housemate is false, but then again it is even more unfair to be selevtive regarding falseness! [ more ]
Liverpoollass Good point. I know you like her, but I just find her very false. Obviously, not everything she says is false, but alot of it is. Thereagain, who knows perhaps her bitching is false [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Could Kris be up to 3 - or even 4 nominations next week?
Scotty Kris is almost guaranteed 3 noms from Freddie, Marcus and Siavish. It really depends on how Noirin and Rodrigo use their second vote, which this week went to Sree. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Nor can I. I haven't noticed any shift in their understanding of Freddy either, or did I miss something on LF last night? [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Yup. Kill the queen ant first. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I feel like Rodrigo says what people want to hear
Liverpoollass I think he is like an old woman tbh. I was never keen on him, liked him when he stood up to Noirin, but I find him sly and a whinger. [ more ]
DanceSettee Rodrigo is the most assertive person in the house.....I like the way he deals with things and think he should do workshops when he gets out certainly says what he thinks... [ more ]
nanalou Roderig came across as a hypocrite in tonight's highlights. He told Sree he was rude for interuting him (Rod) when he was saying something bout living in Leeds. Fair enough, Sree was talking over Rod and yes, that was rude. Later on, Rod and Sree were talking in the garden and Sree was yakking on about something (I couldn't understand what he was trying to say) Roderigo kept laughing and interupting.......a bit hypocritical Rod! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris, Charlie and cueball dont like the noise in the livingroom.
Liverpoollass Freddy should've said no, do your own dirty work. [ more ]
Cold Sweat The 2 guys that seem to believe that they are the fun characters (Kris and Charlie) are more often than not sucking the fun out of the house for everyone else. For instance, I watched around 40 minutes of the LF last night, and in that time Sophie seemed to be enjoying herself in the company of Roddy, Marcus, Siavash and Freddie – than she ever does when around Kris! [ more ]
Mozart they fecking annoy me, thinking that they own the place, and i wish freddie would get a backbone and tell them to go feck themselves when they demand he does things. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should Kris' mates be put in the house ?
Comrade Ogilvy You all know I'm kidding right ? The quote is true though, the idiot did say that. [ more ]
Shar No more Kris-types please .... I really hope any new HMs who are put in shake things up a bit ... the nominations are getting ridiculous with all the interesting characters getting the most noms ... [ more ]
Former Member I'm thinking that more housemates will be introduced soon, and if there is a Brad Pitt lookie-like, he will self combust. I would love for all the girlies to have someone to adore who is actually adorable and can string a full sentence together. However, with BB intent on giving us looks over matter, sexuality over integrity, and ignorance over intelligence, we will get a lot more of the same. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
langster LOL! Marcus amuses me greatly. For someone who speaks so much sense, he doesn't half speak a load of shite as well. He was going on about when people ask him what he wants to drink in a club he always says " a pint of JD" and then mentioned that nobody had ever bought him one. He sounded genuinely surprised and disappointed The fact it costs £44 and would be illegal to serve anyway obviously eludes him. I do like him though, bless [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) they aren't indeed. [ more ]
madgey So thats the inspiration for the task.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sree fans
nanalou Re: Sree fans [ more ]
Blizz'ard Er, can you do 15 x15? 225! Thought not!! *** knicks Mollie's garlic *** [ more ]
Mollie Sree really is beyond irritating to watch... he just does and says the same thing over and over! getting boring and not entertaining... he is not bright, he has no charisma.. ( bit like some of the other numpties in there!) so he will most likely go this Fri... [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
ITV 2 are driving me up the wall!
nanalou I don't like that one either. The sound of the slap on the back of the girl's head makes me cringe. My 12 year old granddaughter puts her telly on to mute as that advert scares her. [ more ]
cologne 1 J. R. Hartley. [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] And me Like the ones with kids jumping on furniture and throwing tantrums in supermarkets etc etc ... it sort of makes it acceptable in some peoples` minds. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
God, I feel sick
nanalou I'm so bloody angry! Animal cruelty is at the top of my HATE list and although I'm sure the owners of these poor creatures didn't expect this to happen.......they should still be charged with neglect and failing to ensure their animals were safe. It makes me so bloody mad to rhink of how these poor dogs must have suffered. I once sat in the car waiting for my sis in law, all windows were open but I was so hot I had to get out of the car. What chance to animals or small children have? Why... [ more ]
CheekyPixie actually cologne, that reminds me of someone earlier on tonight who said their cat tried to climb in the fridge. MY cat did that too about an hour ago! [ more ]
CheekyPixie awww how cute! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the way things are going, I'm seriously considering putting a TENNER on
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! Hiya Cologne I am particularly well at the mo - there has been a lot going on here, if you want to talk to me separately, I would appreciate it - so PM me if you like. I'm going now tho so wont get round to replying til 2morrow?? xxx [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! you and me both hunni!!!! I'm going to stick it out for now and hope that good triumphs in the end, BUT, if all we end up with is the battle of the egos, then I cant be bothered [ more ]
Marguerita I made up my mind tonight this was the last night I was watching BB I am finding it very predictable even the threads about BB are predictable, I am bored of it now all I have to do now is get a life [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Booze again!
cinnamon girl Oh my...if only I could have reached through the screen and twatted him one just then! And then twatted Charlie's grinning mug. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! oooooh great idea - I'll sell mine for £20 a tab anyway, if I was BigBro I would have told the brokebackbrothers that I would consider it, then call them back into the DR half an hour later with a shedload of AA related leaflets and rehab suggestions [ more ]
Syd I'll have two please... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Freddie has alienated himself from the group"
Dark~Angel Sorry.. just had enough of the other HM ****wits who only see what they perceive to be true.. aghhhhhhh! *is calm again* [ more ]
Dark~Angel *repeatedly bashes own head on wall* Alienate himself? Alienates HIMSELF? No YOU LOT ARE DOING IT FOR HIM! *screams* [ more ]
brisket Actually Freddie is one of the few who have made definite efforts to socialize and bring people together. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Grrrr I don't like Rodrigo
forgetmenot Did like him a lot but his reasons were so stupid, a man has ambitions and thats why he nominates him!! grief, what about sad little bimbo girls with hair extentions falling out all over the place and blown up boobs.. I think they pick on Freddie as they know he has a chance of winning, end of and also because they are jealous as hell of some one who has worked hard and can string a sentence together.. but I hope the ladwer of the sheep is up next week, LISA, she is one nasty bit letting... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Ah... well I have NO defense here... I have to admit I am only half watching big brother at the moment... so 'ahhhing' is about as deep as I have gone! [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I will when he stops being an arse! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Circle of Moms on Facebook
sunny dayz I agree, i will not put my childrens pics on the internet or their details. I have told my daughter too WHEN IF she goes on a chat room (a childrens one when older)not to use her name and make something up. I am very internet consious on things like that. I have known of someone who we all knew for years on a forum and she turned out to be a compulsive liar and had lied about something very traumatic which we found out when someone phoned to say how sorry they were...blew me away..i'd been... [ more ]
charlisock You're not the only one [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose can't believe this - totally agree with you [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just Tried Waxing Again
Dirtyprettygirlthing Queenie you nutter. I promise you... maternity wards are in a time warp... its all very 1970's style thatching! [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I'm trying to be nonchalant about it but I'm completely mortified at the thought of anyone donning a David Bellamy style beard and shouting gwapple me gwapenuts as they try to forage through my undergrowth. [ more ]
Hypermnesia With my first, I had a last minute panic and my sister gave me a trim. Second and third, I didn't give a monkey's chuff and my downstairs probably looked like one too! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kris and Charlie want all the booze
Cold Sweat We all saw what Kris can be like when not involved with the fun - such as the Sports day party. When it came to alcohol 'payback' it would be a nightmare for the rest of the group. If Freddie can keep Siavash and Marcus onside, and insist on some reasonable group decisions being made, we might actually end up with an enjoyable house for all! [ more ]
Tweety How selfish And they said 4 weeks at first! PMSL [ more ]
Liverpoollass Like that is going to happen [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yes Rodrigo, Freddie does want to be an MP.
Videostar I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's because he's posh that they have a problem wit him. If Freddie was just the way he is now but with a cockney accent he would be fine with the others. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) I think he is copying lefty Lisa, he gargles back what Lisa spits. [ more ]
Videostar He allows himself to be influenced by Lisa and her mob, always there in the background listening to their bitchfests. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dirtyprettygirlthing Unless she was made to use an exercise bike! [ more ]
tupps you know you love him.. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing We have just been having this conversation.... we wouldn't draw the line at Bex, (I NEVER thought I would hear myself saying that!!!!). Mo and I had to name a SINGLE past housemate that we would not allow in.... (remembering that it is in current house... so in some respects the more annoying and evil the better... to give me some entertainment and stir up this lot of no marks!).... I had to draw the line at Belinda, Belinda, Belinda..... I have a feeling she'd fit right in the current... [ more ]
See all 19 replies...

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