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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Manchester Police Have Called Off The Moors Murders Search
Soozy Woo i can see what you're saying and why you're saying it but .......................they have searched and searched and searched again's good IMO that they've held their hands up and said 'NO MORE' ...there really is only so much you can do with no new evidence. I know this sounds heartless but ......just imagine the expense of keeping these guys on the case year after year with nothing new to go on. Iain Brady is one eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil individual. I bet when he dies... [ more ]
Former Member Aren't these bar stewards always? [ more ]
Former Member Re: Manchester Police Have Called Off The Moors Murders Search [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Right, I'm Off To The Hospital
Kaffs Queenie... I'd be tempted to walk into my doctor's surgery, sit down and tell them I'm not moving until you've some sort of plan sorted out. I've had no kids, but even I know you should be having those checks. Go kick ass, gal! [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I know it might sound daft but it's good to hear that maternity services are not rubbish everywhere. I'm glad you're getting decent care. Hopefully things will start improving for me soon too. [ more ]
mad4cavs i have nothing put praise for my maternity care on all 4 of my children no 1 forceps delivery 9lb 3oz no 2 9ld 1 oz normal very fast labour and delivery 1hr no 3 kept in hosp 2 wks unstable lie had her on the eve of my planned c section normal very quick delivery again around 1 hr 7lb 10oz the last being an emergency section 6 wks early[6lb 1oz]as he had turned transverse with his hand down the birth cannal it was touch and go for a while but thank goodness we both survived he does have a... [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
do you think charlie could change sides
darloboy (Play The Game!) Charlie is so annoying and has been fake from the start, he might have realised that the public don't like their clique but he chose to be in it so he would still have that against him. He's two faced and backstabbing that if Lisa and Kris went he would suck up to the others but he's not as nasty as them. [ more ]
amelie Everyone has told Charlie he's a winner and he believes it. He's never been verbally nasty to anyone that I can recall and he thinks people will like his little pranks (deluded). I was watching Charlie's expression when Lisa and Freddie were having their confrontation. I think it might have dawned on him that viewers could be keeping Freddie in because they hate Lisa's clique and he is part of it. If Lisa or Kris in particular were evicted, Charlie might try to appear to be changing sides... [ more ]
Liverpoollass *ouch* [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Here is the video of the Freddie/Lisa crew argument
Pwillow Never before have i wanted to scale the walls of the Bb house and lamp Kris and chuck Lisa in the pool,those 2 make me so mad! Who are they to tell Freddie he's playing the victim,he's not playing the victim,he's being victimised by them and if Lisa think we viewers out here think she's in the right and are on her side then she's sadly mistaken. And i wish Freddie had told Lisa not to point at him after she told him not to point at her and then she goes and pokes her finger at him. I'd... [ more ]
Leccy I'd have been dead tempted to snap her finger right back if she stuck it on my temple [ more ]
Mentalist I'm in, I've got me taser(sp) and me knuckle duster [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tech help needed
Yellow Rose Oh thanks muchly Daniel I'll do that [ more ]
Former Member Looking at the task manager and/or the performance tool in administrative tools allows you to look at the memory of the programs that are running. If one of them is enormous then that's probably a problem application. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Yaay, I did it!!!! Thanks so much Koala, have had this problem for weeks now and it was driving me BIG HUGS for you and all here who gave their time to help me [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie reveals his Lisa strategy?
mad4cavs go freddy i would love to go in there and tell her a few home truths the thing is she is that daft she wouldnt understand grrrrrrrrrrr and kris what a stuffed shirt grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [ more ]
Former Member She can't argue very well at all can she? Her answer seems to always be just to decide not to talk to the other person. How you get on in life acting like that I'll never know. [ more ]
Joyron Let's hope so. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It makes me so Sad... they gang up again
Bolton Fan I've just watched the video and I am so angry. I cannot stand big mouth Lisa who's always allowed her opinion but Freddie is not allowed his, bimbo Karly, actor Charlie and most definitely that horrible, up himself idiot Kris [ more ]
old hippy guy how about the queen bitch [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) , i'm sure you can think of a good name for Lisa too OHG . [ more ]
See all 75 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Judging by Sree's reaction to losing the race/4 cans... imagine him on Friday night?
Joyron Now what is that phrase? Pride comes before a fall seems to sum it up for me!!! [ more ]
squiggle The bottom line with Sree is that he thinks he is above everyone else. He is actually guilty of what they accuse Freddie of! Did you notice his remark to Siavash about prestige and social standing when he lost the running race. Translation I am a million times better than you are anyway mate! [ more ]
Kaffs I can.... and I CAN'T WAIT!!! [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lisa and Kris GANG UP on Halfwit Again - GET KRIS OUT!
bozzimacoo bb like outrage, gets the ratings up and the phonelines hot! [ more ]
kimota I have'nt found anyone who matches the nastiness of some past hms so far but Krap Kris is rapidly shaping up to be a major hate figure this year! [ more ]
stephsparkle Siavash is already Freddie's pal... to the extent of nominating Kris specifically because he was mean to Freddie. Judging by the HL show last night, I think Team Vulture will have the knives out for him too soon. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB, have they told the HMs about MJ?....
Luxor Yes you are right, and I am dismayed that a person who's only claim to fame in the last twenty years was the changing colour of his skin and court cases, brings such sadness to thousands. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Yeh! Now you say that, maybe it's better to keep it quiet! Can you imagine Sree!!! What a plonker! [ more ]
Lockes Its still news from the outside world they have either got the rule or they havent [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New housemate to enter the house this weekend.
mrsstipe It needs to be someone who can go in, walk up to Lisa and say 'I know what you're up to I've been watching you' But it'll probably be someone who just goes along with the grisly gang [ more ]
Former Member would like to see a good looking, intelligent female put in to give Noirin something to think about . But in BB land dont think thats possible !! [ more ]
Former Member Is it Bubbles ? The poor thing needs something to take his mind off MJ And I don't see why he shouldn't cash in as well [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddies Little Grin :D
Sexy_Kelly If things keep going the way they are. I hope Freddie goes up everyweek until hes in the final. They propbably still wouldn't work it out. [ more ]
Liverpoollass There will always be an excuse as to why Freddy has been saved. What are they going to think up when he goes up against one of their lot and survives, I wonder? [ more ]
Former Member So much the better when Sree goes! *rubs hands together with glee and cackles* [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wil Kris still be able to pull in the outside world after he's evicted?
Mentalist I'm not repulsive [ more ]
Liverpoollass Of course he will be able to pull. He will have queues of girls wanting to be seen with him, so they can then sell their story to the NOTW [ more ]
Former Member Now, now. You're being too harsh on poor ole Kris. He'll still be able to pull a Christmas cracker with his dear old mum (unless she has fled the country). [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Siavash the most respected housemate, within the group?
jamieboy heyaa trollop siavash is gonna be the only h/m i will vote for i didnt for science and look wot happened there [ more ]
Trollop Siavash was always like this even when Cairon was 'in da house'! He was the one who made Cairon and Sree make up after the fall out. People expected him to be like Cairon cos they were friends. Hes a top bloke and I like him a lot. And big respect to the pigtails [ more ]
stephsparkle This is excactly what I was thinking, although I'm hoping that Kris might be their other vote... I would much rather see him out... ergh! [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Glum outlook - Team nasty looks set to win
mad4cavs we just have to keep voting out whoever is up against freddy [ more ]
Liverpoollass I really hope they do bring in some new HM's, but I doubt they will. BB don't seem particularly interested in the show. [ more ]
amelie BB surely will bring in some new hms soon - that may switch the balance of power. Also if there are seven hms in the final week when it's down to the public - then the 2 outsiders are pretty sure to be Ist and 2nd. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who nominated Who
Liverpoollass If Kris is nominated and goes, that is going to change the dynamics of the house. He is openly hostile to Freddy and makes no bones about the fact that he dislikes him. At least the others, attempt to talk to him and don't insult him openly. [ more ]
Scotty I know Lassie. Pathetic is a good description. Once Sree goes on Friday she`ll have to make another choice apart from Freddie. I`m hoping she`ll see the bigger picture. Her and Rodrigo`s 2nd nomination are crucial to seeing Kris up. That`ll do for starters. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Oh for goodness sake. That's pathetic. They must really be scraping the barrel. So the fact that Kris and Charli are probably the most annoying people in there and the most selfish, doesn't warrant her nominating either one of them? [ more ]
See all 10 replies...

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