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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fell asleep last night around 8pm missed BB, can anyone please give a quick synopsis?
Blizz'ard Truth be told, I never did have a natural mind! [ more ]
Senora Reyes Now that would have been a HL show to remember! LOL's [ more ]
Rekaf well, an argument happened between halfwit and kris....half wit said kris was thicker than the man who had entered a being thick as pigshit contest and was disqualified for being too thick, kris headbutted halfwit who parried with a half nelson, at that point lisa came in, screamed that all women wanted to have sex with her then fell arse over tit when siavash kicked her in the upper lip, sree leaped to lisa's defence but was felled by a flying drop kick from marcus who had just finished... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hope you're all having a much better day than me
Rocking Ros Rose aww you poor thing [ more ]
Jenny Aw Deman. I'm so sorry the injections have stopped working. I hope they can sort something out for you soon. I'd take the sick note if I were you. You could do with the break from that stinky place of work, especially feeling tired and drained and down as you do now. [ more ]
Aquarius Not a single one Blizzie! Maybe they think I'm a snake oil salesman. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How weird was that when Sree was in the diary room
Former Member Not withstanding all of the above..watching it again now and he's genuinely really, really upset. Can't stand him, but poor chap is putting on a fake smile and can't show his feelings at all. He's clearly been 'pampered' and 'sheltered,' has no emotional intelligence and just doesn't know how to socially interact. Feeling a bit sorry for him...won't last 'though, I'll be laughing my off when he goes on Fri night! [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] He`s gonna start acting all sweet and innocent now ... poor little Sree .... and how sweet he was when he was woken up and couldn`t remember the ice cream order ! aaahhhh diddums [ more ]
Former Member (0ne of the bookies on oddschecker has him at 1/200! Hah! ) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
mary_bee Haha yeah, someone came and got us around 11ish. We had plenty of scrounged Monday morning scavanger alcohol to occupy us so we were grand. [ more ]
jonono well that plan must have worked as you seem to be home yay!! [ more ]
mary_bee I lost my phone on Wednesday, gutted I was. And slowly all of our batteries ran out so on the Monday we were all sat in the collection field just sort of...relying on a parent to maybe come and get us. We figured that as long as we got there we could cross the bridge of getting home when we came to it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
GAAAH KRIS, I just want to punch him in his whiny voice!!!!
Karma Waters He is pathetic, hope he gets nominated soon. [ more ]
cup tonight was the longest i have ever heard him Then he ran away to lisa half way through I thought when he first came in he would be fun fair good housemate Oh i even feel sorry for dogface he is playing her as well no cannot find anything about him i like at all [ more ]
stonks How could he have an arguement while looking like one of the Terry's.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No Kris YOU do the math, HW has been up and survived 3 times..
Mentalist That's because he is inferior. Who would have thought he would have enough brains to recognise said fact. Ok he doesn't but he is inferior in every way to Freddie. [ more ]
Yellow Rose I shouted the same thing as your title. The way he spoke to Freddie surely made it clear to him that he nominated him. Hope Freddie noms him next week [ more ]
squiggle Yes Duckypup but a well-deserved inferiority complex you must admit [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
freddie can talk down to people
cup The way he speaks down to people at times ma [ more ]
Selina K I think Kris of "the Philippines is spelt with an F" fame, feels intellectually inferior to Freddie, and rightly so, but I don't think Freddie treats him or anyone else as such. In fact, Freddie could be forgiven for using picture cards and hand puppets to hold a conversation with some of them without it looking patronising [ more ]
squiggle How do you think you would have fared in that "discussion" with Lisa cup? How would you have handled the situation better than Freddie? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The whole cast of Corrie is dead.
jonono Wait till Salleeh finds out, she will proper go mental with MOlleh on the cobbles of weatherfield! There will be much hair pulling! I feel sorry for little Tyrone though, he might end up belting Kevin with a spanner!!! [ more ]
Rev. Dim Dale have more respijk [ more ]
lisagotnoshame What about poor old bitter tuppence ha'penny snob Salllleh....and Raaaawseh.....and poor bible bashing Soppppheh?! [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karly me no likey anymoreee...
HyacinthB Me no likey from day one but thought I would give her the benefit of the doubt but she's proved me right. She is a nasty piece of work. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Just out of the convent is oor Karly. [ more ]
Summer_Breeze - and she rants on and on about Marcus using "swear" words, like she doesn't? Hasn't she met anyone like that before? She looks like she's been around, is that really a lie? [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus's lingo in a nutshell
Summer_Breeze And who could forget the classic "You've got a luvvly pair o' tits though luv, i'll give you that, luvverly. When are you gonna geddem out again? Have a coat hanger,gis a twirl nice to see 'em to see 'em nice. I'm a tit man me." spoken with true romantic spirit and love. PMSL I like Marcus. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
July 13th: Big Brother celebrates TENTH Birthday with twists and surprises
BBBS will it still be on air by the 13th? the way its going down the toilet without the live feed they might have replaced it with reruns of friends by then. [ more ]
Videostar FINALLY we get to see Lisa's manhood. [ more ]
cup I read in press it was housemates from the past going in This was before bb started this year could be all rubbish and speculation from press who knows [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Emabarrassing Bodies C4 75 Penis on screen...
Shiver Oooh lady, I was thinking of you when they were farting around with that woman's region! Im glad you didnt see that before you did your thang...Christ that'd be enough to put anyone off for life [ more ]
Sarum Re: Emabarrassing Bodies C4 75 Penis on screen... [ more ]
lisagotnoshame Gawd, you can definately tell that Channel 4 (rip) forums is not present can say bum sex and fangita! [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help please!
storm Well said [ more ]
storm LOL Little miss, glad I cheered you up But seriously, this woman sounds like she really cannot be trusted around children. I sincerely hope that all is Ok for your girl, but I fear that the only way to deal with this woman is to involve the head and probably the cops Good luck hun [ more ]
Bethni Yes Super that is exactly what i was told last night. It's just the way the school has handled it so far is wayyyy not the way the school here would have. The boy's legal guardian would have been called immediately to the school and, if a case was to be answered, the authorities would have been informed. It's scandalous. [ more ]
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